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Pakistani films are cheap copies of Indian movies

:chilli:SPicy hindu VEg Curry :omghaha::rofl:

Something for you to think, This might hurt very badly to you. But think about stats...

India is second ranked country in fish consumption in world (7850000 tons)
India is fifth largest beef producing country (2830000 tons)
India is fifth largest broiler producing country (2650000 tons)
India is sixth largest beef consumption country (2830000 tons)
India is sixth largest broiler consumption country (2649000 tons)
See Heres the Problem We pakistani when it comes to Muslims associate with all the muslims in the world when it comes to Indians they Only Associate with Indian Muslims only Get it
and Secondly all the muslims dishes that Pakistani uses or all of the muslim dishes that Indian Muslim uses originated from Middle east / turkey and you would ask How Because Muslims Came over from their Converted hindus to islam Bring their culutre and food among other things hence all the MUGHAL rulers were arabic Desendent
few muslim dishes that Hindus have molested with VEG in it
6Korma(Persian gorma subzi)
7Samosa,(all over Muslim Umahh)
8Naan(persian)(different meat in it )(turkish have one where meat is on top and not covered with bread)

NOW hindus being Hindus JUST ADD VEG TO It

coming to think of it , the muslim invaders completely destroyed the civilization of northern india.
Based in Karachi, Pakistani director Faisal Aman Khan, whose movie on Imran Khan titled 'Kaptaan' is already created ripples, talks about the debate on banning Indian movies in Pakistan

What is your take on the recent debate over banning of Indian movies in Pakistan?
I have been seeing this debate on local television channels about banning Indian movies. Initially, I thought that they were right in pointing out that Indian films are being allowed to be showcased in Pakistan whereas Pakistani filmmakers were being denied the right to showcase their movies to be shown within their own country. But when I watched the movies made by these filmmakers of ours, I realized there was nothing Pakistani about those films. They were all cheap copies of Indian movies. We had talented filmmakers in the past but that is the problem. We live in the past to glorify ourselves with the achievements made by our forefathers. There is no doubt that there is enormous talent in our country and talent should be tested by pitching it against competition not by playing a cricket match alone. The sort of movies being made by our filmmakers is a disgrace. Very rarely does the educated class go out to watch the movies made by the traditional lot. When a film like "Zar Gul" is banned in Pakistan and "The Blood of Hussain" along with "Immaculate Conception" made by intelligent people like Salman Pirzada and Jamil Dehlavi respectively just because they had political themes or were against the Armed establishment of the country. Remember "Junoon" was banned by the successive regimes of Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif? The kind of cinema to come out of Pakistan is what you see today where "Haseena Atom Bomb" sort of movies dominate the screen. It's not just movies, it's the same with music.

But what about movies like "Khuda Key Liye", "Ramchand Pakistani" and "Bol"?
As a Pakistani and a filmmaker, I might not agree with a lot of things shown in those movies. But everyone should have the right to express themselves and what better way than to use films as a medium?

What do you have to say about this thing about India's cultural invasion?
With all due respect, we have already lost the battle but to win the war for the hearts and minds of our own people, we should come up with quality stuff and enlighten, entertain and educate the masses through media.:lol: That should be the policy followed by filmmakers. Sadly, I don't see that happening which makes me sadly admit the fact as rightly put forward by one of India's ex prime minister that "We have invaded Pakistan culturally". Yes, India has done it already but my question is to my fellow media professionals and Pakistanis generally. Would you stop watching Indian movies if they were not being shown in cinemas? No, you won't because it's human nature. It is curious to see and experience things on their own. So, let them do it. But we should come out with quality stuff of our own to be distinctive and should carry our own image. Cinema owners of Pakistan should give Pakistani filmmakers the right platform and a level playing field by giving as much promotion to the Pakistani movies as they do to promote Indian movies because it's just an excuse people use because they are afraid that they might have to change the way they are.

no yaar he is bjp raw rss agent pakistan has its own great film industry....hollywood copy from them..this is propaganda :omghaha:
now coming to the fact even pollywood movies of punjab,indiais better than lollywood
wth pakistanis make original movies. pakistani films are timeless classics.


