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Pakistani Marrying American Girls in 2018 HD

Would never marry a gori. Not in a million years. Inna nu te bund vi thoni ne aundi. @Starlord saab avdi zananni di toya karu ga. [emoji38]

Even marrying outside of biradiri is a big If for me. Forget Muslimahs outside of Pakistan. I need a woman that understands my temperament, language, and comfort zones. I would never even consider a born and bred western Pakistani girl.

Everyone has their own preferences and way of life. I feel that in order to make a marriage work both parties need to be on the same page when it comes to communication.

Matters such as culture and religion can really become an obstacle to such an understanding.

In my mind, why should I create hardships for myself in life just for a gori chamri when it will look the same after about 40 years? I rather just swim along with the river, especially when Pakistani women are just as beautiful if not more than trying to go against the current.

I rather have a ride or die Pakistani wife in my elderly age that I can talk to instead of some firangi that leaves your *** when she has had enough of you.

Pakistani women are the best in the world. Even if they end up despising you, there are only 2 options. Murdering you or sticking with you till the end. In my experience, I think they are the most loyal and beautiful women on Earth.
I don't understand punjabi ..
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