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Pakistani Hindu's unwelcome in India

The name hindustan is not because of hindu religion.. In persian language the land beyond 'Indus' is called hindu region.. And philosophy originated in hindu called hindu philophy.. Religion based on hindu philosophy called hindu religions (budhism, jainism, hindu etc.)..
Hindu means not an indian citizen.. For eg. Nepal is a hindu country, hindus with citizenship of diff countries.. If a man (hindu ya muslim) apply for refugee status ya indian citizenship.. There are procedures according to our constitution .. Be4 our constitution (secular) all religions are same..
Defination of yours is comes from western scholars prespectives ideas different from what native point of view is all though diffrent from this.as for abiding contitution it was never practically implemented in india never in the case of bangladeshi immigrants of 1971 please do a case study on this on ground
So where are these Pakistani Hindus meant to go, whichever side of the border, they are vulnerable. In India they are Pakistanis, in Pakistan they are Hindus.
Most Indians are bigots and I would not expect them to accept any foreign into their society, Hindu, Muslim or otherwise, all Indians can do is give lip service and then retract their statement, several Indian pdf members made hospitable gestures when news of Hindu persecution hit pdf but now we can see that the ground realities are different....
If illegal bangladeshi can be welcomed then why not hindus being tortured in pakistan??
Bcoz BD is a friendly country. Pakistan is an enemy nation. Plus for people coming from Pakistan (irrespective of religion), there is a risk of polio virus as well

Most Indians are bigots and I would not expect them to accept any foreign into their society, Hindu, Muslim or otherwise, all Indians can do is give lip service and then retract their statement, several Indian pdf members made hospitable gestures when news of Hindu persecution hit pdf but now we can see that the ground realities are different....

Your generalization is akin to me saying, Most Pakistanis are islamic fundamentalists/Terrorists.. Not good...
Your generalization is akin to me saying, Most Pakistanis are islamic fundamentalists/Terrorists.. Not good...

Notice I said :

''Most Indians are bigots and I would not expect them to accept any foreign into their.....''
If we have put forth our hand of assistance to other countries, there is little reason not to do the same in case of Pakistan. But this should be done with a sense of liberalism and not as a vanguard of any particular minority.

Its still very much not done with a sense of liberalism nonetheless. When Indians don't like Pakistanis sticking their nose in their business why should they bother to reciporcate in the same fashion?? If Indian Muslims aren't the concern of Pakistan then Pakistani Hindus shouldn't be theirs as well.
"Division of the subcontinent was the biggest blunder in the history of mankind" Altaf Hussain.

Sad that the Hindus of Pakistan are its latest victims.
"Division of the subcontinent was the biggest blunder in the history of mankind" Altaf Hussain.

Sad that the Hindus of Pakistan are its latest victims.

You obviously look at a man or woman's religion before sympathising with his or her death. I am glad we haven't reached that stage because everyday we lose tens of our innocent Muslim people and not a peep is heard from our neighbours. But considering you quoted Altaf Hussain of all people i can see where its coming from. A person who is even yet to visit Pakistan in general and Karachi to be more precise, would most definitely be more eligible to speak regarding minorities in Pakistan than a Pakistani.
What Jinnah said was for all Muslims of subcontinent who were willing to join it and those who joined Pakistan were welcomed . And BTW that was in 1947, the year for decision. Those who opted for becoming Indians joined India in 1947 so NO they are NOT welcomed NOW.

Indeed. BUT the issue is that Indian Hindu members talk about giving citizenship to Hindus around the world
then stop asking for referendum in Kashmir as its not 1950.

Unlikely oh delusional one. You have nearly 180 million in your backyard. Like I said better get started. :cheesy:

Great post.
no that's 180 million one way tickets to Pak
Its still very much not done with a sense of liberalism nonetheless. When Indians don't like Pakistanis sticking their nose in their business why should they bother to reciporcate in the same fashion?? If Indian Muslims aren't the concern of Pakistan then Pakistani Hindus shouldn't be theirs as well.

But India is still an asylum for refugees from states other than Pakistan. My point is if India can extend hand towards Congo and Iraq, why not Pakistan? Given the fact that it had granted asylum to a considerable number of Pakistani Hindus up to 2005. Why didn't we hear much hue and cry in Pakistan then about this matter? It was not a matter of poking nose in Pakistan's internal matter then, I guess?
But India is still an asylum for refugees from states other than Pakistan. My point is if India can extend hand towards Congo and Iraq, why not Pakistan? Given the fact that it had granted asylum to a considerable number of Pakistani Hindus up to 2005. Why didn't we hear much hue and cry in Pakistan then about this matter? It was not a matter of poking nose in Pakistan's internal matter then, I guess?

You haven't answered my question have you?? Just sidetracked it. If you want to poke your nose in our business you should be ready for the same. That I and anybody else would consider fair.
Regardless of their religion, they are not Indian citizens and ergo are not going to be "welcome" here, on the other hand they are welcome to follow the established procedure of seeking refuge and/or asylum (through formal channels, not by setting up some permanent internment camp for themselves as done by a certain gathering of Rohingyas for eg.).
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