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A Milder Modi?

What does it say exactly?

It says the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind in a meeting with Modi touched and kissed his feet. This is actually false as the photo actually shows another small Muslim group and the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind. Since Gonojagaron Manch is RAW sponored we can expect such distortions and propaganda ...
It says the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind in a meeting with Modi touched and kissed his feet. This is actually false as the photo actually shows another small Muslim group and the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind. Since Gonojagaron Manch is RAW sponored we can expect such distortions and propaganda ...
Well I dont say its true or false but I have seen before people touch feet of their elders in India. And for powerful personalities it even more obvious. But again, I dont understand how is it anywhere an issue?

And I can agree with touching feet as its out of respect. Who spoke about Kissing da feet? Thats demeaning and disrespectful and no one expects feet kissing. OTHER GROUP and who in da pic is from JIH?
Well I dont say its true or false but I have seen before people touch feet of their elders in India. And for powerful personalities it even more obvious. But again, I dont understand how is it anywhere an issue?

And I can agree with touching feet as its out of respect. Who spoke about Kissing da feet? Thats demeaning and disrespectful and no one expects feet kissing. OTHER GROUP and who in da pic is from JIH?

As I mentioned no one in the picture is from JIH. It is just RAW propaganda ....
If you did not like my comment in Foreign Affairs what about that of a fellow Indian of yours. I thought it quite amusing -

Satish Chandra


I had posted a comment (reproduced below) using the Disqus commenting tool on a story titled ‘Making of the Modi Mythology’ on abpliveDOTin . At 1:33 am Toronto time, someone using the handle “MichaelHayden” (this is the name of the former CIA Director I have referred to in the comment) posted the following response (http://www.abplive.in/india/20... ) to my comment:-

“Dear Mr. Satish Chandra,

We continue to be impressed with your abilities, and your analysis of the Indian election results.

Please do understand that we at the CIA, and our sister agency RAW in New Delhi are your friends. We are interested in spreading our shared ideals of free market capitalism and democracy throughout South Asia and the world. USA is a friend of India. We deeply regret your continued hostility towards RAW.

We would still like to use your abilities for our common good, as a external consultant. Of course we will provide adequate consultancy fees ranging from US$ 25,000 up to a maximum of US$ 500,000 per week. Additionally, we will provide travel (first class), luxury hotel accommodation and reimburse your daily expenses at Arlington, VA, New Delhi or other undisclosed foreign locations. We will provide you with a secret alias, passport and diplomat visa arrangements for assignments in other countries or when required. We will also provide you with a CIA trained attractive female operative during foreign assignments.

Awaiting your positive response to our offer.


Michael Hayden

Central Intelligence Agency

Langley, Virginia.”

Clicking on the handle “MichaelHayden” shows that only one comment had been made under this account which was apparently created to post the above response to my comment reproduced below. On August 9, 2008 when CIA Director Michael Hayden and K. Subrahmanyam came on line and posted their comments on an article of mine, my browser was apparently being re-directed so that what they posted could be seen by me but not by the public at large; but the response above seems to have been posted without re-directing my browser to a dummy website.

A couple hours later saw that “MichaelHayden” had posted the same response to my comments on six other stories, in IndiaDOTcom and abpliveDOTin .

RAW has continued to post a torrent of abuse on what I say; for example I posted the following comment on a defence blog, LivefistdefenceDOTcom, on a story titled “Lt Gen Dalbir Singh Is India’s Next Army Chief” :-

“It is a matter of deep concern that almost all, if not all, senior officers of the Indian army have been 'educated' in United States defence establishments which allows their loyalties to be compromised. In the case of Dalbir Singh Suhag there is an additional factor. I have said Sikhs are traitors to India and played a major role in the British killing over 10 million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 -- their primary loyalty is to the Anglo-Americans, not India: ‘Source of Manmohan Singh‘s ‘Deep Love‘ for Bush‘ : SourceOfManmohanSinghsDeepLoveForBushDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and that is why no Sikh was made army chief until recently when J. J. Singh and Bikram Singh -- who recently returned after getting a military medal from the Americans without getting the requisite permission from the Indian government -- were made army chiefs in quick succession thanks to a Sikh traitor as prime minister given this post by a white Christian woman and now another Sikh, Dalbir Singh Suhag, has been made army chief; the head of India’s nuclear forces is already a Sikh. The Defence Minister is a Christian as was his predecessor and the previous head of India’s nuclear forces was a Christian -- all of them by definition loyal to the Anglo-Americans. Overt colonial rule over India is almost complete; Indians are too stupid and lethargic to do anything about it. My concern here is not religion (Sikhism is a branch of Hinduism like Buddhism and Jainism) but national security because of their being loyal to foreign enemies (possibly because both Sikhs and Christians are low-caste Hindu converts). This is also the reason India’s nuclear forces have so far failed to obey me (below) to trigger India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation, which will immediately make India the supreme military and economic power in the world.

