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Pakistani enginers attacked in kandahar 7 killed.

Maybe some Taliban were told to kill more Indians and they caught these six guys and killed them thinking they were Indian. It is not like they walk around carrying Pakistani flags or avatars.

This could be one of the possibilities , but again we still have more bitter enemies in the afghan arena ..!

Dear PN, it is a long list indeed,

1)You say Pakistan created taliban?
A)Okay and what was USA doing?Who provided them weapons and finance?

I dont know, americans as well as pakistanis and indians are engaged in their proxy war, except pakistan had a upper had before and did most of the things. so i dont see the difference between these different countries.

2Q)You said pakistan has always fuelled pushton=tasjik tension?
A=Tell me how?how did we help them HATE tajiks?

Pakistan have always supported the those groups who are engaged in fight with the tajiks. it is our stupidity to have ethnic issues, but paksitan is putting more petrol on it. at least in this forum cant you see evey time people attack tajiks with no reason?

3Q)You say Truth hurtz is a 100% Pushton nationalist?
A=Why doesnt he display his countrys flag?

I dont know why he is not displaying his country's flag, i cant answer this question on his behalf.

2)Why the f...k hes calling PAKISTANIS who hate retards like him his PEOPLE?
3)Why was he so anti-Pakistan and was propogating durad line BULL CRAP?When Pakistani pushtuns hate it and his views?

I dont know brother, you better had asked him. after all he was a pashtoon from afghanistan and you always consider pashtoons of afghanistan as great ally and great friend, if he is talking about durand line i dont know, but i know for sure that we people never talk about NWFP and consider it as integral part of paksitan. i never have any problem with pashtons of pakistan, if they are happy to be proud pakistanis then who the hell i am to have objection to it?

4)You say we are helping talibans?
A=Who arrreste top alqaeda leader ship?Who arrested bradar and gang whos helping point out the target of drone strikes tht are killing these animals?

Yes, we see a change of heart in GOP, but it wanst like this before.

Q=Why was india supporting ussr to invade afghanistan?there was no taliban at tht time?why millions of afghanis were killed by russians?

it was a proxy war, it has been proxy war and is still proxy war. wish we never fought the russians, if we didnt fight them then we never got killed. it wasnt our fight, but paid the ultimate price for it. what did we get from all those? nothing but death and destruction which is continuing until now.

Q=Should we had not supported taliban while soviets were regularly violating our airspace and aghan and russian spies were comming in our country in doves?

yes, i have always said this publicly. pakistan was trying to defend itself, and if anybody claims that paksitan tried to help people of afghansitan is wrong. i need to make a small correction, it was the mujahideen not the taliban.

Q=Who supported ur 8 million refugees?while being a economically weak country itself?

not 8 millions, but around 2 milions. we are deeply grateful to the people of pakistan and pakistan nation for this, we will never forget pakistani public's help and brotherhood, the same way goes to iranian people, they have also helped us for a long time. western city of herat is very developed and modren to afghanistan's standadard, thanks to the iranian help. we didnt go to india, perhaps because of the distance, or any other reason. thanks to everyone who have helped us.

Q)Why india has almost 3 doze consulates all near PAK-AFGHAN border wile ur country is in war?????

3 dozens? i dont think so. they have those consulates because of diplomatic reasons, or perhaps they want to counter attack ISI, proxy sitution.

Q)Why we are catching indian and afghan spies from quetta,bolan and FATA?

mis trust, pakistanis have been caught in afghanistan and india as well.

Q)Why are we siezing in indian equipment coming from afghanistan?

i dont know, pakistan is using afghanistan for its own purpose and so do india, what is the difference?

Q0Why Karzai is so anti-Pakistan?didnt he study in india?

yes he studied in india, and some other afghans studied in paksitan, so?

Q)Why taliban deny relations with TTP scums??

cuz they didnt want lose their main supporter.

Q)Yesterday a letter from Governor of Kunar requesting taliban to keep fighting and ask for merger with afghanistan was recovered from a afghani?

pretty new thing. in such a connected world, letters dont have much place, internet, telephone etc do the work.

Q)Why containers full of dead afghanis are siezed from chman while trying to enter Pakistan?

perhpas some desparate immigrants who want to survive. dead bodies of afghans immigrants are recovered from everywhere(eg greece, turkey etc).

