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Pakistani nukes are stored Here[Says Indian satelite Expert]

lol americans worked their arse off but can,t find info on our nukes and these malnourished indians are acting efficient :lol:
How do you know what they know or don't know?

Never jump to conclusions about these matters.
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How do you what they know or don't know?

Never jump to conclusions about these matters.

Think about the problem this way:

There are only a few sites of production of the primary fissile material. Tracking shipments in and out would give a good start to a trail that can be followed much easier than trying to figure out dispersement once it has already occurred. Secondary deployments from depots can be similarly tracked.
Indians are so stupid, we worked so hard at producing rockets and satellites in the last 10 years, that we already have Pakistan mapped.

But these kind of news should never be allowed into the public domain!

You need to have the 8 submarines operational before you can talk about 2nd strike capability
Are you coming today to nuke us? Banya had nuclear warhead in 70's but could not dare to attack us.
Believe me, non of my countryman is afraid of war whether conventional or Nuc. We will love to embrace the death for the protection of our homeland.
Are you ready to face the death?

The writer has spoken the truth---and many are blind to it---.

First of all---with time---all the facilities will be located except for one or two---.

Secondlt what he has stated and what I have talked---a lots of money has been wasted to raise the nuc strike capability.

If half that money was spent on getting tier one strike and air superiority aircraft and naval ships----there would be better chance of negating the enemy's advantage.

Again---the reader should understand---the enemy has analysts going over the pictures of pakistan with a fine toot hcomb---and everything that is hidden---won't stay hidden---.
strategic long range silo based missiles are white elephants air superiority and tactical nukes are better and smarter solution

Thank you sir---. Our young kids lack common sense---.

If you want them to spit out all the secret---just tell them that their system is weak or worthless---. They will come out with all the information of everything else that they have as well.
well said, agreed.
strategic long range silo based missiles are white elephants air superiority and tactical nukes are better and smarter solution

I don't know if you took a break or something, but I didn't see your posts for a while. Good to see you back Uncle! ;):tup:
there are lots of myths abt MUSHAF AFB...i even once heard they have stored A/Cs in the KIRANA hills:p:...maybe ur right but all i knw is that nuclear tests were actually to be conducted in those hills and tunnels had been made for the tests but due to US SATs monitoring the place they shifted to CHAGHI and now its just a Radar base..
P.s there are few other hills in the region...really a beauty but damn they are being demolished for Bajri or rocks
how come you are sharing / guessing such a sensitive info. I am going to ban you within 24 hours from using internet forever,:offtopic:

To end the matter; Pakistan learnt how to keep its warheads and many launch systems safe from US spy sats back in the 90's. So google earth experts among others here can keep pretending they found some massive secret here.

Either way, the nukes are very very very safe from any prying eyes
Happy to read this.
Are you coming today to nuke us? Banya had nuclear warhead in 70's but could not dare to attack us.
Believe me, non of my countryman is afraid of war whether conventional or Nuc. We will love to embrace the death for the protection of our homeland.
Are you ready to face the death?

Yes I am sure you are ready to protect ur nation, while living and eating in the UK lol
how come you are sharing / guessing such a sensitive info. I am going to ban you within 24 hours from using internet forever,:offtopic:

Happy to read this.
Dont create any hype...what i said abt jets being stored in the hills is obvio a myth and stupid stuff...and yeah abt tunnels,thats NOT CLASSIFIED stuff its even on wikipedia(just saying)
and its not off topic i just replied that guy abt Mushaf base...and I KNOW WHAT TO SHARE AND WHAT NOT TO..
Dont create any hype...what i said abt jets being stored in the hills is obvio a myth and stupid stuff...and yeah abt tunnels,thats NOT CLASSIFIED stuff its even on wikipedia(just saying)
and its not off topic i just replied that guy abt Mushaf base...and I KNOW WHAT TO SHARE AND WHAT NOT TO..
Brother I was joking ...................cooooool:-)

Yes I am sure you are ready to protect ur nation, while living and eating in the UK lol
I am already reached Pak. Now you are challenged to come.
And where are you living on MARS?
Brother I was joking ...................cooooool:-)

I am already reached Pak. Now you are challenged to come.
And where are you living on MARS?
yeah ofcourse u cant ban me...that too forever lol;)
Thanks for letting us know.

We'll build new better camouflaged ones somewhere else, making sure to carry out construction only at night when there is cloud cover
Its what have been saying brother , but some just don't get it.
I would like to build on what @Oscar stated in his post and address some misconceptions. He is correct in asserting that we adopted a sound strategy to conceal our nukes but his statement may also give the wrong impression.

