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Pakistani Fashion

pack their bags and leave Pakistan for ever - How dare they defy Allah swts Commands and how ignorant ,:

You do make the assumption that the women involved are Muslim. Some of the women are modestly dressed the others may be christian or Hindu models.

Beides there are more important things to get bothered about in Pakistan at the moment than what a few girls wear for a day.
In Pakistan, where drinking is not allowed but the fashion show! To me drinking is less sin than this kind of fashion show!

Oh bro..a lot of stuff happens here..i can say for sure that Lahoris drink a lot..Pakistanis just tend to have holier then thou attitude.:P but as far i am concerned..Yes, it's wrong but they are not inviting you to view it or visit the show.Put up or shut up.At least the liberals don't blow themselves in market and kill hundreds of innocent like our extremists..Last i checked no liberal blew himself up for liberalism..If you dont like it complain to government to ban such shows otherwise you'll have a bunch of 14 years old strapped with explosives blowing themselves at one of those shows and before someone call me liberal fascist..I am a moderate and centrist.I believe in live and let other live.I am all for public ban on these things but private shows are none of our business.They can do what ever the hell they want in their private lives.
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Haha only these bare-skinned dresses got the media limelight. The show sported some more traditional dresses too.

Who wears these dresses anyway even in the west? They are just for celebrities to wear at these ultra popular red carpet events.

I can't imagine myself going out looking like this:

But I bet its worth more than my paycheck.


I don't want to sound like a rascist---but this guy looks so gay---what an f'ed up dress and color combo---he is looking like someone's bi--h.
Well, frankly speaking, I never understood this 'fashion show' business. How people can pay for these idiot looking clothes? Many of them need you to get painted or covered in different colored clothes from head to toe. Some dresses even need dogs / cats as accessories! I wonder if they can carry these strange clothes for even half an hour or sit on floor without making dress tear.

Firstly, what's the point in taking efforts on making clothes you won't wear at public place?

Secondly, what happens to hundreds of dresses after the show?

Thirdly, how come these ultra-expensive dresses can malfunction? What's the point on putting whole weight of the cloth on one stitch or hook? Can't they have something like 'emergency backup system'?

Lastly, why they never wear undies while on the ramp? :undecided:


Maybe it is about the wet and moist factor.
Oh bro..a lot of stuff happens here..i can say for sure that Lahoris drink a lot..Pakistanis just tend to have holier then thou attitude.:P........At least the liberals don't blow themselves in market and kill hundreds of innocent like our extremists..Last i checked no liberal blew himself up for liberalism

Patriot may have hit a point there.

Young liberal, Hey i go to clubs and drink occasionally, i like watching girls in tight jeans dancing and listening to music, i dont pray five times a day or go to the mosque as often as my parents would like but im not hurting any one and i am enjoying life.

Young Taliban, im stuck in a cave, nothing to do, nothing to see, three years since i have seen a girl that wasnt wearing a blue tent, no music no fun nothing to do but pray five times a day and listen to an Iman tell me every one who is having more fun than me is kafir and deserves to die. May as well go kill myself.
Patriot may have hit a point there.

Young liberal, Hey i go to clubs and drink occasionally, i like watching girls in tight jeans dancing and listening to music, i dont pray five times a day or go to the mosque as often as my parents would like but im not hurting any one and i am enjoying life.

Young Taliban, im stuck in a cave, nothing to do, nothing to see, three years since i have seen a girl that wasnt wearing a blue tent, no music no fun nothing to do but pray five times a day and listen to an Iman tell me every one who is having more fun than me is kafir and deserves to die. May as well go kill myself.

You sound like a very practical fella......
And there is a lot more that is happening in Pakistan.

In October, a painstakingly detailed production of Chekov's "The Seagull" had a successful run in Karachi.

Karachi's local actors put on a female version of The Odd Couple and the Abba musical Mamma Mia drew large crowds.

An art exhibit opened recently in Islamabad to portray the effects of recent events on Pakistani psyche. Using the snake skin as a symbol of ongoing terror in the country, artist Haleem Khan has used the metaphor of a venomous snake to portray the violence that confronts people.

There were dozens of other events across the country, such as the 25th anniversary of a street theater group, a film festival for children, scores of music concerts, thousands of weddings and endless games of street cricket.

Clearly, many Pakistanis are defying the campaign of intimidation unleashed by the Tehrik-e-Taleban Pakistan. Despite the failed political leadership and extremely poor governance, the country’s saving grace is arguably its people.

Haq's Musings: Life Goes On in Pakistan
Bunch of Morons whats wrong with these Clothes, if u people want to know who's guilty just have a look in the Mirror, Itne Masoom mat bano, Lal Masjid Chale jao aur Sab Mard aur Aurat Burqa Pehan lo, according to these Mullahs everything that gives Happiness is Haram

is there any one here from Islamabad, He/she will know whats going on, at least 70% of Girls & boys in Isloo cant live without Hash
If u want to wear it or see it then don't, Who's forcing u to see it & wear it, Don't beat Drums, Follow what u want to Follow & let other follow what they want to Follow
is there any one here from Islamabad, He/she will know whats going on, at least 70% of Girls & boys in Isloo cant live without Hash
If u want to wear it or see it then don't, Who's forcing u to see it & wear it, Don't beat Drums, Follow what u want to Follow & let other follow what they want to Follow

Well Miss,

last time I checked, Pakistan was Islamic country, according to Islam; We must stop actions which destroy moral fabric of society.

If they change Pakistan's constitution and make it secular, I would have no problem in you walking naked to school.


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Well Miss,

last time I checked, Pakistan was Islamic country, according to Islam; We must stop actions which destroy moral fabric of society.

If they change Pakistan's constitution and make it secular, I would have no problem in you walking naked to school.

Constitution has also got some other things, Involving Religion every where is not Good, Just think how much of Islam we Follow, Most of the Time people follow the part of Religion which they LIKE....
Just Look around u, Do whatever u like & let others do what they like

Ye Lal Masjid aur TTP mindset ko Khatam kro, Had Hote ha bhai
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