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Pakistani Doctor Mafia and forced C section

Also Pakistan should take a leaf out of the UK model and have prescribing pharmacists and prescribing Nurses. These are especially trained pharmacists and nurses who can comfortably deal with common ailments and minor injuries and can prescribe medication accordingly.

There is an even bigger shortage of allied healthcare workers such as pharmacists and nurses in Pakistan.
There is an even bigger shortage of allied healthcare workers such as pharmacists and nurses in Pakistan.

Well if there is a shortage, you train and hire more. It's certainly cheaper than training and hiring doctors.
Well if there is a shortage, you train and hire more. It's certainly cheaper than training and hiring doctors.

Good idea, but easier said than done, like most things academic.
The purpose of making this video is to create awareness regarding poor medical practice. Please share and spread this video as much as you can so we can save other babies and mothers and save families from unnecessary heartache and trauma.

Every institution is like a mafia here in Pakistan. No repercussions for anything. No one is responsible for anything here in Pakistan. No one like to take responsibility for their work.

Very sad to hear this. Is this guy not the famous YouTuber?
Good idea, but easier said than done, like most things academic.
Do you have any ideas or do you spend your time just poking holes in others ideas?

Training nurses and pharmacists is not difficult - it's not like you can buy them at walmart, but at the same time, it's not like trying to organise a manned mission to Mars.
Very sad to hear this. Is this guy not the famous YouTuber?

Yes he is, Rahim Pardesi is the famous Nasreen.

The purpose of making this video is to create awareness regarding poor medical practice. Please share and spread this video as much as you can so we can save other babies and mothers and save families from unnecessary heartache and trauma.

Every institution is like a mafia here in Pakistan. No repercussions for anything. No one is responsible for anything here in Pakistan. No one like to take responsibility for their work.
Can we have a list of Medical Students, Doctors (with their specializations) listed somewhere on PDF, so they can be instrumental in providing insights on threads, like these.

The doctors on their own are nothing,Its the international pharmaceutical psychopath cult which should be --------. There are plenty of good doctors out there but the dalla kind who pimp out to the pharma cult is in majority . One of my acquaintances was prescribed a drug besides others to mess up his liver on purpose so that he would later pay for the hepatitis c vaccines . The guy read the literature about that pill and confronted the doctor .
Do you have any ideas or do you spend your time just poking holes in others ideas?

I did accept that yours was a "good idea". In fact, it is a GREAT idea, but ideas are nothing without implementation, are they?

Training nurses and pharmacists is not difficult - it's not like you can buy them at walmart, but at the same time, it's not like trying to organise a manned mission to Mars.

How many years does it take to train a pharmacist? How many nurses give up their profession due to various causes? Creating and then managing a good health care system for a large population with resource constraints may be actually more difficult than a manned mission to Mars, IMO.
I did accept that yours was a "good idea". In fact, it is a GREAT idea, but ideas are nothing without implementation, are they?

How many years does it take to train a pharmacist? How many nurses give up their profession due to various causes? Creating and then managing a good health care system for a large population with resource constraints may be actually more difficult than a manned mission to Mars, IMO.

I know i takes 5-6 years to train a pharmacist, probably another year if they were proscribers. I'm not suggesting any solution is going to fix things tomorrow, but if you ever want to fix things you need to start somewhere.
I know i takes 5-6 years to train a pharmacist, probably another year if they were proscribers. I'm not suggesting any solution is going to fix things tomorrow, but if you ever want to fix things you need to start somewhere.

Starting somewhere is good, but starting at the foundations is better. All of primary, secondary and higher education needs to be fixed first before moving on to meeting the requirements for specialized trained manpower.
Starting somewhere is good, but starting at the foundations is better. All of primary, secondary and higher education needs to be fixed first before moving on to meeting the requirements for specialized trained manpower.

Surely we can do these things in parallel. The govt is already implementing a univseral curriculum, assume for a minute it is successful, it'll be 15-20 years before we see the impact of it on our workforce. We can't wait that long, we have to make do with the half baked graduates we have - for now.

In the UK existing pharmacists and nurses are offered on the job training to expand their skillset, ulltimately allowing them to have greater clinical responsbility for greater money. The new fresh graduates are backfilling the roles the seniors leave behind. We ought to follow the same model.
Surely we can do these things in parallel. The govt is already implementing a univseral curriculum, assume for a minute it is successful, it'll be 15-20 years before we see the impact of it on our workforce. We can't wait that long, we have to make do with the half baked graduates we have - for now.

In the UK existing pharmacists and nurses are offered on the job training to expand their skillset, ulltimately allowing them to have greater clinical responsbility for greater money. The new fresh graduates are backfilling the roles the seniors leave behind. We ought to follow the same model.

Of course we can wait that long. We have already waited for three quarters of a century. What's another quarter? There are no shortcuts.
This is one of the reasons why people from rural areas don't want to go to hospitals and prefer backward methods for deliveries. Agey kunwaan peche khai wali situation hojati un becharon k liye.
As far as the C-Section goes this has become a trend many women who don't want to go through a normal birth go for it and most Gynecologists are usually happy to oblige

Doctors scare the sh!t out of expected ladies. That's why they go for C-section. Otherwise why would they want a C-section ? C-section have many after effects. It haunts the mother for atleast 2 years after operation.

Doctors actually prefer C-section because it's less complicated and take just 15 minutes. A normal delivery require hours.. some times a day or two.
The purpose of making this video is to create awareness regarding poor medical practice. Please share and spread this video as much as you can so we can save other babies and mothers and save families from unnecessary heartache and trauma.

Every institution is like a mafia here in Pakistan. No repercussions for anything. No one is responsible for anything here in Pakistan. No one like to take responsibility for their work.
One of my relatives also faced a similar issue in Liaqat National Karachi, one of the most expensive and elite hospitals in Pakistan
I don't know whether there was an indication of c-section or not but one thing I can say for sure was the presence of surgical sponges in her reproductive tract was gross negligence. There was a pretty good chance that she would have died of septic shock. That mistake should have never had happened.
Not negligence, it was deliberate. There are too many cases of such nature happening in Pakistan.
When Human lives are cheap and have no dignity, then you have a Lawless country where every sector is above the law and does not care for Humans BUT only money. Pakistan is classic example of such a country devoid of importance of Human Lives.
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