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pakistani girl warning modi and india

Some love from your Baluch brethern

Seriously, When i read those tweets from Indian's , i was like ; :o:

Even we have a Russian made Ak, not a big deal here. Each house have one or two of them. And they mainly rust in houses where they were kept for security.
And for Indian member's , YES. i do read math and science. :rofl::rofl: @gslv , same as @Spring Onion . she also read math and science. haha

Shit I even own a bren lol... Ask @Hyperion about it ..

4 AKs,1X M-4,1XM-16,5-6 handguns S&w,Berreta,TT,Makarovs etc.. 2X snipers..

5 Shotguns -3 repeaters,1X over and under,1 pump and a sexy Baikal double barrel.. ;)

@Pakhtun. He own like half a dozen AKs and Krinkovs,
Don't know whom that is addressed to. I've done more than my fair share of condemning all who have behaved in amateur and in infantile fashion.

Was meant as a general observation: There are enough on PDF and in India generally who find this video very disturbing (rightly so) but are keeping mum about the other RSS/VHP girl enticing murder to Muslims and Christians and having a huge fan following.

But lets move on. Even though the father has done it wrong, but that does not change my opinion about self-defence for kids. You might not need it in India, but in our country it is absolutely necessary.
Why you so butt hurt?? That father is right in teaching his daughter how to defend herself. Every Pakistani should know that India is ruled by a genocidal maniac who murdered thousands of innocent Muslims.
Not thousands but millions. Happy now.
Their is no bad parenting here. I am really pissed on these ashamed Muslims here. In Islam education is really very important and I am sure this girl also goes to school but we also teach our children How to stand against bullies and those who attack you and How to hit back and hit back hard.
Why can't Indians react like that when their troops are killing children and blinding them?

Oh I see a selective conscious. Must be a new disease :lol::lol:
bwahahahahahahahahahahaha I did not know Indian media will make a big news out of this video of Pukhtun Pakistani girl from my province. And look at the title and details by Indian media which says "she threatens India and Modi repeatedly" heheheheheh all she is saying " Indians I warn you fix yourself and stop dreaming about attacking Pakistan

So your take from OP is the wrong interpretation of her words.........
If you have never asked yourself that how young is too young to shoot, it is about time that you do.


At least 18 soldiers were killed in a terror attack that jolted the entire nation on September 18. While millions are mourning and trying to overcome the loss, a father in Pakistan is teaching his daughter to fire an AK-47.

In this video, the father teaches his daughter how to fire the gun and in lieu of scorning, she threatens Modi and India repeatedly.

Thousands of users on twitter re-tweeted the post in sheer bewilderment and shock-- raising a lot of questions and concerns over the act.

But mostly, people were questioning about the gun's availability.

@mazdaki AK-47 ??? How are they available to households??

The video is extremely disturbing, more so because it involves a little girl. It definitely looks like an act done in absolute jingoism.

The video ends with the girl's threat to India and Modi. While it is highly possible that the girl doesn't know what she is being taught, it seriously questions the kind of parenting and the horrific end it may lead to.
As per Pakistani Standards this is good deed, an act of Gazi/Shaheed Bla Bla. I believe few more pakistani will take cue from this and show their children how to use Guns. Although Polio Vaccines are not tht important their
So your take from OP is the wrong interpretation of her words.........

YES. Because what she is saying is in my native language. :) I would ask Indian media not to rely on FACEBOOK for news

eventually the guns will be used on other pakistani citizens
gun ownership is for rational folks who are economically well off

:)))))))))))))))) AMERICANS are rational folks with strong economy. We did not see any rational gun ownership in US ;)
Imbecile father. Should teach math and science instead.
This is perfect.

This is exactly how we want Pakistani's to raise their kids. It is to our benefit.

@That Guy - my point proven. The statements of 'in a decade or two' will never happen. This will ensure that things remain marginally up or marginally down, but essentially the same.
YES. Because what she is saying is in my native language. :) I would ask Indian media not to rely on FACEBOOK for news

Well it has become a fashion here... FB pages/blogs/tweets to open a thread.....But to be honest i would not like to see my daughter holding an AK... I would prefer her to hold her science or maths book...... But then ......
This is perfect.

This is exactly how we want Pakistani's to raise their kids. It is to our benefit.

@That Guy - my point proven. The statements of 'in a decade or two' will never happen. This will ensure that things remain marginally up or marginally down, but essentially the same.

Sometimes I am amused by the stupidity of human phsyicology. On one hand they are showing videos with kids holding and threatening a country with AK47, and on the other hand they cry when these children are killed in bomb blast.
i am not in favor of either and it is too stupid of parents to teach kids the hatred where as they should be teaching respect to have a new generation which can bring new solution without any prejudice of the past...
Well it has become a fashion here... FB pages/blogs/tweets to open a thread.....But to be honest i would not like to see my daughter holding an AK... I would prefer her to hold her science or maths book...... But then ......
I grew up in a city where Pashtun and Non-Pashtun Pakistanis have these guns specially AK-47 in plenty at their houses. It is a common weapon for security here. And NO Major mass shooting ever happened in hundreds of years :).

And for YOUR Information the kids of these people specially the hardcore Pashtuns are studying at top private schools and colleges. APS is one example. Many such leading private educational institutes are filled with these students who BTW do have these guns at homes.and know how to fire . It is basically a cultural thing .

My father never let us have guns neither my mother but even then many years back I bought a Glock at THROWAWAY price .

The weapons looted in Afghanistan make up to Peshawar market.

NOTE: Oh BTW threads on forums can be absorbed but your Indian media seriously need a break when they make news out of Facebook videos people share for fun
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