Q)Why afghan soldiers were killed a few days back while trying to enter pakistani teritory and firing at our posts?near Balouchistan-afghan border??

i am sure it is not official policy of the gov, ANA is a long way from being a proper and principled army.

Q)Why indian army officers are caught supplying explosives to terrorists inside Pakistan?

paksitan try to undermine india and india is the same thing to paksitan, this is my understanding anyway.

Q)Why Pakistani people are specifically targeted by hit sqads?Unlike other attacks where everybody is the victim??

are you pointing to this recent report from Qandahar?

Q)Why terrorists arrested by Pakistan security forces admit being trained in indian consulates in afghanistan???????And confessing of meeting Balach mari and other bastard terrorists in indian embassies in Afghanistan????

who knows they were forced to confess to that?

Why NA mafia now the commanders or in govt of anti-Pakistan afghan government are running ANA?Why ANA is trained by indians?
Why afghan intelegence angencies are being created and organised by indians?RAMA is an example..........Arent indian terroprist agencis anti-pakistan?

and why didnt you have any objection when the whole afghanistan was in control of pakistan indirectly? you shouldnt forget that you guys created NA, it was your mistake.

We dont want afghanistan as our ALLY but we dont want it as our enemy either.But if afghans want enemity im sure hey will regret it more then anyone.

i dont think a broken country like afghansitan will be in a position or have the will to seek enemies especially the neighbours.
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Dear PN,
I dont know, americans as well as pakistanis and indians are engaged in their proxy war, except pakistan had a upper had before and did most of the things. so i dont see the difference between these different countries.
What things?did we run afghanistan?did we destroy bamyan statues?

Pakistan have always supported the those groups who are engaged in fight with the tajiks. it is our stupidity to have ethnic issues, but paksitan is putting more petrol on it. at least in this forum cant you see evey time people attack tajiks with no reason?
Where did we support anti minoirty groups?did we ask talibs who USA installed as government of afghanistan and left to kill or prosecute non pushtun ethnic people?
How did we pour petrol ?any example or incident ?U say we always created ethnic tension and then u say we supported Ahmed Shah Masood?please stay on one statement.

I dont know brother, you better had asked him. after all he was a pashtoon from afghanistan and you always consider pashtoons of afghanistan as great ally and great friend,
People doubt even he was pushton...........He was american and declared USA as his country and afghanistan a war torn land he had no relation it. Raised,born and bred American.
Yes, we see a change of heart in GOP, but it wanst like this before
Since Us invasion?and according to generals:
The benefit of afghanistan is in benefit of Pakistan
it was a proxy war, it has been proxy war and is still proxy war. wish we never fought the russians, if we didnt fight them then we never got killed. it wasnt our fight, but paid the ultimate price for it. what did we get from all those? nothing but death and destruction which is continuing until now.
How was it a proxy?They invaded AFGHANISTAN didnt they?
Remmember what russians said?
Its the history of russia where ever we go we remain there and never quit or leave the land>........In short we occupy and expand our empire from balkans to central asia.
yes, i have always said this publicly. pakistan was trying to defend itself, and if anybody claims that paksitan tried to help people of afghansitan is wrong.
There were 2 reasons for it.
1)After occupying afghan they would have faced towards us.
2)The Strict islamic government of the time General Zia ul Haq and his Mullah group who had to save there muslim brethern and had the duty of saving islam from Kafirs.
3)Even if we didnt help afghanistani in war we would have survived coz USSR would have been stuck as always.......And 90% of our space violation was done after we jumped in Soviet war by AFGHAN AIRFORCE AND RUSSIAN AIRFORCE alike.

4)India supported soviet invasion .Its better to have enemies then friends like them.

not 8 millions, but around 2 milions. we are deeply grateful to the people of pakistan and pakistan nation for this, we will never forget pakistani public's help and brotherhood, the same way goes to iranian people, they have also helped us for a long time. western city of herat is very developed and modren to afghanistan's standadard, thanks to the iranian help. we didnt go to india, perhaps because of the distance, or any other reason. thanks to everyone who have helped us.

