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Pakistani media celebrated after Modi’s party lost a key election in Bihar

You are wrong because you are blind folded. It's Pakistan which is suffering because of India's stubborness . Hindus in guise Muslims are managing ISIS, Taliban and other terror outfits.

So, will pakistani government or army let our court decide their punishment?

The day Indian Government will give punishment to the perpetrators of Gujraat- riot and Samjhutaa Express. Further handover to Pakistan, so that Pak govt or army decide their punishment
Here's the case of terrorism, everybody knows who is its originator in Islamic World.
A jihadi spear against India to
"Bleed India to thousand cuts" (we will never forget those words :hitwall: ) which later turned into a Boomerang and went back to Pakistan.
A country who wanted to bleed us to thousand cuts is counting its own cuts now. :D
Originator is major culprit.
You and me know history that it was Pakistan who created and legitimized taliban and al-quaeda.
So, don't distort history.

and what you said we are running ISIS.
Here's the case of terrorism, everybody knows who is its originator in Islamic World.
A jihadi spear against India to
"Bleed India to thousand cuts" (we will never forget those words :hitwall: ) which later turned into a Boomerang and went back to Pakistan.
A country who wanted to bleed us to thousand cuts is counting its own cuts now. :D
Originator is major culprit.
You and me know history that it was Pakistan who created and legitimized taliban and al-quaeda.
So, don't distort history.

and what you said we are running ISIS.

Too much blind folded; because can't see and hear the truth. Taliban was created by Pakistan and US to throw out soviets from Afghanistan. Taliban were heroes of Pakistan and US at that time. After the soviets disintegration both US and Pakistan forgot Taliban, this is when India took advantage of Taliban and started using it against Pak. You should also know both Pak and US are still not against real Taliban. Many evil offshoots of Taliban and other terrorist are being orchestrated by Hindus of India.

As far as Al qaeda is concerned, it was Sudan based group being managed by CIA, then went against US and conducted 9/11.

Yes Indian Hindus in guise of Muslims are managing different terror outfits and providing them ammunitions, brain washing Muslims. Ofcourse none of the Muslim would like to use the his religion to malign Muslims nad to fulfill his evil objectives. If not Muslims then who? Of course Non-Muslims, i-e Sickular Hindus of India

The day India (Sickular Hindus) will come out of its illusion that Pakistan must and should not exist. The World would be at peace.
We Pakistanis did not know much about Bihar and cared even less who wins there it was Hindutva lunatic mass murderer Modi who kept refering to Pakistan in that elections. Then his gay lover Shah also started his tirade against Pakistan.These Bhakts did not have any election plan for Bihar just their hatred for Islam and Pakistan. They keep pulling us in a regional elections in India.

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I am not a political expert, but with whatever knowledge I have, the election in Bihar, was a loss of Bihar.

NO its not BJP or RJD, but the best Bihar saw was during the Nitesh as CM, backed by BJP. The development which came after the long Jungleraj of the Laloo prasad yadav of decades was credited to Nitesh who at that time had the coalition with the BJP, but certainly he was able to do so because, BJP didn't interfere in his working. Now with Laloo as his teammate, the time will tell, but still feels, it would have been better, if Nitesh would have fought the election with the BJP, and form the government, and in central govt. of BJP, certainly, the Bihar budget, package from the central govt. and the Nitesh as the head, could do wonders in Bihar.

As far as Pakistani celebrating the lose of election of BJP in Bihar is concerned, I want to tell them, its not one person Modi who is responsible for the election win or loss but the whole party. States like U.P and Bihar election is way complex, and the regional parties like SP, BSP, RJD, JantaDal are more effective and organized in understanding the maths of the politics per seat basis as compared to the National Party like Congress and BJP, because they understand it well and have clear picture on the ground, to select the candidate on which seat on the basis of :

1. Religion
2. Caste
3. Power/Money
4. Candidate Image

After last U.P state election, Rahul Gandhi was also surprised, how the regional parties are so sucessfull, than the big national parties, and seek the advice of the experts to know the reason.

