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Pakistani Ambassador to USA Sherry Rehman to be charged with Blasphemy

what was the bashing there? isnt it a reality that you guys look at women only as an object for lust and thus end up with atleast 3 cases of rape daily

You realize your talking to a women right ? Its really pathetic that a women like you have to use something as Brutal as a "Rape" just to abuse another nation. Am glad none of my countrymen are like you.

back to topic... Hopefully Sherry Rehman will not be punished for this medieval law... She must be at peace considering she is in U.S right now...
this stupid blasphemy law - a left over from Zia regime needs to be repealed.
We cannot progress anywhere with such level of insane sensitivities.
funny if one asks you how many times you found your sisters as hot as sherry rehman? or any other woman.

now have a cookie and no its not for living longer since i believe you cant more than the alloted time.

I'm not into incest, bro. There's a difference, and I'm sorry that you feel the need to stoop to the level of dragging family into this. Now please continue to live the rest of your inconsequential existence on the planet with your warped thought process and hatred.

Haters gonna hate.
She was only appointed to USA because she is a woman, good looking and speaks good english


She was appointed because she is an eminently qualified and experienced woman; quite possible one of the most progressive thinkers in Pakistan. The US ambassadorship is probably the single most difficult post in the Pakistani foreign office and I am glad she is on the job.

Anyway, this blasphemy thing is out of control.
I'm not into incest, bro. There's a difference, and I'm sorry that you feel the need to stoop to the level of dragging family into this. Now please continue to live the rest of your inconsequential existence on the planet with your warped thought process and hatred.

Haters gonna hate.

The point is only this that Indian men need to stop their low level of thinking about women simple as that.

"hot" is a uncivlized word and if one can not tolerate it for own women then they should not use for others as well.

you were going off topic you indeed got the off topic reply.
The point is only this that Indian men...

Your point is weak in that all you did was take a cheap shot.

Since when did appreciating beauty equate to 'low level of thinking about women'? It is usually those men that are sick in their heads who think the way you do. Now, go get a life, and stop making judgmental statements about people you don't know. Disgusting.
The Judges only directed the CPO to follow the law. Judges didn't make the law. Sherry Rehman's political party has the power to amend such a law.

Agree!! but... asking for amendment in an existing blasphemy law amounts to blasphemy itself? If I understood the OP correctly, basically petitioner wants Sherry Rehman to be charged with blasphemy for asking to do away with the death penalty in the existing law. For a court to make this as the basis & direct law enforcement agencies for investigation, is really dismaying.
pakistan should dump these ancient extremist laws.

i feel sorry for the lady.
Fck a blasphemy law and anybody that love it.

Brother you r wrong. This law needs a better inquiry system for sure. But this law should no be removed otherwise people will act independently and there will be no stopping them. This law was present that's why rimsha was saved otherwise no protection would be provided to her.
(And for those who think this law fucks with all due respect )if somebody says anything wrong about your family particularly your parents your reaction would be very aggressive and if someone says anything wrong about Holy Prophet(PBUH). Then you say this law fucks. The purpose of law is to make people realize that they should respect our religion(and same goes for us).
Agree!! but... asking for amendment in an existing blasphemy law amounts to blasphemy itself?

Courts can tell, definitively.

Btw, IF the courts strike down this petition that will set a precedent about openly debating to remove Blasphemy laws, without risk of prosecution.
Gazi Ilm ud din and his glorious support by founders of Pakistan in 1929 had nothing to do with USA.

Stop blaming others for everything.

I will start with this:

“In 1914, Tilak was prosecuted again on charges of sedition. This
time, his legal counsel was Mohammad Ali Jinnah, a renowned lawyer of
the Bombay Bar and a leader in the Indian National Congress. Jinnah
was convinced that Tilak had been prosecuted for his strong views about
Home Rule and independence for India and defended him so adroitly that
Tilak was acquitted by the High Court.”

This had nothing to do with the Quaid e Azam or the founding fathers of Pakistan. Jinnah condemned anyone's killing on the basis of pathetic claims of blasphemy. Stop attacking our founders. There is a country whose founding father was killed by an RSS militant and the RSS still operates there. Another thing was Jinnah was called the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity for a reason.

Jinnah only opposed a few aspects of the trial, the dubious allegations and the death penalty, not murder of innocents. Also it is well known that he was by profession a lawyer and he kept politics aside while representing clients. He has also defended a Hindu Nationalist called Tilak as well. Does that make him a Hindu now? Stop acting like a kid.

