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Pakistani man arrested with truck bomb destined for Kabul terror attack

This is why drone strikes against the organizers and perpetrators of such attacks against innocent civilian Afghanis, who are ensconced in their havens in Pakistan, are completely justified acts of self defense. Drone strikes are an attempt to stop Haqqani strikes.
Opinion: Taliban are Pak Army proxies, not Pashtun nationalists

Farhat Taj

Those who insist that Taliban are Pashtun nationalists claim that Pashtun tribes have historically preferred to be led by religious figures (mullahs) rather than their traditional tribal leaders in the event of a foreign invasion. They specifically refer to the Pashtun tribal resistance in FATA led by religious leaders against the colonial British-Indian government, and conclude that the present-day Taliban terrorism rooted in religious discourse is an indigenous and popular Pashtun resistance to a foreign invasion. The Taliban, we are told, are Pashtun nationalists that the world must deal with as true sons of the Pashtun soil, rather than outright terrorists who no human society could accommodate.

The way the Taliban are being associated with the Pashtun history and the current popular Pashtun will implies that there are no non-Pashtun Taliban in Pakistan Afghanistan, and that the Taliban outfits exclusively draw its leaders and foot soldiers from the Pashtun ethnic group.

Such authors also seem to imply that from the Pashtun perspective, a foreign invader always means a non-Muslim invader. Thus the entire narrative presents a homogeneous picture of the wider Pashtun society (a large complicated patchwork of tribes, sub-tribes, clans and sub-clans) that is devoid of internal dissent, contestation and ambiguity that can be expected in any human society in the world. On one hand they claim that the Pashtun are fiercely independent, and on the other hand they assume absolute unanimity of opinion among the 'fiercely independent' people in terms of their response to foreign states. This entire narrative is highly misleading.

The fact is that the Pashtun tribes have never made any distinction between a foreign Muslim and foreign non-Muslim invader and have resisted both with equal vigour. Khushal Khan Khattak, Darya Khan and Aimal Khan, all historic symbols of Pashtun nationalism, had put forward a long armed resistance to the occupation of the Pashtun land by the Muslim Mughal army led by the most 'poise' Mughal ruler of India, Aurangzeb Alamgir. Neither Khushal Khan nor Darya Khan and Aimal Khan were mullahs.

In the 19th century, foreign fanatic Indian Muslims led by Syed Ahmad Barelvi, also an Indian Islamist, came to 'Islamize' the Pashtun tribes against their wishes and their socio-cultural norms. The Yousafzai tribal leaders had a grand jirga that concluded that there was no way to get rid of the 'Indian Mujahideen' and their 'Islam' but to massacre them all. In pursuit of the jirga's decision, the Yousafzai tribesmen attacked the mujahideen killing several of them. The rest fled to the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa town of Balakot where a waiting Sikh army killed each one of them, including their leader. The Yousafzai tribal leaders were not mullahs.

The towering symbol of Pashtun nationalism Samad Khan Achakzai was not a mullah. The secular and democratic Pashtun nationalist movement led by him was linked with the Indian National Congress party's struggle against the British. The universal symbol of Pashtun nationalism, Bacha Khan, was not a mullah. He resisted the British colonial invasion of the Pashtun land in league with Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent movement against the British in India. Even the mullahs or religious leaders in FATA who put forward armed resistance to the British were basically Pashtun nationalists with religious orientations. Almost all of them had cordial relations with Samad Khan Achakzai and Bacha Khan's secular ethno-nationalist movements against the British. One of the religious leaders, Haji Turangzai, was so close to Bacha Khan that some contemporary British officers even thought that he was father-in-law of Bacha Khan, which is untrue. None of the religious leaders in FATA was known to have attacked the activities undertaken by Bacha Khan's Khudai Khidmatgar movement. They had never attacked the schools in villages and towns established by Bacha Khan. None of them was known to have attacked or even verbally opposed the traditional Pashtun decision-making body, the tribal jirga. Actually, all of them frequently consulted tribal jirgas on matters related to their resistance to the British as well as other matters. They had never attacked women, children, tribal leaders, religious scholars, mosques, weddings and funerals in their armed resistance to the British colonization. They had never banned music and dance, two prominent aspects of the Pashtun culture. In short, their attitude, actions and conduct had been totally different from those of the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan today.

Those who promote such false notions about the Pashtun history also give the impression that the Pashtun struggle against foreign invasions has been devoid of any pragmatism, and that all Pashtun tribes have always been united against all invaders. The fact is that the tribes' responses to the foreign invaders have been pragmatic, including interactive cooperation with the invaders.

