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pakistani girl warning modi and india

How is that fanatic little Indian hindu girl doing who was enticing to murder millions of Muslims and Christians?

I think she won't want to mess with this girl for sure.

Peace we need and not jingoism and I hope Modi fanboys understand that war is never an option!

Kids need to go to schools and not fight wars. But they should be taught self-defence as well, so that they could defend against India sponsored terrorists such as those who attacked APS and other schools.

Even Israelis are teaching their kids self defence.

congratulations on your defence of the indefensible. now people will believe that you are a patriot.
Semi-Automatic Assault Rifles are legal to own throughout Pakistan. There's a large majority of tribes with full-auto assault rifles.
Bandar adrak ka swaad :P just an idiom to explain. I just wanted to say they have full ban on such things so it is seriously shocking for them.

I support total gun control in Pakistan.

congratulations on your defence of the indefensible. now people will believe that you are a patriot.

:) who are these people?

BTW how are you sir
Bandar adrak ka swaad :P just an idiom to explain. I just wanted to say they have full ban on such things so it is seriously shocking for them.

I support total gun control in Pakistan.

:) who are these people?

BTW how are you sir

I am well and in good spirits, dear lady. How are you? Please write.
congratulations on your defence of the indefensible. now people will believe that you are a patriot.

I have already said I am against teaching kids hatred and giving them guns.

But I'll always support self-defence classes for kids under supervision in Pakistan, especially in these circumstances where schools are being attacked by terrorists.

Even Americans, Israelis, French etc. are doing this. Nothing wrong in that.

As far as the jingoism is concerned, you have seen enough on your side, do you think our tribal socities living near the border will take it with a chill pill? Ofcourse there will always be few who take it up a notch.
I have already said I am against teaching kids hatred and giving them guns.

But I'll always support self-defence classes for kids under supervision in Pakistan, especially in these circumstances where schools are being attacked by terrorists.

Even Americans, Israelis, French etc. are doing this. Nothing wrong in that.

As far as the jingoism is concerned, you have seen enough on your side, do you think our tribal socities living near the border will take it with a chill pill? Ofcourse there will always be few who take it up a notch.

Having said that, why did you feel compelled to dilute your own message by self-defence classes (armed with what, pencils and pencil-sharpeners, against terrorists with assault rifles?), and the example of the Americans, Israelis and the French?

You mentioned the jingoism that some Indians have displayed.

First, it is immediately an apparent mistake to club the examples of these few and attribute it to 'your side'. A moment's reflection will show you that you were wrong. Second, it is surprising that you take the stupidity of your tribal societies and instead of noting that they are greatly in need of a civilising influence, you condone their lack of socialisation. Third, two wrongs do not make a right.

I do not waste this amount of time on those who are beyond redemption. But an intelligent man making a momentary error deserves attention and a detailed explanation of his error. Beyond that, on PDF, we are at least 30% of us responsible adults (I suspect that the number of adolescent teenagers has risen). We can say what we like. We must know without prompting or coaching where to draw the line. I wish you success in that endeavour.

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Imbecile father. Should teach math and science instead.

Why you so butt hurt?? That father is right in teaching his daughter how to defend herself. Every Pakistani should know that India is ruled by a genocidal maniac who murdered thousands of innocent Muslims.
There are 200 million Pakistanis, one of the most heaviest armed populaces in the world, India makes the mistake of attacking Pakistan it will be a blood bath for them

If the Hindutva brigade tried some of the things they do with the gutless indian muslims, the amount of hindus gunned down would run into the crore's
Why you so butt hurt?? That father is right in teaching his daughter how to defend herself. Every Pakistani should know that India is ruled by a genocidal maniac who murdered thousands of innocent Muslims.

eventually the guns will be used on other pakistani citizens
gun ownership is for rational folks who are economically well off
Of Course, with all the war hysteria created by India and the constant indirect & direct threats from India; this is how the Pakistani population will respond.

There were rallies (and in many places still are) where hundreds of thousands of people pledged to fight India incase of an attack.

When we are threatened, we will respond accordingly.

Armed tribes and citizens have pledged to defend Pakistan against any threat.

Once i read somewhere that for each Indian soldier Pakistan and it's population have 17 guns (assault, short, pistol etc) ...

just searched for the report link but unable to find it.
Having said that, why did you feel compelled to dilute your own message by self-defence classes (armed with what, pencils and pencil-sharpeners, against terrorists with assault rifles?), and the example of the Americans, Israelis and the French?

You mentioned the jingoism that some Indians have displayed.

First, it is immediately an apparent mistake to club the examples of these few and attribute it to 'your side'. A moment's reflection will show you that you were wrong. Second, it is surprising that you take the stupidity of your tribal societies and instead of noting that they are greatly in need of a civilising influence, you condone their lack of socialisation. Third, two wrongs do not make a right.

I do not waste this amount of time on those who are beyond redemption. But an intelligent man making a momentary error deserves attention and a detailed explanation of his error. Beyond that, on PDF, we are at least 30% of us responsible adults (I suspect that the number of adolescent teenagers has risen). We can say what we like. We must know without prompting or coaching where to draw the line. I wish you success in that endeavour.

I stand by what I said. I am for self-defence classes.

Background: Govt in KPK has started this program under police and FC supervision. School kids (girls and boys) and teachers are being taught all those self-defence drills, which also include hand-to-hand fight and how to use and handle assault rifles if necessary.

Extra ordinary times require extra ordinary measures. And given the worst form of terrorism that our country has seen, where schools and universities are being attacked, it is fully justified.

Having said that, I am against hatred taught to kids (only hatred they should learn is against terrorists and terrorism). But I'll keep the right to reply to those folks across the border who are pointing out this little girl and conveniently forgetting what is happening on their own side..

Just like two wrongs do not make a right. Also singling out one for condemnation and forgetting the other does not make it a right.

On this one I'll stick to my opinion and will agree to disagree. :-)
I stand by what I said. I am for self-defence classes.

Background: Govt in KPK has started this program under police and FC supervision. School kids (girls and boys) and teachers are being taught all those self-defence drills, which also include hand-to-hand fight and how to use and handle assault rifles if necessary.

Extra ordinary times require extra ordinary measures. And given the worst form of terrorism that our country has seen, where schools and universities are being attacked, it is fully justified.

Having said that, I am against hatred taught to kids (only hatred they should learn is against terrorists and terrorism). But I'll keep the right to reply to those folks across the border who are pointing out this little girl and conveniently forgetting what is happening on their own side..

Just like two wrongs do not make a right. Also singling out one for condemnation and forgetting the other does not make it a right.

On this one I'll stick to my opinion and will agree to disagree. :-)

Don't know whom that is addressed to. I've done more than my fair share of condemning all who have behaved in amateur and in infantile fashion.
bwahahahahahahahahahahaha I did not know Indian media will make a big news out of this video of Pukhtun Pakistani girl from my province. And look at the title and details by Indian media which says "she threatens India and Modi repeatedly" heheheheheh all she is saying " Indians I warn you fix yourself and stop dreaming about attacking Pakistan".

Seriously, When i read those tweets from Indian's , i was like ; :o:

Even we have a Russian made Ak, not a big deal here. Each house have one or two of them. And they mainly rust in houses where they were kept for security.
And for Indian member's , YES. i do read math and science. :rofl::rofl: @gslv , same as @Spring Onion . she also read math and science. haha
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