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Pakistani Fashion

Rabia Butt on the cover of International Norwegian Magazine Vixen :tup::tup:


Also featured in the magazine were Vaneeza Ahmed and Fayezah Ansari
Rabia Butt on the cover of International Norwegian Magazine Vixen :tup::tup:


Also featured in the magazine were Vaneeza Ahmed and Fayezah Ansari

lol there is sooo many pakistanis in norway it's a beautiful place would make a nice colony for us their population is like 5-6 million I hope we keep moving there it should be easy to outbreed them :pakistan::yahoo::cool:
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well the common pakistani girl does not dress like this but having said that I dunno why foreigners are so surprised contrary to popular belief it's not a big deal it's nothing new fashion shows have been going on for years in pakistan undisturbed and they only just reporting it now ? this seems to be major news for global media I guess coz they are not used to spreading anything else about pakistan other than taliban and loose nukes.
I can't imagine myself going out looking like this:

But I bet its worth more than my paycheck.

I never can understand why designers that come up with such nice things for women create crap for men. Looks like he took all the scraps left over after making the dresses and chucked them together.
Well, frankly speaking, I never understood this 'fashion show' business. How people can pay for these idiot looking clothes? Many of them need you to get painted or covered in different colored clothes from head to toe. Some dresses even need dogs / cats as accessories! I wonder if they can carry these strange clothes for even half an hour or sit on floor without making dress tear.

Firstly, what's the point in taking efforts on making clothes you won't wear at public place?

Secondly, what happens to hundreds of dresses after the show?

Thirdly, how come these ultra-expensive dresses can malfunction? What's the point on putting whole weight of the cloth on one stitch or hook? Can't they have something like 'emergency backup system'?

Lastly, why they never wear undies while on the ramp? :undecided:
Vsdoc, the designs might be "sad", however we should acknowledge that such events taking place is a sign of the presence of liberal sensibilities in Pakistan.

Wasn't talking about the designs bhai. Am a purani jeans and tee guy myself.

Having said that, seeing emo-girls fotos I must take back some of my words on some of them.

Cheers, Doc
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