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Kohistan is the spitting image of south waziristan or any other region of FATA. It has a literacy rate even lower than FATA at 10% while FATA is 22%. Its a place waiting to boil.
Kohistan truly is a hellhole, terrorist can take advantage of the situation in these areas. The influence of FATA has affected these areas, government being so incompetent, don't really expect it to do something.

Operation Road Grader (Chilas)'.

Decmber 1960.

In December 1960 at the request of the Pakistani Air Force, USAFE (The United States Air Forces in Europe) airlifted 600 tons of cement and 64 tons of heavy construction equipment from Peshawar Air Base and airdropped them over Chilas , to assist a road-building project. Six C-130s of the 322nd Air Division based at Evreux, France flew a total of 55 sorties during the project, known as 'Operation Road Grader'. The mission was classified for quite a few years. During this mission USAFE personnel remained in Chilas for a few days and later traveled to Gilgit, from Gilgit they were flown to Peshawar in an old Bristol Freighter and then to France.

@Ahmad Masood , sorry for the ratings, please do not reply to trolls in future, i will see if mods can look into it.
Its alright @WAJsal. Sometimes a stern action is required to control things going out of hand. Appreciate this.
No matter how abusive the other party gets, we should not forget our manners. This behavior is not what our religion or what our parents or the society teaches us. To be a better member, or a better man we need to grow patience in us and discipline.
No matter how abusive the other party gets, we should not forget our manners. This behavior is not what our religion or what our parents or the society teaches us. To be a better member, or a better man we need to grow patience in us and discipline.
You are a good person :)
Done, reversed/
@Windjammer , bro please do not waste time on trolls. Read this:
No matter how abusive the other party gets, we should not forget our manners. This behavior is not what our religion or what our parents or the society teaches us. To be a better member, or a better man we need to grow patience in us and discipline.
You are a good person :)
I try. Mods were inactive, it was my duty to clean up the thread. Do not troll in future, Ciao.
Made some lovely Tikka's yestarday, absolutely lovely. Then again my mom did the Masalas and everything, i only cooked them and forgot to take pictures.
@Shamain ,@Indus Falcon ,@Abu Namr .....

@unleashed , The kyakh Masrofiyat astaney tah? sher Qila asto?
Tikka becomes eid culture in Pakistan..Eid Tikka k bagair uncomplete si lagti hey missing some nice snaps of your Tikkas..
Kohistan truly is a hellhole, terrorist can take advantage of the situation in these areas. The influence of FATA has affected these areas, government being so incompetent, don't really expect it to do something.
Lack of education mixed with unemployment make a dangerous mixture. I am still studying this insurgency but many Taliban recruits in Swat were unemployed and searching for a job. Other reasons are the poor justice system. Taliban filled a vacuum that already existed. It takes years for cases to be resolved in our country.

Simple example. A case of a militant in 2009 I think. Forgot the name but the case appeared in an article. A landlord had built a mansion but refused to pay the workers who built it. Later some years as the Taliban rose to power that mansion in Swat was razed to the ground.

Another case. It appeared in an article too. A man was crying in the mosque in Peshawar. He was a poor peasant whose rightful money was taken by a powerful person who refused to pay up and threatened the peasant. Militants saw the peasant crying in the mosque and followed him to his home from the mosque. Asked him what was troubling him. He laid out his story. The militants threatened the landlord. Money came back to the man immediately. The man became one of the most vocal supporters of militancy in Peshawar.

So injustice, unemployment, intolerance, lack of education-all reasons for the problem. In FATA its tribal warfare too. For example it is assumed rather than fully known though, that 60% of the Taliban are Maseed tribesmen. I am not blaming the tribe. Many Mahsuds here like Fawad Mehsud and I used to know a guy names Shahmeer on twitter. All patriotic Pakistanis. But the Taliban clearly have taken control of jirgas of the maseeds-partly by killing tribal elders who once held authority. There was also a case in Bajaur like this which has a vibrant political culture. A jirga sentenced an army soldier and a woman to death for illicit relations.
Lack of education mixed with unemployment make a dangerous mixture. I am still studying this insurgency but many Taliban recruits in Swat were unemployed and searching for a job. Other reasons are the poor justice system. Taliban filled a vacuum that already existed. It takes years for cases to be resolved in our country.

Simple example. A case of a militant in 2009 I think. Forgot the name but the case appeared in an article. A landlord had built a mansion but refused to pay the workers who built it. Later some years as the Taliban rose to power that mansion in Swat was razed to the ground.

Another case. It appeared in an article too. A man was crying in the mosque in Peshawar. He was a poor peasant whose rightful money was taken by a powerful person who refused to pay up and threatened the peasant. Militants saw the peasant crying in the mosque and followed him to his home from the mosque. Asked him what was troubling him. He laid out his story. The militants threatened the landlord. Money came back to the man immediately. The man became one of the most vocal supporters of militancy in Peshawar.

So injustice, unemployment, intolerance, lack of education-all reasons for the problem. In FATA its tribal warfare too. For example it is assumed rather than fully known though, that 60% of the Taliban are Maseed tribesmen. I am not blaming the tribe. Many Mahsuds here like Fawad Mehsud and I used to know a guy names Shahmeer on twitter. All patriotic Pakistanis. But the Taliban clearly have taken control of jirgas of the maseeds-partly by killing tribal elders who once held authority. There was also a case in Bajaur like this which has a vibrant political culture. A jirga sentenced an army soldier and a woman to death for illicit relations.
Well summarized. I think promoting education and better health facilities and justice system can improve thing, won't make immediate affects, schools should be cost free and etc, etc..Can't emphasize enough, let's hope for the best.
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