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Pakistani Embassy in Ukraine Provides Support to Indian students in Ukraine

If you can't beat them, then join them is the old proverb.... But the Indian losers live by the fact that if you can't beat them then try to humiliate them.
Be it Balakot. Swift Retort. CPEC or Ukraine. the Indian Twitter Twats are full of themselves.... However, actions speak louder than words, what really counts the end results... The World is now only too aware of the fake news factory called India.
Caught in a war torn country with no help is the absolute worst situation for students to be in. I'm sure that these students and their family (in India) will be grateful to Pakistan! :cheers:

As soon as they land back in india, they'll start up their genocidal rants against Pakistan and Pakistani people.
Why are we doing this? Why wasting our resources on thankless indians? Will india ever do this for Pakistanis? Why cant we get off this chamchageeri mentality?
It's become the norm now. Pakistanis always want to help others including the enemy yet get beat down. When we need support the world turns it's back. Pakistanis have become selfish in not putting their own interests first.
As soon as they land back in india, they'll start up their genocidal rants against Pakistan and Pakistani people.
That is unlikely. People are always grateful for those who help them at dire need.

But there are a lot of people in India who have anti-Pakistan sentiment. In terms of numbers, these people will not make a difference one way or the other.
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