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Pakistani Female's Journey to flying for a US Airline.

It's actually just a fake mig 21.....

And how much stiffer is it then a cessna 172 (that's the only thing I've ever flown and it's fly by wire/cable literally)?
What is fake MiG-21? You see no difference between a propeller -driven Cessna and a jet fighter? I really doubt if you have ever flown anything!
What is fake MiG-21? You see no difference between a propeller -driven Cessna and a jet fighter? I really doubt if you have ever flown anything!

google for where F-7 came from...

One of these is a mig-21 and the other F-7, can you tell which one's which?



And the guy said that the F-7 fighter has hydraulic controls (similar technology to auto car brakes). I told him I've flown a cessna 172 which has direct cables, no hydraulics(if I remember correctly). So is it harder(the stick/handle/joystick/yoke or what ever you want to call it) than the cessna ? That's what I asked him....Offcourse all the G-force etc, that's a separate matter...
Anyways, i took news as genuine. Even uae has an f 16 female pilot who was recently leading attacks on isis.
But when women cant do it as well as men then why we have to push it so hard. No i dont think women could compare with men when it comes to cotrolling fighter jets. And if you choose to throw eggs at me for saying this i wont mind.

And as of the frogfoot image Whoa!! geniuses she will be training with here hair untied and flying around.
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Fatima Shafi
First Officer at ExpressJet Airlines
Greater New York City Area

When you are young, you think you can change the world but as the reality of life, old traditions and shackles of culture come stand as obstacles in your face you realize, may be not! By no means I am trying to state that I did not have the strength and the determination to over come those traditions and break the shackles, but what was next?

"An Air Force Officer who does not stand equal opportunity to make a General, not because she is not good enough, but because she is a woman." my reason for discharge from PAF.

I have a lot of courage, but may be not enough to invest 20 some prime years of my life to wait and see if I could change the way people think in Pakistan.

So 6 years ago, with 2 suit cases, I showed up in VeroBeach, Florida at 10pm, to find myself at a deserted gas station and the only passenger getting off the Grey Hound bus. It was a moment out of the movies, I had no cell phone, did not know anybody, didn't know where I was, didn't have coins to use the public phone and didn't have any phone numbers for a cab service, and english was broken too on top of the culture shock I was in!!

Two hours, multiple phonecalls to cab companies and one 911 call later, I was on my way to FlightSafety to become a pilot.

The little things in life that we never give too much importance to, carry of lot meaning and value, like being able to breathe in free air and not have a feeling of being watched and harassed all the time, like having a cell phone to call a cab or like having a friend or family member around in the country you live in as your support group. I learnt the value of these little things when I came to USA.

The opportunity of becoming an Aviator, that I was looking for in my own country, in many unsaid words was denied to me, but I got that opportunity in USA and thats why now I call it home. Where I can not only pursue my career but can do it freely, which is what matters the most to me.

Thank you USA for letting me break free of the shackles!!


First Officer
ExpressJet Airlines
October 2012 – Present (2 years 7 months)Atlanta, Georgia

Certified Flight Instructor
FlightSafety International

April 2011 – October 2012 (1 year 7 months)Vero Beach, FL

Certified Flight Instructor
Aviator College of Aeronautical Sciences & Technology
June 2010 – March 2011 (10 months)Fort Pierce, Florida

Avionics Engineering Officer

Pakistan Air Force
January 2003 – January 2008 (5 years 1 month)Islamabad, Pakistan
First Female in Pakistan to work as an Engineering Officer in a Fighter Squadron.

Reported to the Commanding Officer of an F-16 Fighter Squadron. Responsible for the flight line operations of an active-duty F-16 Fighter Squadron. Also had the same position in two different Mirage Fighter Squadrons.

Duties included managing the entire fleet of fighter aircraft, manpower of 300 enlisted airmen, and all ground and support equipment. Responsible for the monthly and annual mission tasks of the squadron and kept the fleet at the highest operational readiness status in the entire Air Force.