Minus a few eventful encounters between the British and the Afridi tribes in Darra Adam Khel - such as the Afridi snatching of the British rifles and the killing of a British officer and kidnapping of another British officer's daughter by a group of Afridi tribesmen - the tribes in Darra Adam Khel remained cooperative towards the British. Following an agreement with the tribes, the British built Kohat-pass road through the Afridi territory, a vital British link to Afghanistan. Contrary to several other tribes, the Darra Afridi tribes cooperated with the British during the 3rd Anglo-Afghan war in 1919, the third British colonial invasion of Afghanistan. Pashtun Shia tribes in Kurram even went a step further. Due to their differences with the then government of Afghanistan, they invited the British to take control of their area. The British accepted the invitation by taking over the administration of Kurram Agency in 1890. Several tribes across FATA entered in agreements with the British-Indian governments to receive allowance from the government in lieu of their cooperation with the British authorities.

Moreover, countless Pashtun tribesmen across various tribes joined the British imperial army. During the second war many of the tribal soldiers were sent by the British on war fronts in Asia and Africa. Many of them died fighting for the British. Similarly, the tribesmen also joined the Khasadar forces, the tribal police force raised by the British for assistance of the civil administration in FATA. Also, the British established two paramilitary forces, Frontier Corps and Frontier Constabulary. Both the FCs exclusively draw their ranks and files from the Pashtun tribes on the eastern side of the Durand Line. If the tribes had been so universally anti-British, as portrayed in the war on terror literature, why would the British-Indian state entrust the FCs, composed of Pashtun soldiers, to guard one of its vital buffer zones, FATA, from Russian intervention as well as 'anti-state' activities of some of the tribal people. Commenting on the relatively low numerical strength of Orakzai tribesmen in the British military, a colonial author, White King, says this in his contemporary book The Orakzai Country and Clans: "The paucity of Orakzais in the native ranks (of the military) is not due to any distaste for service, but to the fact that few regiments enlist them (Orakzai tribesmen), either because it is against the rules to do so or because their soldierly qualities are not properly appreciated... I am led to believe that there is no difficulty in recruiting Orakzais (tribesmen in the military), and more could easily be enlisted, if required (by the British-Indian government" (pp 126-127).

In short, the narrative in the media and the academia that depicts the Taliban as a manifestation of the continuation of the Pashtun history of resistance to foreign invasions contradict the history.
People have families who live on both sides of the border. Fencing and mining the border is next to impossible. And those people who wish harm will find a way to get through even if there is a wall, fence, mines, etc.


To hell with those families. Fence the border mine it. We don't need it. Just those Afghanies need it who are barking here.
They are claiming that one Pakistani.. Crap story which is directed and produced by there so called broz and khair khwa.
What about the hundreds of Afghani who are kidnapping people here in Peshawar and in the whole of KPK. and Killing them.
taking money go back to Aghwanistan...and come back later when they hungry again ?

And for those who bashing ISI here. If there is India using this bloody state of Afghanistan against Pakistan it will happen again the dark ages will come again on you.

Bottom line is Simple Deal with it !!
To hell with those families. Fence the border mine it. We don't need it. Just those Afghanies need it who are barking here.
They are claiming that one Pakistani.. Crap story which is directed and produced by there so called broz and khair khwa.
What about the hundreds of Afghani who are kidnapping people here in Peshawar and in the whole of KPK. and Killing them.
taking money go back to Aghwanistan...and come back later when they hungry again ?
If pakistani pashtuns have no problem then what is stopping pak authorities from mining and fencing instead of whining about cross border attacks/illegal immigration..?As far as i know the tribal leaders still dont allow soverign control by pakistan.

If there is India using this bloody state of Afghanistan against Pakistan it will happen again the dark ages will come again on you.

Bottom line is Simple Deal with it !!
No we are not..We are not responsible for pakthun tribals blowing $hit up in pakistan.in fact we are more or less allied to their enemies in afghanistan.
And as for yout threats..Sending terrorists to India will only harm you-politically,diplomatically,economically..you name it.Thats the bottom line there.
If pakistani pashtuns have no problem then what is stopping pak authorities from mining and fencing instead of whining about cross border attacks/illegal immigration..?As far as i know the tribal leaders still dont allow soverign control by pakistan.

No we are not..We are not responsible for pakthun tribals blowing $hit up in pakistan.in fact we are more or less allied to their enemies in afghanistan.
And as for yout threats..Sending terrorists to India will only harm you-politically,diplomatically,economically..you name it.Thats the bottom line there.

This 'Pakhtoon' guy has certainly not visited the border area at least once in his life! man those hundreds of tribes living in the border region doesn't recognize the border and if you talk about their separation they will chop your head right away I have visited many border areas majority of the people living there thinks all people living in Islamabad and Kabul are kafir!
This 'Pakhtoon' guy has certainly not visited the border area at least once in his life! man those hundreds of tribes living in the border region doesn't recognize the border and if you talk about their separation they will chop your head right away I have visited many border areas majority of the people living there thinks all people living in Islamabad and Kabul are kafir!