Till now I don't believe, that the voters gives his vote in the state legislative on the basis of the development, party policies but its the religion, caste, image that matters in the U.P and Bihar.

As far as the Beef or the anti Muslim agenda of BJP is concerned, I don't think there is any nominal effect on such things in this state election.

Thanks and Regards.
Too much blind folded; because can't see and hear the truth. Taliban was created by Pakistan and US to throw out soviets from Afghanistan. Taliban were heroes of Pakistan and US at that time.
Or if we take it simply whenever work for pakistan and its allies, they are heroes and freedom fighters but if they turn against you, only than they are terrorists.
After the soviets disintegration both US and Pakistan forgot Taliban, this is when India took advantage of Taliban and started using it against Pak.
taliban is our bloody enemy. They have killed a lot of Indians also and now they are creating problems in our development programs in Afghanistan.
You should also know both Pak and US are still not against real Taliban. Many evil offshoots of Taliban and other terrorist are being orchestrated by Hindus of India.
And Zews, Buddhists, Judaists and Sikhs also.
Please, include some more Indian religion here if I left anyone.
As far as Al qaeda is concerned, it was Sudan based group being managed by CIA, then went against US and conducted 9/11.
And R&AW + Mosad also. :D
This is the worst habit of pakis, they blame anyone without any proof.
Yes Indian Hindus in guise of Muslims are managing different terror outfits and providing them ammunitions, brain washing Muslims. Ofcourse none of the Muslim would like to use the his religion to malign Muslims nad to fulfill his evil objectives. If not Muslims then who? Of course Non-Muslims, i-e Sickular Hindus of India
For busting your myth, I'm a Muslim and my name is Sarfaraz Khan. :D
Anyone who runs a terrorist organization isn't a Muslim for me.
You are blaming my Indian Hindu brothers.
Actually, Terrorism started in 1948 with first Kashmir war when kabailis entered J &K.
And me and you both know after brainwashing terrorists are only terrorists.
They need to create trouble to sleep good at night.
So, they'll keep creating trouble.
The day India (Sickular Hindus) will come out of its illusion that Pakistan must and should not exist. The World would be at peace.
Neither Indian Hindus nor Indian Muslims care about you.
Till the age of 8, we come to know about many countries Canada to Japan.
Russia to New Zeeland.
But we rarely hear name of pakistan.
You guys have Muslim population just a bit lesser than Indian Muslims. But you're categorized as failed state.
Any blast in pakistan or killing of Muslims is only limited to pakistan newspapers and common thing.
In India, it makes headline.
I'm not a Hindu so I can tell a simple thing without abusing your (obviously mine also) religion.
You guys made a separate country and now, India and pak has been fighting for 70 years.
Obviously, it has harmed both of us badly.
So, let us accept that end of enmity is solution of problem.
But you take this as "friendship".
End of enmity doesn't mean friendship.
If you really wanted friendship, you should have merged in Union again.
But you won't.
Then, this friendship means nothing.
If you notice, even in SAARC summit Modi ignored Nawaz. That's a pretty example.
You've got a country. Now, what do you want from us?
Please, think from the mind of an Indian, pakistan has been a part of India in history. So, will any Indian Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or any other Indian recognize pak?
Please, understand terrorists are terrorists. They aren't real or duplicate, good or bad.
And India has used only one organization against you in history. That is Mukti Vahini.
Started using in 1971 and left them in that year.
We never do proxy wars using them.
They are essential for final touches when victory is close. :P
Please don't get offended.
History doesn't allow any Indian to recognize pak.
For us pakistan will remain a country with no proper identity and jinnah as a crazy politician who taken away about half of our Muslim brothers just for his political ambitions.
Better solution is neither friendship nor enmity.
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