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Pakistani Hindus, Sikhs migrate to India seek citizenship: Al jazeera doc

these pakistani hindus n sikhs deserve this. they should have migrated in 1947 itself. i once met a pakistani hindu in canada. when he told me he was from pakistan n hindu i asked him yaar how you manage to live in pakistan where they treat you like **** and pick hndu women every now and then n convert them. he was from sind he got aggitated n told me aisa kuch nahin hota. he may be a muslim lieing to me but this is the mentality of these people.
The motherland of the Pakistani Hindu is Pakistan. They will go nowhere. This is their home. A son does not leave his mother (Pak sarzameen) and this land-the land of Sindh has always been home to Hindus. They must remain here and strengthen their community.

Pakistan was their home. Yet who knew that Pakistani's will be taught hatred of other religions in their schools. Their masjids will blare out lessons on jehad.

Ever wonder why such a disproportionate number of terrorists have links with Pakistan?

Even a simple act such as renaming a chowk to Bhagat Singh chowk is being opposed bitterly by Jamaat and other citizens saying that naming the chowk after a non muslim betrays the 'ideology of Pakistan'.

These people deserve better in life. They should come to India.

Pakistani's are doing much worse to their minorities than what they claimed they would have suffered at the hands of Hindus in India. Ironic much?

these pakistani hindus n sikhs deserve this. they should have migrated in 1947 itself. i once met a pakistani hindu in canada. when he told me he was from pakistan n hindu i asked him yaar how you manage to live in pakistan where they treat you like **** and pick hndu women every now and then n convert them. he was from sind he got aggitated n told me aisa kuch nahin hota. he may be a muslim lieing to me but this is the mentality of these people.

They dont deserve it. They hoped that Pakistani's would be decent. They hoped that Pakistan would not become more arab than arabs. But when they declare Shias as kafir and bomb their own people in the name of religion, what hope do Hindus and Sikhs have.

They are being proved wrong. Its absolutely amazing how Pakistani's still have hate material in their school text books. After so many reports of such texts, they are STILL not being removed!!

It is time to accept them back. Let Pakistan become 'purer' still.
The Indians are highly communal and not thinking of this in terms of a secular society but in terms of us (Hindus) vs them. It is the reason Indian society has taken part in heinous crimes against its own minorities and justified it with ISI did so and so and this guy did so and so.

In either case we gave them the material to criticize Pakistan severely. We should have accorded protection to these people and ensured no injustice occurs against them. Is it not obvious the lower segments and different religious groups than the majority of society will be the most affected people in a situation like this?
People from a nation which was born on TNT can't understand India.

Why people are so much obsessed with religion ? I never thought of religion or talked about it before PDF.
First you need to stop teaching your your kids about stories of evil Hindu baniya, Hindu hating is the part of your national identity, so their condition is never going to improve. I watched a Lollywood movie which referred Hindus as dogs numerous times.

Pakistan was not meant for them. Like majority of Indians, I would never mind if they come to India. When we can give refugee to Tibetans or can have these ungrateful illegal Bangladeshis, we should allow Hindus of Pakistan too, they meant to come to India after the creation of Pakistan

Anyone of us telling the other how to treat his or her minorities can be hilarious at times if we are ignorant of what goes on at home. These are massive mistakes from the past that need to be rectified. The new anti terror bill is the first step. Now lets see how it makes keema of the oppressors of Pakistani hindus and sikhs.
The Indians are highly communal and not thinking of this in terms of a secular society but in terms of us (Hindus) vs them. It is the reason Indian society has taken part in heinous crimes against its own minorities and justified it with ISI did so and so and this guy did so and so.

In either case we gave them the material to criticize Pakistan severely. We should have accorded protection to these people and ensured no injustice occurs against them. Is it not obvious the lower segments and different religious groups than the majority of society will be the most affected people in a situation like this?