I visited the border i am damn sure you didn't even know where it is.

I visited Arandu 2 time from Chitral stayed there for few days.

I visited Barawal more then a dozen time from Upper Dir.

I went to NawaGay / Nawapass from Bajur i crossed the border once.And took a cup of tea there with the guards.

I went to turkham.

i went to Parachinar khurram Agancy .

And I went to Miranshah Once.

Now tell me the truth you ever been to these places ? or interact with the people there ?

I visited the border i am damn sure you didn't even know where it is.

I went to NawaGay / Nawapass from Bajur i crossed the border once.And took a cup of tea there with the guards.

I went to turkham.

i went to Parachinar khurram Agancy .

And I went to Miranshah Once.

Those are the places you could have asked people about drawing a line in the middle of their village and could have seen their reaction, I have visited Parachinar and Turkham uncountable times, bajawar 2 times, miranshah 2 times, swat 4 times, dir 1 time, khyber 3 times.. chaman 2 times.. etc.. and that's those located inside Pakistan.

I have visited barmal and gomal in Paktika, azra in Logar, samkanai in Paktia, tane and mandozai in Khost, khas kunar, sikany, marawara in Kunar, atghar and qalat in Zabul, spin boldak, daman in Kandahar and more I currently don't remember the names but I am sure you even don't know their names you had a tea trip in those areas but I have stayed days in these areas.
I visited the border i am damn sure you didn't even know where it is.

I visited Arandu 2 time from Chitral stayed there for few days.

I visited Barawal more then a dozen time from Upper Dir.

I went to NawaGay / Nawapass from Bajur i crossed the border once.And took a cup of tea there with the guards.

I went to turkham.

i went to Parachinar khurram Agancy .

And I went to Miranshah Once.

Now tell me the truth you ever been to these places ? or interact with the people there ?


Hey, yaar ! I've met a couple of Pukhtoons here in Lahore; some of them are from Quetta whereas others are from KP ! In fact, one of the guys who has a shop in the market near my place is from 'Bajaur' (a really nice old fellow...reminds me of my Grandpa !). Now I've talked to these guys and they were all unanimous in their disdain for Afghans but then again I've heard people like Mahmood Khan Achakzai being very big on 'Pukhtoon Nationalism' and very much Pro-Afghanistan and Afghans being in Pakistan ! So...yaar...saaach kiya hai ? What do the Pakistani Pukhtoon's really want ? If you guys want 'Brotherly Relations' with Afghans...I'm in ! If you guys want 'Neutral Relations' with Afghans...I'm still in ! But this confusion has to end yaar....! Where do the Pakistani Pukhtoon's stand ?
Those are the places you could have asked people about drawing a line in the middle of their village and could have seen their reaction, I have visited Parachinar and Turkham uncountable times, bajawar 2 times, miranshah 2 times, swat 4 times, dir 1 time, khyber 3 times.. chaman 2 times.. etc.. and that's those located inside Pakistan.

I have visited barmal and gomal in Paktika, azra in Logar, samkanai in Paktia, tane and mandozai in Khost, khas kunar, sikany, marawara in Kunar, atghar and qalat in Zabul, spin boldak, daman in Kandahar and more I currently don't remember the names but I am sure you even don't know their names you had a tea trip in those areas but I have stayed days in these areas.

Places i mentioned i worked there with a humanitarian organization. So you can think how much i have to interacte with them.And my last project finished in U/Dir Barawal and other parts on 29 Feb.
And what i heard from them that's alot for me to back my claim.

Hey, yaar ! I've met a couple of Pukhtoons here in Lahore; some of them are from Quetta whereas others are from KP ! In fact, one of the guys who has a shop in the market near my place is from 'Bajaur' (a really nice old fellow...reminds me of my Grandpa !). Now I've talked to these guys and they were all unanimous in their disdain for Afghans but then again I've heard people like Mahmood Khan Achakzai being very big on 'Pukhtoon Nationalism' and very much Pro-Afghanistan and Afghans being in Pakistan ! So...yaar...saaach kiya hai ? What do the Pakistani Pukhtoon's really want ? If you guys want 'Brotherly Relations' with Afghans...I'm in ! If you guys want 'Neutral Relations' with Afghans...I'm still in ! But this confusion has to end yaar....! Where do the Pakistani Pukhtoon's stand ?

Bro. We are Proud Pakistani. We were and we will be. what we think about afghans lol we don't even think about them.
They are our brothers. there are good and bad people every where. About bajur and other tribal areas you can judge them from Past. 1948 Kashmir and Afghanis attack on bajur.
This is why drone strikes against the organizers and perpetrators of such attacks against innocent civilian Afghanis, who are ensconced in their havens in Pakistan, are completely justified acts of self defense. Drone strikes are an attempt to stop Haqqani strikes.

well this is gonna cost you greatly in the long run, even today loom how quantity of your dead soldiers have risen since drone attacks
Bro. We are Proud Pakistani. We were and we will be. what we think about afghans lol we don't even think about them.
They are our brothers. there are good and bad people every where. About bajur and other tribal areas you can judge them from Past. 1948 Kashmir and Afghanis attack on bajur.