Managed aircraft stagger and supervised aircraft modifications and installation of new equipment. Troubleshot and supervised aircraft maintenance for the entire squadron.

Ensured smooth and continued logistic support to the squadron. Managed liason affairs with Air Force support agencies and OEMs including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Pratt & Whitney.

Managed all Squadron movement to forward bases and established new operational set up. Supervised the 24 hour Air Defense Alert fleet of the Squadron.

Participated in joint military exercises and liasoned with foreign officials including USAF. Represented the Squadron's engineering section during visits by foreign dignitaries.

Officer In Charge of Avionics Integration and retrofit Team, assigned with the Avionics upgrade of the Mirage Fighters at Pakistan Air Force.

Fatima Shafi | LinkedIn
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Awesome, ...............MashAllah!
google for where F-7 came from...

One of these is a mig-21 and the other F-7, can you tell which one's which?



And the guy said that the F-7 fighter has hydraulic controls (similar technology to auto car brakes). I told him I've flown a cessna 172 which has direct cables, no hydraulics(if I remember correctly). So is it harder(the stick/handle/joystick/yoke or what ever you want to call it) than the cessna ? That's what I asked him....Offcourse all the G-force etc, that's a separate matter...
Going by your logic, the the Kafir, Nesher and Atlas Cheetah are all fake Mirages or maybe derived from the same design. Other than G-forces, take off and landing speeds, there must be other reasons that some of those female pilots were seconded to light transport and rotary wing units. In any case, it's not my assumption rather one of the instructors disclosed this in a BBC news item.
Going by your logic, the the Kafir, Nesher and Atlas Cheetah are all fake Mirages or maybe derived from the same design. Other than G-forces, take off and landing speeds, there must be other reasons that some of those female pilots were seconded to light transport and rotary wing units. In any case, it's not my assumption rather one of the instructors disclosed this in a BBC news item.

that's what wikipedia says....anyways, F-7 was a license produced copy not as good as mig-21...

Okay, I thought maybe you have 1st hand experience like maybe you're a pilot etc...

@Faiez if i tag you in a thread to ask something will you reply me there?

go ahead....although this tag didn't show up in notifications(even though tag alerts are on, just checked)...so maybe quote me....
that's what wikipedia says....anyways, F-7 was a license produced copy not as good as mig-21...

Okay, I thought maybe you have 1st hand experience like maybe you're a pilot etc...

go ahead....although this tag didn't show up in notifications(even though tag alerts are on, just checked)...so maybe quote me....
You are incorrect about f7 not as good as mig 21. At least incorrect about those f7s in PAF service.
that's what wikipedia says....anyways, F-7 was a license produced copy not as good as mig-21...

Okay, I thought maybe you have 1st hand experience like maybe you're a pilot etc...

One wonders why some old MiG operators have opted to field F-7s in their place and why did PAF refuse the MiG-21 back in 1969, yet introduced F-7 some two decades later more over sent the PG version to exercise agaist the likes of Mirage-2000s and latest versions of F-16s.
You are incorrect about f7 not as good as mig 21. At least incorrect about those f7s in PAF service.

offcourse, mig-21s (especially the indian ones right ? :D ) are no match for the PAF F-7s, hell they're even better than F-18s, mig 29s and even su-34s...They are the best fighters in the world. Pakistan Zindabad.

One wonders why some old MiG operators have opted to field F-7s in their place and why did PAF refuse the MiG-21 back in 1969, yet introduced F-7 some two decades later more over sent the PG version to exercise agaist the likes of Mirage-2000s and latest versions of F-16s.

because USSR vs USA politics...cold war. And offcourse they(PAF) didn't need them back then.

F-7s came when mig-21s were no longer available to pakistan.

Other operators may be idiots...
offcourse, mig-21s (especially the indian ones right ? :D ) are no match for the PAF F-7s, hell they're even better than F-18s, mig 29s and even su-34s...They are the best fighters in the world. Pakistan Zindabad.

because USSR vs USA politics...cold war. And offcourse they didn't need them back then.

