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Pakistani nukes averted 3 wars with India : Dr Samar Mubarak

and Hindus loved us?
yeah any doubt compare the muslim population of india nd pakistan

& please google nd c how muslim population in india has increase(with ur so calle hindu hatered:lol:)
and how ur hindu population has decreased

Mushy is so great dude..here is another 'gem' from him

“Pakistan’s space programme is now ahead of India after the formal launching of Paksat-1 and this is due to the hard work of our scientists, and I am sure Indians would take another 30 months to do the job. ''

He is right. But now that we have nuclear weapons, we desperately need dignity, pride and honor that comes with it. To get those virtues, we need strong economy.

So every May 28 anniversary, we should strive to find solution to our economic problem. Without strong country, strong weapons are no use as was the case with Soviet Union.

Sir, Possessing Nuclear weapon is not equal to honor/ dignity. NK is a good example.

The honor/ respect won't come easy it need to be earned. But in Pakistan's case there ate too many skeletons in cupboard to get rid of them.

You current acts/ policies are not taking you any where, your nation needs a serious debate on your policies and future plans.

I hope sanity will prevail and sane minds in Pakistan join hands to lift people of Pakistan to have better lives and end suffering.
Pakistani was a country born out of hate (towards Hindus). Bomb happened because of insecurities and realization that Pakistani was and will remain weaker than India. Only option left was the nuclear black mail.

was that mentality used when india procured its 'nukes' after china?
Thanks to our Indian 'folk', their hatred towards us made us a nuclear power.

We dont hate Pakistan we only hate your proxy wars started in 1947 and still going on. You guys say Kashmir is what you want but then u sent raiders in to Kashmir. How can you win the hearts of the people with guns? the Maharaja ended up acceding to India.

And the Proxy war ........ began.

PS: You guys dont need nukes to prevent wars with India, just stop terrorism and there will be no wars. And there is nothing to be proud of in owning nukes yar!
Thanks to our Indian 'folk', their hatred towards us made us a nuclear power.

Lets not be that simplistic, strategic engagement, threat perceptions, and attitudes of top ranking general on both sides during the formative regions led to state of relations between the two. Lets not disguise Pakistan's security aspirations under the blanket of indian boogeyman.
with the word World, u mean USA, and their azzlickers which include Israel, India, UK,.. or ur talking about the world that also have countries like, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, China, Turkey, Middle east countries, and many more ??????????

nope,by the word "world",I meant it literally.and as for your "azzlicker" theory,it was not India but another country in the neighbourhood who can't be named signed in Ceato and Cento,enjoyed free weapons from usa for 60 years,fought war on their behalf,gave them strategic bases and still now,living on the "American Dole" while getting regularly bombed by the same country..so much for "strategic friendship" and "Azzlicking" theory..
yea u r rite ..now ecnomical war is been faught between the nations.....
Not yet. The economic war has not even started yet. Pakistan is not yet upto the level to fight an economical war with anyone. First open up ur economy and let Indian companies in, then we see who is a winner and who is a looser in economics.
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