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Pakistani middle class is not playing it's role in Politics- Leading to current issues in Pakistan

Maula Jatt

Jul 24, 2021
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United States
Pakistani middle class makes up a good chunk of the country

"Attempts to quantify Pakistan’s middle class, largely based on income and the purchase of consumption goods, show that as many as 42% of Pakistan’s population belong to the upper and middle classes, with 38% counted as “the middle class"

Pakistani middle class by any metric's is not at all Small, it's was the 18th largest middle class pop in the world in 2015

Shouldn't middle classes be playing a more active role in pakistani politics and future of our country

For such a large demographics - there's no party for the middle class, except for MQM, you see our politicians and they're a mix of fuedals, rent seeking buisnessmen (not the one's who bring in money through exports or productive buisneses )

No one truly represents the middle class

If anything only Pak army represented the middle class but at this point I don't think they do

In every country middle class is the core demographics in any political movement but pakistani middle class slept through the 90s and 80s,2000s, 70s was for the poor classes and , in 2010s we saw rise of PTI with the help of the urban middle class
But I am not too sure if PTI represents Middle class (IK second in command is literally SMQ)

never have the middle classes shown any initiative throughout our political history, it's only in 2010s they kidna woke up but not really

Why is this the case? And why is our middle class amongst the least politically involved middle classes probably in the world - I mean almost zero representation with this much % makes little sense

Except faults within the psychology of urban middle classes
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Beyond voting, what could they have done? Stand for elections? That is not possible for most middle-class folks who have to work to earn a living. And to be honest, how effective is the parliament in making decisions? There is no culture of parliamentary decision making. Most of the decisions are made by the invisible/visible 'establishment' and everybody is satisfied with it. The thesis of the argument does not hold.
Why is this the case? And why is our middle class amongst the least politically involved middle classes probably in the world - I mean almost zero representation with this much % makes little sense
can a middle class person afford election campaigning? can they afford to shun their job and go out and ask for votes or buy seats in the senate? or pursue a court case against an influential personality, without any harm coming to them or their family?

also, will PTI, PMLN, PPP or any other party shun "electables" and nominate middle class (or lower) people for assembly seats?
without student politics middle class wont ever be able to take part in political system! middle class cant afford to finance big rallies so they can only propagate their msg as student activist.
Pakistani middle class makes up a good chunk of the country

"Attempts to quantify Pakistan’s middle class, largely based on income and the purchase of consumption goods, show that as many as 42% of Pakistan’s population belong to the upper and middle classes, with 38% counted as “the middle class"

Pakistani middle class by any metric's is not at all Small, it's was the 18th largest middle class pop in the world in 2015

Shouldn't middle classes be playing a more active role in pakistani politics and future of our country

For such a large demographics - there's no party for the middle class, except for MQM, you see our politicians and they're a mix of fuedals, rent seeking buisnessmen (not the one's who bring in money through exports or productive buisneses )

No one truly represents the middle class
View attachment 886183
If anything only Pak army represented the middle class but at this point I don't think they do

In every country middle class is the core demographics in any political movement but pakistani middle class slept through the 90s and 80s,2000s, 70s was for the poor classes and , in 2010s we saw rise of PTI with the help of the urban middle class
But I am not too sure if PTI represents Middle class (IK second in command is literally SMQ)

never have the middle classes shown any initiative throughout our political history, it's only in 2010s they kidna woke up but not really

Why is this the case? And why is our middle class amongst the least politically involved middle classes probably in the world - I mean almost zero representation with this much % makes little sense

Except faults within the psychology of urban middle classes

Absolutely incorrect.
The incumbent political parties comprise of feudal class, who have a single point agenda of keeping power amongst them.

If anything PTI is a glimmer of hope for the middle class, albeit they need the feudal money to run elections as well,

The only other middclass representation then comes from the ARMY, who decides to join the feudal lords instead of leveling the playing field.
Beyond voting, what could they have done? Stand for elections? That is no
Bring politcal change - that's the whole issue they're not politically active unlike in other parts of the world

They don't go out in the streets for bringing change, they let things be and simer over,

without student politics middle class wont ever be able to take part in political system! middle class cant afford to finance big rallies so they can only propagate their msg as student activist.
@newb3e why isn't middle class smart enough to demand student politics and bring this change?
bexause middle class whom ever you will find say " hum ko siyasat se kuch lena dena nahi'.
Only one paying taxes
Only one actually running the country
Only class that in comparative majority actually votes concience and on issues
Only one actually making jobs and creating new industry and this entitled elitist prick wants to preach to the middle class?
without student politics middle class wont ever be able to take part in political system! middle class cant afford to finance big rallies so they can only propagate their msg as student activist.
Student politics gave us Altaf Hussain, Shaikh Rasheed, Jamiat Ghundageeri...
Sub aik hi jaisy hojaty hain.
Pakistan needs deep cleaning. Just read my signature.
Bring politcal change - that's the whole issue they're not politically active unlike in other parts of the world

They don't go out in the streets for bringing change, they let things be and simer over,

@newb3e why isn't middle class smart enough to demand student politics and bring this change?
to overthrow or demand something from thugs/mafias/corrupts we need unity but alpha mafia has done a great job dividing us using politicians who play ethnic card,mullah playing religion card.

Student politics gave us Altaf Hussain, Shaikh Rasheed, Jamiat Ghundageeri...
Sub aik hi jaisy hojaty hain.
Pakistan needs deep cleaning. Just read my signature.
sir i dont agree with you! Altaf started well but then wardi whores came in and used him to keep bhuttos in control so issue is nt student politics issue is swine faujis!
Now way out. Pakistan is probably doomed forever.
we need presidential system to activate them. it is very important for the middle class to wake up but the political system that we have does not encourage it or in another sense political elite in current system is so strong that it won't let them come up.

when political process is not perfect there will be no will, these people will not dare joining politics, they are comfortable without it.

besides we have neutrals, if system suits them don't expect a change.
Bring politcal change - that's the whole issue they're not politically active unlike in other parts of the world

They don't go out in the streets for bringing change, they let things be and simer over,

@newb3e why isn't middle class smart enough to demand student politics and bring this change?
Middle class kids go to uni to learn and hope to get a job. They don't go to university to get shot on campus over student politics, or to be kicked out for demanding something from the administration. Only the kids of the wealthy elite have that privilege.

The biggest issue in my opinion is the lack of representative governance. Even local leaders will focus all their efforts on getting pictures with the bigshots within their parties and not represent the views of the common man. I have a cousin in local politics in AJK, he has no seat, he doesn't compete for any seats, he is literally a party worker. He asks people to vote for his party promising all sorts of local level changes, all he is really interested in is getting politcal sway to benefit his own family with sifaarish for govt jobs etc.

When this is the mentality of ground level chamchay, what hope does the middle class person have of actual representation?
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Middle class kids go to uni to learn and hope to get a job. They don't go to university to get shot on campus over student politics, or to be kicked out for demanding something from the administration. Only the kids of the wealthy elite have that privilege.
No joke, many govt universities end up becoming battlegrounds from time to time.
Only one paying taxes
Taxes collected can be direct and indirect. In case of most developing countries, the per capita income is so low that the direct tax collection is equal or lesser than indirect taxes. In India for example, GST collection is 60% of total tax collected by the exchequer. Given that indirect taxes are placed on ALL citizens of a country equally -- can people still claim that only the 'middle class' is paying taxes? This is an insult to the lesser fortunate people. :argh:

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