Why blame only Indian,When your country itself was carved up on the basis of communal.Your country's founding principle itself is highly communal one.Why blame Indians for being communal when in another thread some of your countrymen claims how they wish to wipe out Hindus in India.If any Indians here appear to be communal then its because of the highly communal nature of the discussion happening here,which BTW are mostly contributed by your own countrymen.
We are more secular society than you ever will be.At least in our country no ever be killed(or threatened to be killed) for claiming to be secular.
Anyone of us telling the other how to treat his or her minorities can be hilarious at times if we are ignorant of what goes on at home. These are massive mistakes from the past that need to be rectified. The new anti terror bill is the first step. Now lets see how it makes keema of the oppressors of Pakistani hindus and sikhs.

No advice, I wish we should allow Hindus of Pakistan to settle in India, we are party to their miseries by accepting a Muslim homeland which was not meant for them. When we can have Tibetan Refugee and ungrateful illegal Bangladeshis, they too have full right to settle in India where they supposed to migrate.
Why blame only Indian,When your country itself was carved up on the basis of communal.Your country's founding principle itself is highly communal one.Why blame Indians for being communal when in another thread some of your countrymen claims how they wish to wipe out Hindus in India.If any Indians here appear to be communal then its because of the highly communal nature of the discussion happening here,which BTW are mostly contributed by your own countrymen.

We are more secular society than you ever will be.At least in our country no ever be killed(or threatened to be killed) for claiming to be secular.

Our country was meant to be secular since the day of its inception. That was what Jinnah wanted and it if wouldn't have been so he wouldn't have appointed Jogindar Nath Mandal to a position of such authority and Zafarullah Khan wouldn't be called a son. I fail to understand how the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity could have wished a nation based on communalism. Do note that Islamic republic wasn't attached until Ayub Khan came to power and he was a dictator, so an Wahabanization occured against the founding fathers wishes.

You should read Jaswant Singh's book on partition-if it isn't banned there. I addressed the point that I am a secularist and have not been killed for my views, nor have I been threatened for being secular. It is a select minority that is secular along with being anti-nationalist that is targeted. I analyzed all of this on a thread in massive posts.

Also PDF of 4 years ago and today is far different. It is no longer communal nor does it harbor division and hatred between religions.
Our country was meant to be secular since the day of its inception. That was what Jinnah wanted and it if wouldn't have been so he wouldn't have appointed Jogindar Nath Mandal to a position of such authority and Zafarullah Khan wouldn't be called a son. I fail to understand how the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity could have wished a nation based on communalism. Do note that Islamic republic wasn't attached until Ayub Khan came to power and he was a dictator, so an Wahabanization occured against the founding fathers wishes.

Jinnah wanted a secular Pakistan because he wanted to keep religious parties like JI out of power.And of course he also secular person which completely.But his secular policies never really attracted Muslims to his party.But then he realized the political power of age old rhetoric "Islam under threat".So he abandoned all his secularism and went ahead with the most communal ideology Two Nation Theory.He was just another who wished to gain power and to leave behind a legacy and he did succeeded in that.At the end of the day that's reality.Let me also emphasis here,Time has exposed the contradictions of the two nation theory. As a basis for nationhood, religion is too divisive.IMO get rid of TNT,you will be better of with out it.

You should read Jaswant Singh's book on partition-if it isn't banned there. I addressed the point that I am a secularist and have not been killed for my views, nor have I been threatened for being secular. It is a select minority that is secular along with being anti-nationalist that is targeted. I analyzed all of this on a thread in massive posts.

Also PDF of 4 years ago and today is far different. It is no longer communal nor does it harbor division and hatred between religions.

All though I haven't read the book Completly I partially agree with some of his views.Partition was also Nehru's fault.But for a variety of reason I believe the partition at that time averted prevented India from turning in to another Africa and helped us forming in to a strong nation.In a way people became aware of the consequences of such partition which further cemented our national identity.