And this article should settle this. He did not support Ilm-Ud-Din murdering that guy for blasphemy. Stop mocking our leaders. This is how you provoke people into saying things about a good man like Gandhi:

VIEW: The Ilam Din fiasco and lies about Jinnah

In the recent debate over the blasphemy law, a group of Jamaat-e-Islami-backed right-wing authors have come up with an extraordinary lie. It is extraordinary because it calls into question the professional integrity of the one man in South Asian history who has been described as incorruptible and honest to the bone by even his most vociferous critics and fiercest rivals, i.e. Mohammad Ali Jinnah. The lie goes something like this: ‘Ghazi’ Ilam Din ‘Shaheed’ killed blasphemer Hindu Raj Pal and was represented by Quaid-e-Azam at the trial who advised him to deny his involvement in the murder. ‘Ghazi’ and ‘Shaheed’ Ilam Din refused and said that he would never lie about the fact that he killed Raja Pal. Quaid-e-Azam lost the case and Ilam Din was hanged.

To start with, the story is entirely wrong. First of all, Jinnah was not the trial lawyer. Second, Ilam Din had entered the not guilty plea through his trial lawyer who was a lawyer from Lahore named Farrukh Hussain. The trial court ruled against Ilam Din. The trial lawyer appealed in the Lahore High Court and got Jinnah to appear as the lawyer in appeal. So there is no way Jinnah could have influenced Ilam Din to change his plea when the plea was already entered at the trial court level. Nor was Ilam Din exactly the ‘matchless warrior’ that Iqbal declared him to be — while simultaneously refusing to lead his funeral prayers. Indeed Ilam Din later filed a mercy petition to the King Emperor asking for a pardon.

The relevant case — in which Jinnah appeared — cited as Ilam Din vs. Emperor AIR 1930 Lahore 157 — makes interesting reading. It was a division bench judgement with Justice Broadway and Justice Johnstone presiding. Jinnah’s contention was that the evidence produced before the trial court was insufficient and the prosecution story was dubious. To quote the judgement, “He urged that Kidar Nath was not a reliable witness because (1) he was an employee of the deceased and, therefore, interested. (2) He had not stated in the First Information Report (a) that Bhagat Ram (the other witness) was with him, and (b) that the appellant had stated that he had avenged the Prophet. As to Bhagat Ram it was contended he, as an employee, was interested, and as to the rest that there were variations in some of the details.”

The court rejected this contention. The judgement continues that “Mr Jinnah finally contended that the sentence of death was not called for and urged as extenuating circumstances, that the appellant is only 19 or 20 years of age and that his act was prompted by feelings of veneration for the founder of his religion and anger at one who had scurrilously attacked him.” The court rejected this contention as well referring to Amir vs. Emperor, which was the same court’s decision a few years earlier. Interestingly, the curious reference to 19 or 20 years deserves some attention. Why did Jinnah as one of the leading lawyers refer specifically to an argument that had been exploded by the same court only two years earlier? That only Mr Jinnah can answer and I do not wish to speculate. Perhaps he was trying to argue what Clarence Darrow had argued successfully a few years ago in the famous Leopold and Loeb case involving two 19-year old college students who had committed the ‘perfect crime’. Clarence Darrow’s defence converted a death sentence to a life sentence.

Another corollary of the argument forwarded by our right-wing commentators is that since Jinnah defended Ilam Din in this murder trial, he favoured the ‘death sentence for blasphemy’. It is an odd derivative even for average intellects that most Pakistani ultra-rightwingers and Islamists possess. First of all, it is quite clear that Jinnah did not defend the actions of Ilam Din. He had attacked the evidence on legal grounds. Second, it is clear that there was no confession and Jinnah did not ask Ilam Din to change his plea. Third, when the court rejected Jinnah’s contentions, Jinnah’s argument was simply that a death sentence was too harsh for a man of 19 or 20, with the obvious implication that sentence should be changed to life imprisonment.

We can only conjecture as to what Jinnah’s reasons as a lawyer and politician to agree to be the lawyer for the appellant before the high court were. In any event, a lawyer’s duty is to accord an accused the best possible defence. Just because a lawyer agrees to defend an accused does not mean that the lawyer concurs with the crime. One is reminded of the famous Boston Massacre in 1770 when British soldiers opened fire and killed five civilians who were protesting against them. The British soldiers hired John Adams as a lawyer, who got five of the accused acquitted, arguing that a sentry’s post is his castle. Does that mean that John Adams was in favour of British rule in the US? If so, it is rather ironic that he was the prime mover and the guiding spirit behind the American declaration of independence. Similarly, when Clarence Darrow defended Leopold and Loeb, was he in any way suggesting that the crime that those two young men had committed was justified?