It was 8 million most of the refugees left even most even live illegaly in Pakistan.
Around 3 - 3.5 million afghan refugees still live in Pakistan.
Iran did a good job by creating special fenced area for afghans so tht they dont spread into there country.I wish we had done the same.But u paid us with Lanats like drugs,AKs and prostitution.

3 dozens? i dont think so. they have those consulates because of diplomatic reasons, or perhaps they want to counter attack ISI, proxy sitution.
I said almost 3 dozen around 28 all near Pakistan border.
What diplomatic reasons do they have?are they bordering afghanistan?NO
About ISI if we had been tht effective we would not be fighting FUKING TTP supported by afghan and indian terrorist sponsors sitting on YOUR SOIL.
Your paying us pretty good for refugee deal.

mis trust, pakistanis have been caught in afghanistan and india as well
We are still to see evidence of caught spies?????where is it?
On the other hand we have confessed indian spies who uppon returning to there country proudly declare tht they will be happy to do the same again.
Afghan uzbeks,tajiks etc spies and soldiers caught dead or alive fighting PAK ARMY?And recovered indian weapons from Torkham border hidden under trucks and bordering afghanis.

i dont know, pakistan is using afghanistan for its own purpose and so do india, what is the difference?
Using afghanistan for what?
Whats our benefit in afghanistan accept a stable afghanistan tht could provide us links to central asian countries tht will benefit PAK-AFGHAN both?
Arent we f...king talibans already?
yes he studied in india, and some other afghans studied in paksitan, so?
cuz they didnt want lose their main supporter.

And still we are catching afghan talib and al qaeda leader?
Its just so gracious of them if they still like us
pretty new thing. in such a connected world, letters dont have much place, internet, telephone etc do the work.
Lol do u even have computers there?
Do TTP use computers?If yes i bet they like indian pornography the most.
What about the dead afghan scum who had the letter on him???

i am sure it is not official policy of the gov, ANA is a long way from being a proper and principled army.

Without official policies 8 SUVs and 8 bikes dont enter and fire at bordering countrys posts.

paksitan try to undermine india and india is the same thing to paksitan, this is my understanding anyway.

Which Pak Army officier was caught buring indian trains and giving explosives to attack india?
What u think doesnt represent thw whole world.It would be better if ur govt doesnt f..k around by supporting terrorism on another countries soil.
Q)Why Pakistani people are specifically targeted by hit sqads?Unlike other attacks where everybody is the victim??
who knows they were forced to confess to that?

:blah::blah::blah: On national TV with afghan IDs and indian currency ?and indian made weapons?

and why didnt you have any objection when the whole afghanistan was in control of pakistan indirectly? you shouldnt forget that you guys created NA, it was your mistake
First deciede we created taliban or NA
And give solid evidence about the foolish indirct controlling sentence
i dont think a broken country like afghansitan will be in a position or have the will to seek enemies especially the neighbours
100% right i just wish ur govt understands and sas bye bye to indian proxys against a brother country.
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If we go on your theory then consider the number of Afghans working in Pakistan. We never said anything to them like that. But you are a troll. SO STFU.

And by the way most of the audit of companies in Afghanistan is done by branches of Pakistani firms. Pakistani accountants.

same with I.T.

Naxtor Technologies (an Australian company with offices here in Peshawar) contracted Pakistanis to set up many database and other IT-related initiatives and trainings for Afghans ministries

we send hundreds of doctors, surgeons, and nurses to Afghanistan who offer their services on voluntary basis.....

ill-wishers of Pakistan seem to think Pakistan's role in Afghanistan is a nefarious one; it's total hogwash and lies.

Don't they realize that we are the ones who lose business and security when Afghanistan is unstable.

Do they think we enjoy seeing the Afghans living in the conditions they are in? We want Afghans to have normalcy in their lives and have hope --so they can raise their children and have happy lives.

I don't buy into this anti-Pakistan propaganda & smear campaign by certain media outlets or politicians siting in other countries --having no clue about the history or realities of the region.
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It seems you have already established facts based on what you think can happen and what you dont think cannot happen, does not leave much room for debate however i'll like to add one thing unfortunately it maybe but in real world things dont run according to our believes.
I hope you realize this before making assumptions.

We would have appreciated if you could have dare to use this wiser post directed at many Pakistani poster in this thread too.
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