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Pakistani nukes averted 3 wars with India : Dr Samar Mubarak


Apr 28, 2011
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Zee Media Bureau

New Delhi: Pakistan has averted three wars with India, thanks to its nuclear capabilities, said nuclear scientist Dr Samar Mubarakmand.

In an interview to The Nation, the nuclear physicist revealed that Pakistan took the decision to conduct nuclear tests in May 1998 at a meeting of the Defence Committee of the Cabinet, which was held two weeks prior to the explosion in Chagai, Balochistan.

Dr Mubarakmand, the senior scientist who played a key role in making Pakistan a nuclear state, said all the attendees of the May 14th DCC meeting, including the then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, gave their go ahead to nuclear tests by Pakistan as its response to the five tests carried out by India three days ago.

After taking all its friendly countries into confidence, Pakistan on May 28 carried out five tests and on May 30, exploded another nuclear device to move a step ahead of India.

The Nation further quoted the nuclear scientist as saying that after Pakistan became a nuclear power, three wars with India were averted only because New Delhi knew that Islamabad was in a position to come up with a matching response.

He cited the 1999 Kargil episode, then in 2002 when India deployed troops on its border with Pakistan and in 2008, after Mumbai attacks, the tense ties between the two sides did not lead to a war because of the nuclear capability of Pakistan.
`Pakistan averted three wars with India after nuclear tests`
Three wars with India averted after nuclear tests: Dr Samar

Pakistan had taken the decision to carry out nuclear tests at a meeting of the Defence Committee of the Cabinet, held two weeks before the devices were actually exploded in Chagai, Balochistan, on May 28, 1998, a senior scientist who played lead role in making Pakistan a nuclear state said on Monday.

Dr Samar Mubarakmand told TheNation on the eve of the 15th anniversary of the nuclear tests that at the May 14th DCC meeting all relevant people were present and they expressed their views on whether Pakistan should respond to the five tests carried out by India three days ago.
The meeting was presided over by then prime minister Nawaz Sharif while Dr AQ Khan, the foreign minister, the services chiefs and Dr Mubarakmand were among the attendees.
Mr Sharif patiently listened to the views expressed by all participants. Most of them said the situation demanded that Pakistan should display its nuclear capability without any delay. When the majority opinion came in support of the tests, the prime minister also added his voice to the same view.
“On this,” Dr Mubarakmand recalled, “I asked the prime minister whether I should go to the field to carry out the explosions.”
“Not yet,” replied Mr Sharif.
The nuclear scientist said the prime minister told the meeting that before testing the nuclear devices Pakistan would take all its friendly countries into confidence. For this purpose, he said, special delegations would be sent to various states and on their return home the go-ahead would be given.
The green light was given on May 20 and the teams of scientists and engineered took the process to its logical conclusion in nine days by carrying out tests.
Five tests were carried out on May 28, as a result of which Pakistan came on a par with India. Another nuclear device was exploded on May 30.
As a result, Pakistan got ahead of India in this field.
A day before the DCC meeting, Mr Sharif had separately called Dr Mubarakmand to ask what would happen if the tests failed. “In that case Pakistan would have to face a very serious embarrassment,” Mr Sharif said answering his own question.
At this juncture, Dr Mubarakmand told the prime minister: “We’ll make 150 per cent efforts to make the tests a success. However, the result is in the hands of Allah.”
He further said that everybody should pray for the success of the mission.
Replying to a question about what had actually happened on May 28, 1998, the nuclear scientist said it was a very important day of his life. On this day, he said, when he asked the relevant engineer to press the computer button to carry out the explosion, everybody present on the site wanted to see something practically exploding. The time was 3.15pm and when nothing happened for five seconds, everyone was worried. “These five seconds were the longest period of my life.”
However, when the explosion took place after five seconds, everybody was very happy and was raising slogan: “Allah-o-Akbar”.
Dr Mubarakmand fell prostrate to thank Allah for this great achievement.
Answering a question, the nuclear scientist said after Pakistan became a nuclear power, three wars with India were averted only because New Delhi knew that Islamabad was in a position to come up with a matching response.
He said after the 1999 Kargil episode, there was a possibility of a war between the two nuclear neighbours. But India did not dare go ahead because of Pakistan’s nuclear capability.
Then again a tense situation came to be seen in 2002 when India deployed troops on its border with Pakistan. The standoff continued for several months, but the war was averted.
In 2008, the relations between the two countries got strained after the Mumbai attacks. However, the situation did not lead to a war – again because of the nuclear capability of Pakistan.
After the nuclear tests, Dr Mubarakmand said Pakistan also developed a delivery system for the nuclear weapons.
He said Pakistan became a nuclear power because of the collective efforts of a large number of scientists and engineers.
ANNIVERSARY TODAY: Pakistan will celebrate the 15th anniversary of its 1998 nuclear tests on Tuesday (today). The day is called Youm-i-Takbeer.
A special ceremony is being held at Aiwan-i-Karkunan Pakistan building where incoming prime minister Nawaz Sharif will be the chief guest.
TheNation and The Nawa-i-Waqt Editor-in-Chief Majid Nizami will preside over the ceremony.
Mr Nizami had told Mr Sharif in May 1998 that if he did not explode the nuclear devices to settle scores with India, people would explode him.
This year the tests anniversary has gained added significance for Mr Sharif as only after a week he will again take over as prime minister for a third time.
Former foreign minister Sartaj Aziz, former Wapda chairman Gen Zulfikar Ali Khan and Begum Majeeda Wyne will also be among the speakers.

Three wars with India averted after nuclear tests: Dr Samar

Yep! We were sh!t scared!

But seriously this Dr Samar Mubarakmand, the author of the article needs to do a little research before oozing tripe! The fact is that Mush (and his 'gang of 4'), launched his disastrous Kargil war, confident that India would be too scared to respond due to Pak nukes and will be forced to barter Siachen for Kargil that he thought would have been captured by the PA!!

But his plan went awry and got a lot of egg on his face instead when the Indian Army went on the offensive and the IAF not only blasted the occupied posts to smithereens but also the main NLI logistics base at Mantho Dhalo on the LoC resulting in stopping all supplies to Pak troops deployed on the posts - ammo, water, K-oil and rations! According to Pak POWs, they had to 'eat' snow to quench their thirst and eat dry uncooked channa dal!!

Pakistani General Kayani (erstwhile 10 Corps Commander) even mentioned that Indian artillery was so intense that it rained hell on Pak positions with the deadly Bofors guns which was never expected! The planners thought that the Hindu banyas can't fight (As Gen Hasan of the FCNA had famously said!) and will never respond due to the 'Pak nuke threat'!! The banyas called Pakistan's nuclear bluff and the results are there for all to see!

So much for Pakistan's nuclear deterrence! And remember, two can play the nuclear game. India's response will be massive. It would not only be a counter-force but a counter-value response targeting every city in Pakistan, as per India's nuclear doctrine.
i sometimes think that at least one war would actually have been good for Pakistan, it would have united the people of Pakistan and prevented the widespread dissatisfaction felt by its people towards their government.
He is right. But now that we have nuclear weapons, we desperately need dignity, pride and honor that comes with it. To get those virtues, we need strong economy.

So every May 28 anniversary, we should strive to find solution to our economic problem. Without strong country, strong weapons are no use as was the case with Soviet Union.
We need to use those weapons against internal threats....
It may he seen as a taboo to use WMD within own country but right now certain parts f Balochistan and some tribal areas need to be scorched pretty bad..
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