In a letter dated July 27, 1982 to Indira Gandhi as prime minister I referred to an act, by American Jews, that was “the equivalent of an annihilatory nuclear first strike on India”. In her reply dated July 29, 1982 she wrote “Dear Mr. Chandra, I have received your letter dated July 27, 1982 and am passing it on to my Principal Secretary to deal with it. Sincerely, Indira Gandhi”. In December, 1982 I wrote to her “There was sudden, terminal, overwhelming violence against me during a seminar at Harvard University and rather similar occurrences earlier… India can expect sudden, annihilatory violence … with nuclear weapons … against its population … unless it can mount a decisively superior force to stop it”. Following my advice, India’s strategic program, including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme and the Centre for Advanced Technology, was started to give India victory in a nuclear war with the United States and because of my influence on her, Indira Gandhi as prime minister was assassinated by CIA-RAW and later when Rajiv Gandhi realized the truth of what I had written to her after the American invasion of Iraq which was the first Gulf War, he was also assassinated by CIA-RAW. In the past few years, I have had India’s nuclear forces emplace nuclear warheads in Washington, New York and other U.S. cities and India is now in a position to destroy the United States without being destroyed. In fact, India is in a position now to destroy the United States without itself suffering a single casualty by triggering its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation.

Satish Chandra”

At this RAW posted the following: “Kris said...

OK, Shiv,

Can you please delete this bugger "Satish Chandra"'s comment from this blog. In addition, would you please ban this guy from commenting here in future?

Your audience is quite civilized but this guy is a nutcase. Please save this blog from this kind.

6:12 PM

Another comment I posted on this blog was:-

“The opinions and votes of India’s slave population suffering from mass-psychosis (below) do not matter; only nuclear weapons matter -- to simultaneously destroy Washington, New York, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them, if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation. In a letter dated July 27, 1982 to Indira Gandhi as prime minister I referred to an act, by American Jews, that was “the equivalent of an annihilatory nuclear first strike on India”. In her reply dated July 29, 1982 she wrote “Dear Mr. Chandra, I have received your letter dated July 27, 1982 and am passing it on to my Principal Secretary to deal with it. Sincerely, Indira Gandhi”. In December, 1982 I wrote to her “There was sudden, terminal, overwhelming violence against me during a seminar at Harvard University and rather similar occurrences earlier… India can expect sudden, annihilatory violence … with nuclear weapons … against its population … unless it can mount a decisively superior force to stop it”. Following my advice, India’s strategic program, including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme and the Centre for Advanced Technology, was started to give India victory in a nuclear war with the United States and because of my influence on her, Indira Gandhi as prime minister was assassinated by CIA-RAW and later when Rajiv Gandhi realized the truth of what I had written to her after the American invasion of Iraq which was the first Gulf War, he was also assassinated by CIA-RAW. In the past few years, I have had India’s nuclear forces emplace nuclear warheads in Washington, New York and other U.S. cities and India is now in a position to destroy the United States without being destroyed. In fact, India is in a position now to destroy the United States without itself suffering a single casualty by triggering its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation.

This is what I said when asked if India is just a pawn. “Yes, it is a pawn, a slave, a society suffering from mass-psychosis. Despite the recent revelations about M. K. Gandhi being a homosexual who reveled in his "slavery with a vengeance" to the white man, who engaged in a fake 'freedom struggle" with the British managed by the Intelligence Bureau, the entire Indian government went to his memorial on his death anniversary this January 30, 2012 to pay tribute. India is a very sick society. (I had urged that all his portraits in government offices, etc. be burned). … By saying that India is suffering from mass-psychosis, I am being generous and kind of giving it the excuse of being ill (of the several hats I wear, I am also a mental health professional) but a country of 1.2 billion people being so terrified of much smaller numbers of people from half way around the world cannot really be excused. … ” (see RAWsTraffickingOfIndianChildrenDOTblogspotDOTcom ).”

