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Pakistan would become among top ten economies at its 100th anniversary: Ahsan Iqbal

First of all i had that book in physical form. You have to buy it digitally otherwise it may not show up, the chapter was Indras Beverage if i remember correctly. Anyway she has more credential then any of us here, she has read Rig Veda which is the main reason she decided to travel along Indus to wrote book because its main river in RV. And most importantly she wrote in from neutral point of view instead of hindutva or Nazi aryan.

Anyway just tried and you can read it even without buying. Go here and select chapter Indras Beverage.

Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River - Alice Albinia - Google Libros

Also main haplogroup responsible for Indo-European language spread is R1a1a found out from Europe to South Asia. The reason no one believes it originated in India is because of one don't find ASI in Europeans. There is no way original Indo-Europeans ANI-ASI lived alongside for 30.000 years without mixing with each other. And lets face it 100% ANI mean pure caucasian with many blue eyed and blond hair people in them. Nothing racist to accept that fact, people with inferiority complex find it hard and instead come up with OIT.

While also take in to account ANI not mean just Aryan but any west asian group.

Firstly, I went through that link (it's the same one I gave but in spanish, there is another Pakistani member in spain who has similar racial supremacist views, perhaps he is your siamese twin). skim-read the whole Indras beverage chapter and did a search again to double check, just in case. came up with- nada ....again.

just admit you were trying to pass off those quotes as genuine, but you just scribbled down what you felt and attributed it to this travel journalist-cum-author (she mentions graves uncovered as proof of Aryan invasion, which were long ago debunked as belonging to a later era). either prove it with page numbers, or you have to go back on that line of argument which you based on this false quote.

secondly, the question of ASI being in Europeans is frankly ridiculous. are you even aware of what this invasion theory says? there was supposedly a centralized homeland- where exactly is unconfirmed- and they migrated mainly to three major regions with previously settled inhabitants. Europe where they mixed with natives to create todays Europeans (with certain distinctively European markers not present in south Asia, etc), Iranian plateau where there is evidence the local Elamite culture and language existed until 400 BC or so (though Elamites are obviously extinct), and South Asia where they mixed with the earlier proto-dravidian and Australoid inhabitants. so why would Europeans have ASI, or South Asians have native European inhabitants markers? This theory, which frankly is on shaky grounds today, is not even understood properly by proponents of it such as yourself.

there is no out of india or out of russia theory which withstands the tests of academic rigour. the only scientifically proven out of 'anything', is out of africa theory. and if you understand evolution, then you would understand those original populations in east africa contain all the actual and potential markers which are the basis of commonality between south Asians and Europeans. a culture and language can spread without invasion or heavy migration to alter the genetics of the subcontinent. there were likely several waves over 10-15,000+ years from west asia, and the dates of those waves would be established fact if it were at all possible to conclusively do so. but it is not, and hence, they are not!

also the term Aryan as used by you carries a lot of baggage of pseudo history and falsification. there are other preferable scientific terms you can substitute it with, rather than apeing your favorite 1920s Anglo/German 'historians'.

edit: i'd suggest discussing this further with @Phoenix and @Joe Shearer if you are willing to expand your knowledge beyond a confined box.
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Coming from someone who aurgue with smily? You forget to ad couple of laughing smilies

That's ok, you got the message. I have read about the skeletons of Indus valley civilization and what you wrote was a pure garbage.
Well I was referring to your failed attempt to prove Vedic Aryans homeland as Pakistani Punjab on the basis of the book of that backpacker/tourist Alice Albinia. Again as I said it's just your wet dream and nothing to do with reality unless you provide references which shows academic consensus.

Again the evidence is Rig Veda, the original source not some book. My attempt didnt fail its just your below average iq and hatered. Punjab is historical homeland of Rig Veda people, no one dispute that because the source is Rig Veda it self.
Again the evidence is Rig Veda, the original source not some book. My attempt didnt fail its just your below average iq and hatered. Punjab is historical homeland of Rig Veda people, no one dispute that because the source is Rig Veda it self.

I challenge you to present just a single sentence or passage from Rig Veda where it says that homeland of Vedic peoples was the area that constitutes today's Pakistani Punjab.
Firstly, I went through that link (it's the same one I gave but in spanish, there is another Pakistani member in spain who has similar racial supremacist views, perhaps he is your siamese twin). skim-read the whole Indras beverage chapter and did a search again to double check, just in case. came up with- nada ....again.

just admit you were trying to pass off those quotes as genuine, but you just scribbled down what you felt and attributed it to this travel journalist-cum-author (she mentions graves uncovered as proof of Aryan invasion, which were long ago debunked as belonging to a later era). either prove it with page numbers, or you have to go back on that line of argument which you based on this false quote.

secondly, the question of ASI being in Europeans is frankly ridiculous. are you even aware of what this invasion theory says? there was supposedly a centralized homeland- where exactly is unconfirmed- and they migrated mainly to three major regions with previously settled inhabitants. Europe where they mixed with natives to create todays Europeans (with certain distinctively European markers not present in south Asia, etc), Iranian plateau where there is evidence the local Elamite culture and language existed until 400 BC or so (though Elamites are obviously extinct), and South Asia where they mixed with the earlier proto-dravidian and Australoid inhabitants. so why would Europeans have ASI, or South Asians have native European inhabitants markers? This theory, which frankly is on shaky grounds today, is not even understood properly by proponents of it such as yourself.

there is no out of india or out of russia theory which withstands the tests of academic rigour. the only scientifically proven out of 'anything', is out of africa theory. and if you understand evolution, then you would understand those original populations in east africa contain all the actual and potential markers which are the basis of commonality between south Asians and Europeans. a culture and language can spread without invasion or heavy migration to alter the genetics of the subcontinent. there were likely several waves over 10-15,000+ years from west asia, and the dates of those waves would be established fact if it were at all possible to conclusively do so. but it is not, and hence, they are not!

