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Pakistani hackers deface Modi's campaign website

Since these hackers cannot do anything but helplessly watch but Modi rise, they resort to such cheap tactics to quench their frustration, and by the comments of pakistani posters here, seems that they are also in a similar situation.

Dont Pakistanis get fedup with this attitude?

If they are unable to identify them then how they can say that they were PAKISTANI??
because its indian logic. that if anything bad happen to modi .. ISI (PAKISTAN) IS Responsible. .
The hackers actually did not hack Modi's official website, instead they hacked a fan website called teammodi .in
The funny part about the whole thing is that the hacked website has had only 200 hits (199 when I last checked) in one whole day (clearly not a popular website) while this thread itself has had over 350 views.
Stats about the hack-
Modi is India PM candidate and works for Indians. We dont like meat esp. beef(majority) and wont allow it in our homeland.
As for minorities that want to eat meat , should move to other countries allotted to them.
Our Land , Our rules. The same way Pakistan has their own rule that a non muslim can't become PM.

If they are unable to identify them then how they can say that they were PAKISTANI??

because hackers left this message on the site.

Screenshot (22).png

So unidentified in the sense that an unknown group from Pakistan hacked the fan page.

because its indian logic. that if anything bad happen to modi .. ISI (PAKISTAN) IS Responsible. .

Do some research before spilling shit on every thread. will save you from embarrassment. :coffee:
Modi is India PM candidate and works for Indians. We dont like meat esp. beef(majority) and wont allow it in our homeland.
As for minorities that want to eat meat , should move to other countries allotted to them.
Our Land , Our rules. The same way Pakistan has their own rule that a non muslim can't become PM.

I want to eat beef.
And I will eat it here in india,lets see who bans it.

Don't make uber stupid statements or else u can join bajrang dal.then u may get a permit to make such ludicrous statements
This will make more and more Indians favor Modi. A lot of Pakistan haters who are on the fence would gravitate more towards Modi given Pakistan's reactions towards him. And such attacks, which in some poll publicity circles are already being termed as "ANOTHER PAKISTANI TERRORIST ATTACK" actually increase the publicity of Modi's campaign. More power to them ... :)

Modi is India PM candidate and works for Indians. We dont like meat esp. beef(majority) and wont allow it in our homeland.
As for minorities that want to eat meat , should move to other countries allotted to them.
Our Land , Our rules. The same way Pakistan has their own rule that a non muslim can't become PM.
And I am reading this while enjoying roasted Lamb with single Malt.. Ban meat my foot..
Oh you dear fool, still considering modi to be anti-muslim, anti-pakistani, anti-meat guy? Just think about for a sec, what is one single thing that can stop Modi from coming to power? Gujrat riots. That one single event has cost him the most.

Now if something like that happens again, who stands to lose the most? Narendra modi, it will be career suicide for him. He knows it as well, which is why I am confident that if he comes to power you will see absolutely no anti muslim measures being taken in India. Which is why all this talk of modi being anti muslim is foolish. To further confirm my point, go to youtube and watch his latest interview with ANI. You will understand how consciously he has tried to position himself as an statesman

First true and good assesement I read on this thread.
Nicely put,he may even venture to streets with an ak-47 to prevent riots,thats how badly he wants to avoid the situation of 2002.

Unfortunately ppl don't thinj much before blurting it out
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