There are plenty of examples of communalism and religious bigotry especially from Bangladeshis and Pakistanis(Indians also does it,but most them get banned early) in this thread either you don't see it or you choose to ignore it.
Our country was meant to be secular since the day of its inception. That was what Jinnah wanted and it if wouldn't have been so he wouldn't have appointed Jogindar Nath Mandal to a position of such authority and Zafarullah Khan wouldn't be called a son. I fail to understand how the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity could have wished a nation based on communalism. Do note that Islamic republic wasn't attached until Ayub Khan came to power and he was a dictator, so an Wahabanization occured against the founding fathers wishes.

what I read he too hated Hindus, not a secular man. If you mention about 11 August 1947 speech still there is no recording of it, infact isn't it strange if he was a secular man why he spoke about secularism for Pakistan only once after creation of Pakistan on 11 Auguest 1947. Even Jogindernath Mandal left Pakistan because Pakistan was meant only for Muslims. While Secular PPP declared Ahmedis as non-Muslims.

All though I haven't read the book Completly I partially agree with some of his views.Partition was also Nehru's fault.But for a variety of reason I believe the partition at that time averted prevented India from turning in to another Africa and helped us forming in to a strong nation.

India is a huge country, if we don't have strong central government then we couldn't have a stronger India. That was the main reason Nehru-Patel accepted the partition. India was in complete chaos after the riots that followed the direct action day.
what I read he too hated for Hindus, not a secular man. If you mention about 11 August 1947 speech still there is no recording of it, infact isn't it strange if he was a secular man why he spoke about secularism for Pakistan only once after creation of Pakistan on 11 Auguest 1947. Even Jogindernath Mandal left Pakistan because Pakistan was meant only for Muslims. While Secular PPP declared Ahmedis as non-Muslims.

Here is some interesting facts about Jogindernath Mandal.Read also his resignation letter.Apparently he believed supporting Jinnah's movement will help lower caste Hindu communities in Bengal.But later he was proved wrong.he should have listened to Ambedkar.
Why did Joginder Nath Mandal Resign? « Baaghi
Shri Joginder Nath Mandal Resigns

India is a huge country, if we don't have strong central government then we couldn't have a stronger India. That was the main reason Nehru-Patel accepted the partition. India was in complete chaos after the riots that followed the direct action day.

I agree in those early days India wouldn't have survived with out a strong central Govt.But now we should concentrate on strengthening our federalism.
Hindus and Sikhs to migrate to India from Pakistan is still okay. They are anyway decimating in numbers with every year. I am actually worried about the situation when Shias or Ahmadis would want to migrate to India. That is going to be one difficult bogey to sell, even for the descendents of Jawahar Lal.
Jinnah wanted a secular Pakistan because he wanted to keep religious parties like JI out of power.And of course he also secular person which completely.But his secular policies never really attracted Muslims to his party.But then he realized the political power of age old rhetoric "Islam under threat".So he abandoned all his secularism and went ahead with the most communal ideology Two Nation Theory.He was just another who wished to gain power and to leave behind a legacy and he did succeeded in that.At the end of the day that's reality.Let me also emphasis here,Time has exposed the contradictions of the two nation theory. As a basis for nationhood, religion is too divisive.IMO get rid of TNT,you will be better of with out it.

Jinnah was secular throughout his life and in congress promoting unity between 2 throughout till up to early 40's. By then he realized a lot of you people had no commitment to solving the issues and were too communal by nature like many of you Indians are today.

The two nation theory was correct not because Muslims and Hindus are vastly dissimilar and can't live in one country together but because there was bias, oppression and discrimination. There still is. For example the ban on cow slaughter, Muslim proportion in jails (48%), issues in celebration of eid, Hindu rules are being imposed. So he was right. In Lucknow with a huge muslim population I couldn't find a single place with beef-even dominoes and pizza hut have like only chicken dishes. Then we asked for self-rule for Muslim areas and separate electorates. We just needed that extra bit of space and security which was denied by India. That is why Pakistan happened.

It is not necessary to support secularism and argue against the 2 nation theory. India's failure to be secular is proof enough.

All though I haven't read the book Completly I partially agree with some of his views.Partition was also Nehru's fault.But for a variety of reason I believe the partition at that time averted prevented India from turning in to another Africa and helped us forming in to a strong nation.In a way people became aware of the consequences of such partition which further cemented our national identity.