Can anyone from Bollywood match this

Buddha Gujjar


@RoYaL~GuJJaR for you bro
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Something for you to think, This might hurt very badly to you. But think about stats...

India is second ranked country in fish consumption in world (7850000 tons)
India is fifth largest beef producing country (2830000 tons)
India is fifth largest broiler producing country (2650000 tons)
India is sixth largest beef consumption country (2830000 tons)
India is sixth largest broiler consumption country (2649000 tons)

since we are already way off topic let me ask you this then.
Muslims can't get housing in Mumbai and are discriminated against, while Hindus/others are not or not to the same degree.
All the Indian members here claim it's because they eat meat...... yet here you are bragging about meat consumption....
So which is it?
Either all this meat is being eaten by 15% of the population and Hindus are discriminating against meat eaters or the discrimination has less to do with food and more to do with dislike/hatred of Muslims.
:omghaha: thats why our film industry is doomed

cheap copy of the cheapest bwahahah
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The current scenario is :-

Hollywood >>>>> Bollywood>>>>>>>>>Indian B grade movies>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lollywood = Indian C grade movies.

well, India trying to catchup Hollywood techniques and qualities. Lollywood trying to catchup Bollywood but it is very far behind.

Whatever, today world watch Indian movies and it is now top-class quality. that's is only fact otherwise if u wanna happy yourself than u can say Bollywood is blah blah................:blah:.

fact is fact :- Today, Bollywood movies are world class. I m talking about techniques, technologies or other thinks. also, In Pakistan most people watch Bollywood movies on internet, CD/DVD, theater or hall. but, when they come on internet or TV. people always says," they don't like Bollywood movies, our lollywood movies are best...............

Important note :- I never said, pakistani actors or film makers are not good but they are not getting support from your government and also facing so many financial problems. Today, Pakistan film budgets are around 5-8 crores max. and Indian movies budgets around 100 crores. that's why so many talented Pakistani actors, actress and singers are doing work for Bollywood movies.
though I did enjoy this one tbh

since we are already way off topic let me ask you this then.
Muslims can't get housing in Mumbai and are discriminated against, while Hindus/others are not or not to the same degree.
All the Indian members here claim it's because they eat meat...... yet here you are bragging about meat consumption....
So which is it?
Either all this meat is being eaten by 15% of the population and Hindus are discriminating against meat eaters or the discrimination has less to do with food and more to do with dislike/hatred of Muslims.

It's a terrible misconception that hindus dont eat meat. You'd be surprised to know what our NE Indians eat.
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since we are already way off topic let me ask you this then.
Muslims can't get housing in Mumbai and are discriminated against, while Hindus/others are not or not to the same degree.
All the Indian members here claim it's because they eat meat...... yet here you are bragging about meat consumption....
So which is it?
Either all this meat is being eaten by 15% of the population and Hindus are discriminating against meat eaters or the discrimination has less to do with food and more to do with dislike/hatred of Muslims.

No man, you might be quite aware about the caste system in India. so there are several castes which do eat meat, while several like brahmins(nowadays they some of them also eat meat) in maharastra dont eat meat while most of other castes do eat regularly. We regularly eat chicken and goat/sheep meat but cow meat is not acceptable due to religious reasons, just like muslims dont eat pork at all.

I hope you get it that not all hindus are evil veggie baniyas.....

Regarding discrimination, a veg owner might not give flat to a meat eater be it hindu or muslim. In India even restaurants are of three types, veg restaurent, non veg restaurent and mix restaurant.

i hope i am clear enough, please ask more questions if any doubt
hw can Pakistan copy any indian movie when we aint makin any at all:no::cheesy:

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