It is virtually impossible to conceal location of a nuclear facility (and) weapons storage compound on the land from the surveillance system of the US because it is a comprehensive network of different types of assets on land, sea and space that collectively work to identify targets of high value on the land (and underground) around the world. In-fact, American surveillance system is so powerful that it can track anything physical, even targets in motion. However, technical details are understandably scarce and actual capability is deliberately understated in documents released for public consumption. Another thing is that experts working with the surveillance system have considerable know-how of everything nuclear related and are able to figure out nuclear related developments in any part of the world because the fundamentals of such developments do not change much. For example, it is a given for a centrifuge to emit heat and that emission will be instantly picked up by a spy satellite out there. In the end, if a single sensor type won't work, another type might and a network of them is impossible to fool.

Food for thought:


Anyways, credible sources reveal that a large number of Pakistani nukes are kept disassembled and components are moved from one location to another from time-to-time in ordinary vehicles in order to minimize attention. Reason is that a stationary target will not escape detection for long and an ordinary vehicle is unlikely to draw much attention. This strategy sounds risky but it makes the task of neutralizing nuclear assets much harder in a single attempt for a potential enemy.

So if anybody asserts that American spy satellites can be fooled or jammed, his knowledge is limited. There are so many satellites out there that it is impossible to fool all of them at the same time. In-fact, a spy satellite is a silent observer and never registers its presence. We are not talking about GPS here. A genuine expert would tell you why it came down to moving nuclear components in ordinary vehicles in the end.

When it came to our attention that Americans have a contingency plan to seize our nuclear assets should they fall into wrong hands, a number of Pakistani naively boasted that they are fools and such. However, this leak was deliberate to send a statement to those in power in Pakistan that we are watching. To sane minds, this was an eye-opener and a wake-up call.

On a positive note, it is virtually impossible for the India to neutralize Pakistani nuclear capability on its own. I would say that the author of the relevant article is naive. So yes, MAD with India is far from over.

Anyhow, Pakistan is moving in the right direction by developing a seaborne nuclear capability. This would be a force-multiplier.
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I would like to build on what @Oscar stated in his post and address some misconceptions. He is correct in asserting that we adopted a sound strategy to conceal our nukes but his statement may also give the wrong impression.

It is virtually impossible to conceal location of a nuclear facility (and) weapons storage compound on the land from the surveillance system of the US because it is a comprehensive network of different types of assets on land, sea and space that collectively work to identify targets of high value on the land (and underground) around the world. In-fact, American surveillance system is so powerful that it can track anything physical, even targets in motion. However, technical details are understandably scarce and actual capability is deliberately understated in documents released for public consumption. Another thing is that experts working with the surveillance system have considerable know-how of everything nuclear related and are able to figure out nuclear related developments in any part of the world because the fundamentals of such developments do not change much. For example, it is a given for a centrifuge to emit heat and that emission will be instantly picked up by a spy satellite out there. In the end, if a single sensor type won't work, another type might and a network of them is impossible to fool.

Food for thought:


Anyways, credible sources reveal that a large number of Pakistani nukes are kept disassembled and components are moved from one location to another from time-to-time in ordinary vehicles in order to minimize attention. Reason is that a stationary target will not escape detection for long and an ordinary vehicle is unlikely to draw much attention. This strategy sounds risky but it makes the task of neutralizing nuclear assets much harder in a single attempt for a potential enemy.

So if anybody asserts that American spy satellites can be fooled or jammed, his knowledge is limited. There are so many satellites out there that it is impossible to fool all of them at the same time. In-fact, a spy satellite is a silent observer and never registers its presence. We are not talking about GPS here. A genuine expert would tell you why it came down to moving nuclear components in ordinary vehicles in the end.

When it came to our attention that Americans have a contingency plan to seize our nuclear assets should they fall into wrong hands, a number of Pakistani naively boasted that they are fools and such. However, this leak was deliberate to send a statement to those in power in Pakistan that we are watching. To sane minds, this was an eye-opener and a wake-up call.

On a positive note, it is virtually impossible for the India to neutralize Pakistani nuclear capability on its own. I would say that the author of the relevant article is naive. So yes, MAD with India is far from over.

Anyhow, Pakistan is moving in the right direction by developing a seaborne nuclear capability. This would be a force-multiplier.
Each measure has a counter measure, early days of spy sats; the measure was waiting for cloudy days. The new keyhole sats made it useless, so not its pretend you are a water tanker.

You may not be able to hide a facility
But you can build some that look like what a facility is supposed to look like and build others that don't look like facilities at all

Either way, our nukes are moved around too often and too randomly for them to be ever caught in one or few locations.

That is all there is to the matter.

If anything is going to compromise it
It will be compromised decision makers at the top level
These shelters are hardened and have passage ways for TEL to launch missile even during an air raid.
Crews are trained for the situation and contingency plans in place.

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