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@django @The Sandman @Moonlight @PaklovesTurkiye @The Eagle
That music!
Those actions!!

Sometimes it is so easy to figure out when the emotions are real and when they are being faked!! The words are strong but do she believed in any of those? the gestures, the emotions, her face expression and body language all cries out for this to be fake!!

I had to watch it again, she is an artist who had an accident when she was 21, that accident left her paraplegic for the rest of her life......................... don't you think you are being too harsh on the lady in your criticism? I find her presentation okay after all she is doing it on camera and bit of cosmetics and that artificial feel are part of being on camera?
I had to watch it again, she is an artist who had an accident when she was 21, that accident left her paraplegic for the rest of her life......................... don't you think you are being too harsh on the lady in your criticism? I find her presentation okay after all she is doing it on camera and bit of cosmetics and that artificial feel are part of being on camera?
I just cannot digest faked sympathy, that is it.
Sahab if we can digest fake democracy then what is so hard digesting fake sympathy and pretend you agree with her :D
I don't really love that democrazyy either! :) But i do not talk much about it because one is labeled for affiliation with some party as easily as the Mullahs used to label one Kaffir!!
Missed this post...? :cry:
@Arsalan , and others..
Me?? Nahi tu!!!
I did thanked the post as well :)
Actually, i really don't have much to add to this so i never replied but i sure did read this one.
It is a good move, i would love to see more such events organized and more importantly, i would love for myself to keep following any such news :P Thanks for tagging me!
Regional languages to be made part of G-B school curriculum


The resolution was passed through majority votes. However, the speaker said the problems involving alphabets and grammar will need to be addressed first with support from linguists in G-B. PHOTO: EXPRESS

GILGIT: The legislative assembly of Gilgit-Baltistan passed a resolution on Thursday to ensure regional languages are made part of the syllabus in the region.

The resolution was tabled by Rehana Abidi, a lawmaker of Islami Tehreek Pakistan (ITP) from Baltistan. It was approved by the house that was chaired by Speaker Fida Muhammad Nashad.

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