Nah, mate I'd never think otherwise ! Without Pukhtoons there is No Pakistan ! I was just airing my confusion because the Pathans I've met and the ones in my family...they are not that big on Afghan-Pakistani Pukhtoon bhai-bhai but I hear people like Mahmood Khan Achakzai has a good following and so does ANP and that they are big on that ! So...thoraa sa confuse thaa mein ...basss, warna loyalty pe tou koi shaak ho hee nahin sakta !
This 'Pakhtoon' guy has certainly not visited the border area at least once in his life! man those hundreds of tribes living in the border region doesn't recognize the border and if you talk about their separation they will chop your head right away I have visited many border areas majority of the people living there thinks all people living in Islamabad and Kabul are kafir!

Sher Malang,

There is no need to accuse my brother Pakhtoon for anything.

Don't you know that Afghanistan gets hurt more if it doesn't recognize the ****** border?

Would you rather live in a house with no walls?

Countries are like houses, much bigger houses,

The first and foremost thing is to quickly resolve any disputes and put up a wall /fence around the property.

We do that when dividing up property within the blood relatives, then why do you want to keep the ****** border as open?


p.s. Pakistan already recognizes every internationally accepted borders with all of its neighbors. The only exception is the Line of control in Kashmir. Even for that I say accept the damn thing and move on. It is not good to constantly quarrel with your neighbor, especially if the neighbor is 10 times bigger than you. For Pakistan it is foolish to fight with India, similarly for Afghanistanis it is stupid to have a constant quarrel on ****** border.

Those are the places you could have asked people about drawing a line in the middle of their village and could have seen their reaction, I have visited Parachinar and Turkham uncountable times, bajawar 2 times, miranshah 2 times, swat 4 times, dir 1 time, khyber 3 times.. chaman 2 times.. etc.. and that's those located inside Pakistan.

I have visited barmal and gomal in Paktika, azra in Logar, samkanai in Paktia, tane and mandozai in Khost, khas kunar, sikany, marawara in Kunar, atghar and qalat in Zabul, spin boldak, daman in Kandahar and more I currently don't remember the names but I am sure you even don't know their names you had a tea trip in those areas but I have stayed days in these areas.

I don't know why the term "A F - P A K" border got censored out in my previous post.
Nah, mate I'd never think otherwise ! Without Pukhtoons there is No Pakistan ! I was just airing my confusion because the Pathans I've met and the ones in my family...they are not that big on Afghan-Pakistani Pukhtoon bhai-bhai but I hear people like Mahmood Khan Achakzai has a good following and so does ANP and that they are big on that ! So...thoraa sa confuse thaa mein ...basss, warna loyalty pe tou koi shaak ho hee nahin sakta !

Actually about ANP what i heard from my grand father Bacha Khan was against Pakistan's relation with USA and he told several times that Pakistan should make a friendship with USSR and not with USA. (which we are looking now) thats was his policy.
2nd ANP was made on an ethnic group. not over all peoples party. Like only pukhtuns.
ANP leader Bacha Khan was against Taliban and was pro USSR and Afghanistan.Thats why they afganies still respect ANP and there founders.

He meant to be burried in Afghanistan lol but here opposite party people always say that his body was taken to India for burning.
One other thing Asfandiyar family member and relatives still got some mills etc in India.
Actually about ANP what i heard from my grand father Bacha Khan was against Pakistan's relation with USA and he told several times that Pakistan should make a friendship with USSR and not with USA. (which we are looking now) thats was his policy.
2nd ANP was made on an ethnic group. not over all peoples party. Like only pukhtuns.
ANP leader Bacha Khan was against Taliban and was pro USSR and Afghanistan.Thats why they afganies still respect ANP and there founders.

He meant to be burried in Afghanistan lol but here opposite party people always say that his body was taken to India for burning.
One other thing Asfandiyar family member and relatives still got some mills etc in India.

Yeah...I've heard about Bacha Khan ! I've always wondered how is he thought of by the Pakistani Pukhtoons ? A hero, a villain or just another Pashtoon leader ?
Yeah...I've heard about Bacha Khan ! I've always wondered how is he thought of by the Pakistani Pukhtoons ? A hero, a villain or just another Pashtoon leader ?

Not a Hero nor a villain but a Great Leader with good policies. Pukhtuns respect him and his sons wali khan and specially the Great Pushtu Poet Ghani Khan alot...
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