Jinnah’s record as a legislator tells us a different story altogether. He was an indefatigable defender of civil liberties. He stood for Bhagat Singh’s freedom and condemned the British government in the harshest language when no one else would. In the debate on 295-A of the Indian Penal Code, a much more sane and reasonable law than our 295-B and 295-C, Jinnah had sounded a warning against the misuse of such laws in curbing academic freedoms and bona fide criticisms. I have quoted that statement in my previous two articles.

There cannot be any question that Jinnah the legislator would have balked at the idea that his defence of a murder convict is now being used by some people to justify a law that is ten times more oppressive and draconian than the one he had cautioned against. To this day, I have only found him alone to have had the courage to state in the Assembly on September 11, 1929: “If my constituency is so backward as to disapprove of a measure like this then I say, the clearest duty on my part would be to say to my constituency, ‘you had better ask somebody else to represent you’.”

I thought the b-law dated back to colonial times?

The blasphemy law came from medieval Europe actually. Do I need to remind you what Savanoralla did? I do not wish to go into that debate as I am irreligious but you Americans cannot shift blame for the patheticism of your ancestors onto those you colonized for ages and left with border disputes. Regardless it is a pathetic law.

Nevertheless, the Chinese say that if you give a man a fish you've fed him for a day, if you teach him to fish you feed him for life - but they don't say you are responsible for every choice he makes in that life. It was the ISI, not the USA, that decided where almost all the equipment purchased with U.S. money went and Zia chose that the Islamic extremists and the atomic bomb program were to receive most of it.

ISI took the fall while the US decided it could do what it wanted just to see a Soviet defeat. There are a number of reasons for this:

1) Pakistan does not have a strong Nationalist media which could say-fine the ISI paid them but where did the funds come from? Instead foreign media is having a field day.
2) US is internally strong, a gelled nation and is known as superpower regardless of having made itself by murder and genocide worldwide. A nation's credibility is reduced when bombs are going off daily.
3) Clash of civilizations. Europe and the west is more ready to believe the fault lies with Asians rather than with Americans in any way whatsoever.

Are you trying to tell me you did not know Zia was one of the worst Islamists in the history of our country where once we had the freedom to do whatever the hell we wanted? Even small details, every conversation with Pakistani politicians is collected in databases as wikileaks revealed and you did not know this visible fact that stuck out like a cowboy hat on an Americans beautiful round skull which can't understand this simply fact? Next you are going to say Anakunni's not americans who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulting in 200,000 deaths. Is US going to take responsibility for any one of its atrocities or was Clemenceau right about you guys?

You let down the secularists, you let down Islamists which resulted in those towers coming down and you let down the Nationalists. It shouldn't surprise you when people wish US falls right on its face.

Where and how do you draw the line where U.S. responsibility ends and Pakistani responsibility begins?

If US stops interfering in the rest of the world and acting as global hegemon you will find out that there will actually be no line to draw. It will destroy any ability, and credibility I have if US has or had no role in what happened in A, B or C country. Btw why did you stay silent for so many years when the Taliban were killing Afghans. How come you suddenly woke up when the towers fell? You didn't give a damn about the local people ever, did you?
. .
Did we abuse them? have you seen majority of us calling your gods dirty names and portraying them in abusive manner?

Yes there are plenty of posts abusing Hindu gods in clear manner.. making fun of the religious practices of Hindus and insulting it many times..

what was the bashing there? isnt it a reality that you guys look at women only as an object for lust and thus end up with atleast 3 cases of rape daily

Is it the case with India alone?? Are we the only people who look at women in that way? Or is it rape only happen in only our country?? Stop being in moral high horse and see whats happening around the world and your country.
Yes there are plenty of posts abusing Hindu gods in clear manner.. making fun of the religious practices of Hindus and insulting it many times..

Is it the case with India alone?? Are we the only people who look at women in that way? Or is it rape only happen in only our country?? Stop being in moral high horse and see whats happening around the world and your country.

Leave it, its not like she is going to change her hatefull and abusive nature, just ignore her... besides..i believe Sherry Rehman should ask for Aslyum in the U.S .
If Pakistan is an Islamic Republic then the blashpemy laws will be an integral part of maintaining its identity as an Islamic Republic and accordingly those laws are necessary in my opinion. But is it illegal to ask for amendments to the blashphemy laws and that too by a politician of the ruling party ?

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