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Pakistani Army Accused of Waziristan Killings of Civilians

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nothign but BS .. i told you to give em examples not to tell me this Random poster did that .. at that random thread ... something that cannot be verified .. come on now .. put a little effort into it .
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Well it is about the claim ... you & your countrymen are trying your level best to stick your leg in a [p;ace it does not belong .. this is Pakistan's internal issue .. you have no place here in any regard ... if you have a little of common sense then you will realize that ..

and as for the Tone .. I don't intend to fall in the gutter & answer your question at the same level .. so have a good day .

Why are you concerned with what people say on the internet? It's the internet; there is the real world and what goes on there and there is the internet, and what people with vested interest, report there.

Pakistan army did what it had to. By now we should have learned from the US, seeing how closely they operate from us. If every time they stopped to think what they have done, every time when civilians died from their military operations, and sometimes deliberately, they would get nothing done if they payed attention to what people said about them on the internet.

If Pakistan army is serious about cleansing the Waziristan region, these kind of things are bound to happen. One civilian gets killed, the internet is gonna report ten. Focus on your efforts against the enemy and leave the internet to internet.
nothign but BS .. i told you to give em examples not to tell me this Random poster did that .. at that random thread ... something that cannot be verified .. come on now .. put a little effort into i .
Search yourself mate.. Dont expect to be spoon fed

Stop posting fake pictures man.

Death toll climbs to 95 in Lakki Marwat blast in volleyball ground in Pakistan. | #Alertpak#
Search yourself mate.. Dont expect to be spoon fed
you are the one who made the claim , it is your responsibility to provide the proof .. or is it not ..

next time dont make a statement if you have nothing but BS to back it up .

another waste of my time.
Pakistani army launches offensive in North Waziristan – The Express Tribune

Residents of North Waziristan accused troops on Monday of killing dozens of civilians during a military operation against militants.

The operation started just after a December 18 suicide bomb attack on a checkpoint in North Waziristan.

Speculation that the army might launch a major offensive in the frontier tribal areas has been building as the government’s attempts to engage the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in peace talks have floundered in recent months.

Military officials said more than 30 militants, most of them ethnic Uzbeks, had been killed in the operation.

“Security forces exercised utmost restraint to avoid any collateral damage,” the army said in a statement.

“The military spokesperson reiterated that the military action against the terrorists in North Waziristan on December 19 was in response to an attempt by terrorists to ambush a military convoy.

“The intelligence-based sting military operation later was specifically targeted against foreign terrorists holed up in a nearby compound.”

Foreign militants from various places including central Asia have long been known to be based in the region.

The army in its statement did not say anything about residents’ accusations of civilian casualties. The military’s media wing could not be immediately reached for comment.

The authorities imposed a curfew and residents said many people had fled from their homes after days of shelling and raids by helicopter gunships in the Mir Ali region of North Waziristan following the suicide attack.

Resident Muhammed Tayyab said he lost three of his children and his wife in the shelling.

“On the first day of the attack an artillery shell hit the room where my kids and wife were sleeping,” Tayyab told Reuters by telephone. “The government has put them to sleep forever.”

“Where is safe?”

Residents put the civilian death toll at several dozen.

“From the first day of the attack until now 70 civilians have been killed,” said a tribal elder in Mir Ali who declined to be identified for fear of state reprisals.

“Some truck drivers and hotel and shop keepers were shot directly, and dozens were killed by gunships, mortars, and artillery shelling on the civilian population.”

Reports from North Waziristan are hard to verify independently because journalists and observers are not allowed to work on the ground.

Residents said bodies were left in the open in the villages of Mosaki and Hasukhel as terrified villagers fled the area.

“We are moving our families to keep them safe but the mortars and shells are following us,” said Asad Sher of Mir Ali. “Please tell us where is safe. The troops are demolishing our homes and bazaars.”

Malik Gul Salehjan, another man, said: “My children are asking me for bread but I am not able to give them anything because there is nothing in my house.”

A North Waziristan administration official said tribal elders and army representatives convened a jirga, or meeting, on Monday to try to find a negotiated end to hostilities.
So Army has started operation with telling public. Pakistan will never learn i am afraid this will not end good as seen other places :(
The video has been reported to be related to recent action taken by Army where civilian casaulties were reported, though im not sure,

what do you guys say?
It happens but Army have to take tough measures otherwise more people will be killed. This is ugly reality of war.
It happens but Army have to take tough measures otherwise more people will be killed. This is ugly reality of war.

Army also has a responsibility to make up for the civilian loss. They are not above the law and winning hearts and minds is the core of the COIN warfare.
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