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yaaar i wrote a post... wait let me paste it... it offended some people

I agree, it is not only over priced but long waiting times and specialists are a long wait...

Um was she wrestling with it, or did you annoy her in some way... and neutral siblings should be bought to your side before they go to the other one

True but honestly, there is a constant degradation of the Iq of both men and women, science seems to agree with me.

Can't live with em... Can't live without em...

I mixed up thought you said yusufzai instead of sadozai

Just saying about pushto cuz living in Punjab

Please tell
i dont know she can speak pushto or not but she has a pushto ,infact thora different accent ,mianwali mix type ka. Ziada tau nahi pata abt how the family traditions are magar she is a cool person lolzz
If only i could be alone for the next 3 years... us kay bahd i would actually think about it... Maybe, maaaybe
Um was she wrestling with it, or did you annoy her in some way... and neutral siblings should be bought to your side before they go to the other one

Playing a game, jumpscare, threw the laptop on the floor, cried for 15 minutes, mom yelled at me for an hour. Don't worry about her changing sides, sisters stick together.

True but honestly, there is a constant degradation of the Iq of both men and women, science seems to agree with me.

Yep, 10 years later I'll be brain dead.

I haven't seen you before ! :undecided:

Oh, but I'm everywhere on this forum.

I mixed up thought you said yusufzai instead of sadozai

Just saying about pushto cuz living in Punjab

Please tell
Heyu are niazi? I thought u are yousafzai.
Niazis came from ghazni. Ooooooooo
Women are a unique species, they have no understanding of what they want other then not the thing you think is right... Also they are judgemental, petty and most are very superficial. long gone are the days where girls used to sit and read at home, now they rather share every minute of their lives on Facebook, write weird statuses, and whine about the most weird things... Oh did I mention that they are stereotypically shallow while the accuse men of being the same. plus the worst part, they can not even cook round rotis :o: ok the last one was a joke but this in a very brief paragraph tells you how much I love women
@Armstrong You must read this and add to it, we can both have a very automated response to marriage... I think we can help each other out

Take this to another thread... @Geralt do not complain about ratings later....
Dude bro, i think you want a little too far on this whole thing about women. Its actually the fault of Pakistani men that our women are becoming such consumerist types . I particularly blame our so called "educated class" which thinks that by adopting all of the negative aspects of the west we will become a advanced and educated society.
Playing a game, jumpscare, threw the laptop on the floor, cried for 15 minutes, mom yelled at me for an hour. Don't worry about her changing sides, sisters stick together.
I am devoid of this thing we call sister, and have no clue how they operate
*this was a joke, and should be taken that way... any attempt to call me some sort of woman hater is welcomed between 9 am and 10 am on thursdays*
Yep, 10 years later I'll be brain dead.
come on what was the last book you read.. the only really avid reader here is the one person who seems to not know who you are

Dude bro, i think you want a little too far on this whole thing about women. Its actually the fault of Pakistani men that our women are becoming such consumerist types . I particularly blame our so called "educated class" which thinks that by adopting all of the negative aspects of the west we will become a advanced and educated society.
Again please let me clarify, this was a joke thread, the men today are also the same... they run away from books, they rather take picture of the food then eat it, they have to tag everyone to gain some sort of recognition, and are just as shallow when it comes to looks... there are men who spend longer on their hair then is supposed to be(men if you stand infront of a mirror for more then 2 minutes looking at how to style your hair, maybe it is a time for a haircut) i could go on but not I will be labelled a man hating person
I am devoid of this thing we call sister, and have no clue how they operate
*this was a joke, and should be taken that way... any attempt to call me some sort of woman hater is welcomed between 9 am and 10 am on thursdays*

Yep, but it's fun having her around.

come on what was the last book you read.. the only really avid reader here is the one person who seems to not know who you are

Well you asked for it, Cafe' Rogue on Wattpad, it's 21+ don't judge me.

And I'm off to sleep. Goodnight.
Dude bro, i think you want a little too far on this whole thing about women. Its actually the fault of Pakistani men that our women are becoming such consumerist types . I particularly blame our so called "educated class" which thinks that by adopting all of the negative aspects of the west we will become a advanced and educated society.
I honestly disagree that our women have become or becoming something like this. And i am someone u will always see evaluating both genders fairly, my past posts are a proof of it. So its not that i am defending anyone,
Seoncdly, updating facebook statuses etc then these are personal choices and even men do ,so no singling out here is required. But then i am declared shallow too.oh welll!
Again please let me clarify, this was a joke thread, the men today are also the same... they run away from books, they rather take picture of the food then eat it, they have to tag everyone to gain some sort of recognition, and are just as shallow when it comes to looks... there are men who spend longer on their hair then is supposed to be(men if you stand infront of a mirror for more then 2 minutes looking at how to style your hair, maybe it is a time for a haircut) i could go on but not I will be labelled a man hating person

No, i agree with you on the whole thing about the women and men, i didn't mean to come off as attacking you (which i wasn't) and did not realize what you said was out of jokingly nature.

But yes, i do agree that our society on the whole has become very consumerist and here once again i blame our educated class for trying to "westernize" our society by adopting all of the negative aspects of the West in their effort to make Pakistan a "advanced" nation. They have adopted all of these weird fashion trends, all of this stupidity like taking selfies every other second and pasting your entire days activities on face book. Our people need to lose the inferiority complex and take pride in their own culture rather than change themselves.
Yep, but it's fun having her around.
hmm some one who is younger than you and who you can order around :P
i see the nice pleasant conversations you must have...
Well you asked for it, Cafe' Rogue on Wattpad, it's 21+ don't judge me.
hmm I do not judge people, only get judged by others apparently
And I'm off to sleep. Goodnight.
some one has an early bed time... for some one who sleeps all day
I honestly disagree that our women have become or becoming something like this. And i am someone u will always see evaluating both genders fairly, my past posts are a proof of it. So its not that i am defending anyone,
Seoncdly, updating facebook statuses etc then these are personal choices and even men do ,so no singling out here is required. But then i am declared shallow too.oh welll!
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with having a facebook account and updating your statuses, but it becomes a issue when that is all you're doing every second. And for guys who have become metrosexuals, obsessed with their hairstyles, the fancy types which require tons of hair product to maintain on a daily basis i feel like our society is becoming a bit of a circus show. It use to be that women were obsessed with their hair, but now men are too.
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