It did the same for both India and Pakistan. Pakistan understood what it gained and what it would have lost had it remained in India.

There are plenty of examples of communalism and religious bigotry especially from Bangladeshis and Pakistanis(Indians also does it,but most them get banned early) in this thread either you don't see it or you choose to ignore it.

There is a way to escape: elite membership. Some Indian Hindutva's realized this. In either case we agree that it is an issue with both so why dwell on this.

what I read he too hated for Hindus, not a secular man. If you mention about 11 August 1947 speech still there is no recording of it, infact isn't it strange if he was a secular man why he spoke about secularism for Pakistan only once after creation of Pakistan on 11 Auguest 1947. Even Jogindernath Mandal left Pakistan because Pakistan was meant only for Muslims. While Secular PPP declared Ahmedis as non-Muslims.

There is a recording of 11 August address. That is false logic used by mullah cult. Here is part of the address:

Listen closely to above.

India is a huge country, if we don't have strong central government then we couldn't have a stronger India. That was the main reason Nehru-Patel accepted the partition. India was in complete chaos after the riots that followed the direct action day.

You can't blame the muslims. But I believe it is the reason why partition had to happen. All Indian posters (most) have a communal mindset-you wouldn't have let us live in peace and we learned that anyway so we came to Pakistan.

Here is some interesting facts about Jogindernath Mandal.Read also his resignation letter.Apparently he believed supporting Jinnah's movement will help lower caste Hindu communities in Bengal.But later he was proved wrong.he should have listened to Ambedkar.
Why did Joginder Nath Mandal Resign? « Baaghi
Shri Joginder Nath Mandal Resigns

You wouldn't even have known about this had I not highlighted this... now you are using it against my own point. Did you see the date of the resignation letter. 1950? Exactly. Jinnah died in 48 and it all went downhill from there. He was a very loyal servant of Jinnah and served as first chairman of constituent assembly. He has been in muslim league since its most secular days in 43.

It is not the fault of the state's maker. Islamic republic was never attached to our name until Ayub Khan came. He resigned an year after the objectives resolution by Liaquat Ali Khan in 49. Stop blaming our leaders and look within. Nehru's hard headedness and his wish to become PM of India got in the way. There was a way to avoid partition.

I agree in those early days India wouldn't have survived with out a strong central Govt.But now we should concentrate on strengthening our federalism.

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Anyone of us telling the other how to treat his or her minorities can be hilarious at times if we are ignorant of what goes on at home. These are massive mistakes from the past that need to be rectified. The new anti terror bill is the first step. Now lets see how it makes keema of the oppressors of Pakistani hindus and sikhs.

Pakistani's will have a right to talk only when they remove the hateful content they teach in their school textbooks. They are still there despite being pointed out to the authorities for years now!

Secondly, when Blasphemy laws are removed. But you cant even demand that in Pakistan (in person, not on a forum)for fear of being killed by a mob or worse.

Also PDF of 4 years ago and today is far different. It is no longer communal nor does it harbor division and hatred between religions.
This i agree. Pakistan's social landscape is changing quite rapidly - for better or worse, only time will tell.
Pakistani's will have a right to talk only when they remove the hateful content they teach in their school textbooks. They are still there despite being pointed out to the authorities for years now!

Secondly, when Blasphemy laws are removed. But you cant even demand that in Pakistan (in person, not on a forum)for fear of being killed by a mob or worse.

This i agree. Pakistan's social landscape is changing quite rapidly - for better or worse, only time will tell.

This goes both ways:

Gujarat textbooks have anti-Muslim contents, portray Hitler as hero | ummid.com
Indian school textbooks to be scrapped because of anti muslim bias | World news | The Guardian

My point is India feels it has some moral standing in this regard or is better when it is actually not. We both have to work at home to improve the condition of minorities. You are right about the black blasphemy laws. We will repeal them-do not think there are no secularists in Pakistan. We will bring Pakistan back to where it is supposed to be. I already talked about Pakistani society being much more open than it looks like. It is your pre-conceived notion that I can't demand an end to the blasphemy laws without being killed.
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