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Pakistani corner

Deception? Please explain your comment a bit more for my benefit. Thanks.
Deception, mislead, lies, fabrications, doing what needs to be done to stay in power. I don't really have to elaborate, take a current example, Punjab govt says it has closed schools because of the cold weather, while the reality is that, it is due to the security threat(debunked by their interior minister). Hope you understand.
Deception, mislead, lies, fabrications, doing what needs to be done to stay in power. I don't really have to elaborate, take a current example, Punjab govt says it has closed schools because of the cold weather, while the reality is that, it is due to the security threat(debunked by their interior minister). Hope you understand.

So, if I understand you correctly, Pakistan's main problem has been the power grab and lying by the Army itself, based on what you wrote over there, that has led Pakistan to where it is today. :D
So, if I understand you correctly, Pakistan's main problem has been the power grab and lying by the Army itself, based on what you wrote over there, that has led Pakistan to where it is today. :D
Army alone is not to be blamed, if politicians weren't as incompetent as they were, army wouldn't dare intervene. Though blame is equally shared by all, even the people.
Army alone is not to be blamed, if politicians weren't as incompetent as they were, army wouldn't dare intervene. Though blame is equally shared by all, even the people.

Which is exactly why I asked that question. How much of this claim of political incompetence was true back in the days that led to the first illegal acts by the Army, and how much was a lie just to grab power?
Which is exactly why I asked that question. How much of this claim of political incompetence was true back in the days that led to the first illegal acts by the Army, and how much was a lie just to grab power?
That is for one to decide, we were under dictatorship ever since the legislative assembly were dissolved and Mirza taking over. One doesn't have to wear a uniform to be a dictator, Ayub simply did what he did to come in power.
That is for one to decide, we were under dictatorship ever since the legislative assembly were dissolved and Mirza taking over. One doesn't have to wear a uniform to be a dictator, Ayub simply did what he did to come in power.

What are your views on it?
Mixture of blunder by all, though Ayub should never have stayed in power. In the end we did what our Quaid feared the most.

What is worse is that we have insisted on making the same grievous national mistakes over and over again.
@Shah01 , read these, very informative, you can share your thoughts here:

Read the first part when it was post and second just now (don't have the privilege to reply in the other thread).
Many mistakes were made and Jinnah left us too soon and the rest is just history. If Fatimah Jinnah got elected then the fate of Pakistan would've been very different. 1) there would've been no Operation Gibraltar (stupid operation) and 2) East Pakistan would still be with us. I would even say Kashmir issue might have been resolved.

I wouldn't blame just the Army for this but also the Political elite and civil servants in particular. At the time Pakistan's literacy rate was less than 20%? People were hard pressed to make do without clothes, food and shelter... voting was not the priority (or choosing a leader) but filling the belly and having a shelter was (makes me very sad).
So Quaid was correct in telling the civil servants that it is their duty to build the nation, provide justice and fairness rather than take sides and make a mess of every thing. As I often say weak judiciary and police is the main culprit for all the ills. Fix these two and we will have a country to be proud of.
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