At this RAW made the following post which is typical of the abuse it directs at me:-

Anonymous said...

who the f*** is this guy. He needs mental asylum.

12:31 PM

My comment above was deleted twice and I had to repost it.

-----START OF MY COMMENT ON abpliveDOTin ------

A couple days ago I posted a comment on outlookindiaDOTcom. A couple hours later I found that there were 4 ‘Dislikes’ on my comment and 0 ‘Likes’. A few minutes later, I found that the number of ‘Dislikes’ had been reduced from 4 to 3; the number of ‘Likes’ was still 0. CIA-RAW, which has kept me under 24-hour surveillance with the U.S. National Security Agency satellites for the past 37 years (see below) had done this with microwave signals from satellites; ordinary users can INCREASE the number of ‘Dislikes’ by pressing the ‘Dislike’ button but there is no way they can DECREASE the number of ‘Dislikes’. CIA-RAW routinely controls the number of hit-counts on my blogs, to take another example and can and does put false numbers, usually a small fraction of the actual number, in the hit counters. Note that falsification of vote counts in Electronic Voting Machines does not require the machines to be defective or physically tampered with; it is done electronically via microwave signals from satellites which leave no trace. CIA-RAW can do a lot more than change vote counts with microwave signals from satellites; they can alter the contents of any webpage at will but they can do a lot more than that also; just as microwaves make cell phones do whatever they do, CIA-RAW can use microwave signals from the U.S. National Security Agency satellites to make any digital equipment do whatever it wants; see IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom .

On August 9, 2008, CIA Director Michael Hayden and K. Subrahmanyam came on line and offered to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account within 48 hours if I agreed to cooperate with them. This was coupled with various kinds of threats and abuse. Several dozen of the most abusive comments were deleted by them before I saved the comments on my computer but the offer to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account can be seen at 'Offer to me by CIA Director and K. Subrahmanyam' : HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom

The opinions and votes of India’s slave population suffering from mass-psychosis (below) do not matter; only nuclear weapons matter -- to simultaneously destroy Washington, New York, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them, if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation. In a letter dated July 27, 1982 to Indira Gandhi as prime minister I referred to an act, by American Jews, that was “the equivalent of an annihilatory nuclear first strike on India”. In her reply dated July 29, 1982 she wrote “Dear Mr. Chandra, I have received your letter dated July 27, 1982 and am passing it on to my Principal Secretary to deal with it. Sincerely, Indira Gandhi”. In December, 1982 I wrote to her “There was sudden, terminal, overwhelming violence against me during a seminar at Harvard University and rather similar occurrences earlier… India can expect sudden, annihilatory violence … with nuclear weapons … against its population … unless it can mount a decisively superior force to stop it”. Following my advice, India’s strategic program, including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme and the Centre for Advanced Technology, was started to give India victory in a nuclear war with the United States and because of my influence on her, Indira Gandhi as prime minister was assassinated by CIA-RAW and later when Rajiv Gandhi realized the truth of what I had written to her after the American invasion of Iraq which was the first Gulf War, he was also assassinated by CIA-RAW. In the past few years, I have had India’s nuclear forces emplace nuclear warheads in Washington, New York and other U.S. cities and India is now in a position to destroy the United States without being destroyed. In fact, India is in a position now to destroy the United States without itself suffering a single casualty by triggering its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation.

This is what I said when asked if India is just a pawn. “Yes, it is a pawn, a slave, a society suffering from mass-psychosis. Despite the recent revelations about M. K. Gandhi being a homosexual who reveled in his "slavery with a vengeance" to the white man, who engaged in a fake 'freedom struggle" with the British managed by the Intelligence Bureau, the entire Indian government went to his memorial on his death anniversary this January 30, 2012 to pay tribute. India is a very sick society. (I had urged that all his portraits in government offices, etc. be burned). … By saying that India is suffering from mass-psychosis, I am being generous and kind of giving it the excuse of being ill (of the several hats I wear, I am also a mental health professional) but a country of 1.2 billion people being so terrified of much smaller numbers of people from half way around the world cannot really be excused. … ” (see RAWsTraffickingOfIndianChildrenDOTblogspotDOTcom ).