Just found exact page, it was very easy. If one search quote then it will come out. So i don't know what are you getting it, at least try before saying im lying. Page number is 220.

Again Out of India is just ridiculous theory invented by South Asians with huge complex especially hindutvas, people with inferiority complex needed to invent something and be proud of their ancestors looking at current dire situation of South Asia. No wonder Hindutvas are laughed at everywhere in the world when ever they try to change history books.

I challenge you to present just a single sentence or passage from Rig Veda where it says that homeland of Vedic peoples was the area that constitutes today's Pakistani Punjab.

I already presented you source, so challenge was acepted and i won. Now cry somewhere else.
Just found exact page, it was very easy. If one search quote then it will come out. So i don't know what are you getting it, at least try before saying im lying. Page number is 220.

Again Out of India is just ridiculous theory invented by South Asians with huge complex especially hindutvas, people with inferiority complex needed to invent something and be proud of their ancestors looking at current dire situation of South Asia. No wonder Hindutvas are laughed at everywhere in the world when ever they try to change history books.

tried going to page 220. says preview not available. post a screenshot from google books here of page 220, specifically where that quote you mentioned is. much appreciated.
I already presented you source, so challenge was acepted and i won. Now cry somewhere else.

hahahaha! You very shamelessly showed your true fraudulent and beghairat nature but of course what else to expect from a Daal khor. Now go eat your daal and keep farting and the time tested saying again proven correct that no matter how much a Daal Khor tries to pass off as a descendent of some blue eyed and blonde haired Central Asians a Daal Khor will always remain a coward and a beghairat Daal Khor.
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Well I was referring to your failed attempt to prove Vedic Aryans homeland as Pakistani Punjab on the basis of the book of that backpacker/tourist Alice Albinia. Again as I said it's just your wet dream and nothing to do with reality unless you provide references which shows academic consensus.

Its wasn't Punjab centric but was a huge landmass from the bank of Indus to Ganges-Yamuna.

Rigvedic rivers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first Veda Rigveda give emphasis to Saraswari river, the second Veda called Yajurveda give emphasis to Ganges river and there is concept of 'Aryavarta' which is not just confined to Punjab. You will see lots of morons trying to expert on Vedic culture with their brainfarts and garbage.
Just found exact page, it was very easy. If one search quote then it will come out. So i don't know what are you getting it, at least try before saying im lying. Page number is 220.

tried going to page 220. says preview not available. post a screenshot from google books here of page 220, specifically where that quote you mentioned is. much appreciated.

2 days, no screenshot which takes less than a minute. I'll take this as you admitting dishonesty.

next time, just be careful when when making up quotes to project own view to other people's work, can get you kicked out of college if you have ever been to one.
Checkout Wikipedia for Future GDP estimates
Pakistan will hardly join Top 20 with 2.10 trillion GDP between 2050-60
I've been saying it here and elsewhere. Pakistan should be in the top 20 economies by 2030-2040. Granted solid, business and people friendly democratic government rules and no military comes in anymore. Specifically if the threat of Talibanization and intolerance is removed....the economy could do wonders. It is the 6th or 7th larges country from a population's standpoint. So even if I don't see it passing the US, China, Japan, Europe, the UK and a couple more, I can see it passing other over a few decades. So may be not top ten, but top 18 for sure if the conditions I described above are met. And frankly, being a top 18 or top 15 largest and growing economy is good enough for this country from where it is right now. It'll be considered a developed country if it hits the top 20 list. However, due to the size and the population, India and China even being at number 1 and 2, will still be considered developing country because they have 6 or 7 times the population and the area. Thus a LOT more money is needed to provide welfare for people and get to the 'developed' country stage vs. someone who's 7 times smaller than both with similarly less population ratio.
It's just not going to happen, top 20 perhaps but nowhere near the top 10.
It's just not going to happen, top 20 perhaps but nowhere near the top 10.
When making some categorical statements you are inviting trolls. Lets give Pakistan a benefit of doubt. It's a large population and given its strategic location it has potential to be the top 10 economies. Anyways, our own motherland has been out of top 10 since independence. Our own economy is smaller than Italy and britain even though they have less population than uttar pradesh.
When making some categorical statements you are inviting trolls. Lets give Pakistan a benefit of doubt. It's a large population and given its strategic location it has potential to be the top 10 economies. Anyways, our own motherland has been out of top 10 since independence. Our own economy is smaller than Italy and britain even though they have less population than uttar pradesh.
Bro, what I'm saying is based on empirical data and reason and the sane Pak members here agree with my comment, they know the realities and aren't going to be duped by some politician.

Brining India into this is entirely pointless, Pak and India have different issues and trajectories, bringing India in is inviting trolls itself.
That economist hasnt yet seen overall data. Of course we have many commodities like palm oil etc (USA also has many commodities), but we also have large out put from manufacturing. Based on Word Bank data, our manufacturing output is two times larger than Turkey:

Manufacturing, value added (current US$) | Data | Table

Manufacturing wise we are now 33rd in number :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay: and we beat Denmark
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