F-7s came when mig-21s were no longer available.
I never mentioned India.
I only talked about f7p and f7pg.
Instead of speaking nonsense search the forum or else stfu.
[QUOTE="Faiez, post: 7023169, member: 1451]

go ahead....although this tag didn't show up in notifications(even though tag alerts are on, just checked)...so maybe quote me....[/QUOTE]

Ok thanx i will do so. Aap cessna kahan ura rahay thay, bermuda triangle kay ooper?



Fatima Shafi
First Officer at ExpressJet Airlines
Greater New York City Area

When you are young, you think you can change the world but as the reality of life, old traditions and shackles of culture come stand as obstacles in your face you realize, may be not! By no means I am trying to state that I did not have the strength and the determination to over come those traditions and break the shackles, but what was next?

"An Air Force Officer who does not stand equal opportunity to make a General, not because she is not good enough, but because she is a woman." my reason for discharge from PAF.

I have a lot of courage, but may be not enough to invest 20 some prime years of my life to wait and see if I could change the way people think in Pakistan.

So 6 years ago, with 2 suit cases, I showed up in VeroBeach, Florida at 10pm, to find myself at a deserted gas station and the only passenger getting off the Grey Hound bus. It was a moment out of the movies, I had no cell phone, did not know anybody, didn't know where I was, didn't have coins to use the public phone and didn't have any phone numbers for a cab service, and english was broken too on top of the culture shock I was in!!

Two hours, multiple phonecalls to cab companies and one 911 call later, I was on my way to FlightSafety to become a pilot.

The little things in life that we never give too much importance to, carry of lot meaning and value, like being able to breathe in free air and not have a feeling of being watched and harassed all the time, like having a cell phone to call a cab or like having a friend or family member around in the country you live in as your support group. I learnt the value of these little things when I came to USA.

The opportunity of becoming an Aviator, that I was looking for in my own country, in many unsaid words was denied to me, but I got that opportunity in USA and thats why now I call it home. Where I can not only pursue my career but can do it freely, which is what matters the most to me.

Thank you USA for letting me break free of the shackles!!


First Officer
ExpressJet Airlines
October 2012 – Present (2 years 7 months)Atlanta, Georgia

Certified Flight Instructor
FlightSafety International

April 2011 – October 2012 (1 year 7 months)Vero Beach, FL

Certified Flight Instructor
Aviator College of Aeronautical Sciences & Technology
June 2010 – March 2011 (10 months)Fort Pierce, Florida

Avionics Engineering Officer

Pakistan Air Force
January 2003 – January 2008 (5 years 1 month)Islamabad, Pakistan
First Female in Pakistan to work as an Engineering Officer in a Fighter Squadron.

Reported to the Commanding Officer of an F-16 Fighter Squadron. Responsible for the flight line operations of an active-duty F-16 Fighter Squadron. Also had the same position in two different Mirage Fighter Squadrons.

Duties included managing the entire fleet of fighter aircraft, manpower of 300 enlisted airmen, and all ground and support equipment. Responsible for the monthly and annual mission tasks of the squadron and kept the fleet at the highest operational readiness status in the entire Air Force.

Managed aircraft stagger and supervised aircraft modifications and installation of new equipment. Troubleshot and supervised aircraft maintenance for the entire squadron.

Ensured smooth and continued logistic support to the squadron. Managed liason affairs with Air Force support agencies and OEMs including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Pratt & Whitney.

Managed all Squadron movement to forward bases and established new operational set up. Supervised the 24 hour Air Defense Alert fleet of the Squadron.

Participated in joint military exercises and liasoned with foreign officials including USAF. Represented the Squadron's engineering section during visits by foreign dignitaries.

Officer In Charge of Avionics Integration and retrofit Team, assigned with the Avionics upgrade of the Mirage Fighters at Pakistan Air Force.

Fatima Shafi | LinkedIn

Pleased to know that she has left the country and living the American dream.
PAF certainly have no place for thankless people like her.
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