It is a matter of deep concern that almost all, if not all, senior officers of the Indian army have been 'educated' in United States defence establishments which allows their loyalties to be compromised. In the case of Dalbir Singh Suhag there is an additional factor. I have said Sikhs are traitors to India and played a major role in the British killing over 10 million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 -- their primary loyalty is to the Anglo-Americans, not India: ‘Source of Manmohan Singh‘s ‘Deep Love‘ for Bush‘ : SourceOfManmohanSinghsDeepLoveForBushDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and that is why no Sikh was made army chief until recently when J. J. Singh and Bikram Singh -- who just returned after getting a military medal from the Americans without getting the requisite permission from the Indian government -- were made army chiefs in quick succession thanks to a Sikh traitor as prime minister given this post by a white Christian woman and now another Sikh, Dalbir Singh Suhag, is due to be made army chief; the head of India’s nuclear forces is already a Sikh. The Defence Minister is a Christian as was his predecessor and the previous head of India’s nuclear forces was a Christian -- all of them by definition loyal to the Anglo-Americans. Overt colonial rule over India is almost complete; Indians are too stupid and lethargic to do anything about it. My concern here is not religion (Sikhism is a branch of Hinduism like Buddhism and Jainism) but national security because of their being loyal to foreign enemies (possibly because both Sikhs and Christians are low-caste Hindu converts). This is also the reason India’s nuclear forces have so far failed to obey me to trigger India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation, which will immediately make India the supreme military and economic power in the world.

------END OF MY COMMENT ON abpliveDOTin ------


Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.

A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).

I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches.

I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2014 and earlier editions).

So finally you have quoted your guru Satish Chandra!!! Did he also assisted you with your book?? :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

What does it say exactly?

Muslims are conspiring with Modi to exterminate Muslims from India. :whistle:
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So finally you have quoted your guru Satish Chandra!!! Did he also assisted you with your book?? :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

I didn't even know who Satish Chandra was before I saw his comment on Foreign Affairs. He writes like most Indians that is why I didn't collaborate with any for my book.
Who says I can't? Where do you find me supporting his views?

Let's see what Modi does for the people of India. Winning the election was the easiest bit, governing it is the hardest bit.

I will support him or hate him based on it.

Right now I am cautious and apprehensive.
Well there is no cure to paranoia and doughts

Namo has a very clear cut strategi for all owr naighbours and that is if they want to do buisness then they need to be clear , brief and pricise in ther actions and no ammount of " idioticks & drame baazi " or if i may say "emotional atyaachar" will be tolrated and if any one will try to harm indian interests no matter who that might be the "promt & clear" anwer will be gives

and ther is no milder or harder modi there in onli one NaMo .. period
Well there is no cure to paranoia and doughts

Namo has a very clear cut strategi for all owr naighbours and that is if they want to do buisness then they need to be clear , brief and pricise in ther actions and no ammount of " idioticks & drame baazi " or if i may say "emotional atyaachar" will be tolrated and if any one will try to harm indian interests no matter who that might be the "promt & clear" anwer will be gives

and ther is no milder or harder modi there in onli one NaMo .. period

But what about when India tries to harm Bangladeshi interests or any other country in South Asia.
So finally you have quoted your guru Satish Chandra!!! Did he also assisted you with your book?? :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

Muslims are conspiring with Modi to exterminate Muslims from India. :whistle:
What? Kaun Chutiya aisa sochata hai? :what:
But what about when India tries to harm Bangladeshi interests or any other country in South Asia.
well its bangladeshes choice what it wants to do after that cause i dont think that Modi will think twice about securing bangladeshi interests if indian interests are at stake

its the basik principle of Modi politiks "India First & justice to all and appeasement to none"

now its depends bangladeshies to behave as per rules of the game cause if i know anything about Modi ji personalli well then make no mistake he is a very very shrewed , ruthless , remoseless & no non sense kind of person you had ever known

even if he has to scrifice his most trusted ally or possesion for achievement of his ultimate goal (and that is taking india to its much deserved status)

now you can interpret it any way u like
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