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Pakistan would become among top ten economies at its 100th anniversary: Ahsan Iqbal

About Rivers i already told you which was important, but again your hindutva agenda quite pathetic :rofl:

Rig Veda Rivers
"There are rare mentions of rivers to the east. the Yamuna is invoked a handful of times; the Ganges no more then twice at the most; and the Saraswati, a fabled eastern river that dried up around 1000 BCE, is only praised in later layers of the text." Empire of Indus, Alice Albania

Here is Ghaggar-Hakra river map, stop calling it Saraswati like typical hindutva. No one calls it sarasvati because its a myth and no one knows where it is or which river it is. Anyway only hindutva historians believe in Saraswati river

See even this river is mostly in pakistan running though punjab and ending in Sindh. But its monsoon river while Saraswati was Himalayas fed river. So it will be better if you stop calling it Saraswati because no one else in the world does a part from hindutvadis.

But wait i forgot you are hinduvadi yourself so call it what ever you want lol

I can see that's outskirt south Punjab while it don't cover most of Punjab but one the outskirts of Punjab province compared to mid of Haryana. :lol::lol:

Certainly Hinduphobe like you won't believe it was Saraswati when most of the historians believe it was indeed the Saraswati river flowing between Satluj and Yamuna. Stop amusing others with your illiteracy. :laugh:
I can see that's south Punjab while it don't cover most of Punjab but one the ourskirts of Punjab province compared to mid of Haryana. :lol::lol:

Certainly Hinduphobe like you won't believe it was Saraswati when most of the historians believe it was indeed the Saraswati river flowing between Satluj and Yamuna. Stop amusing others with your illiteracy. :laugh:

Ofcourse it covers Punjab, even Haryana is historical Punjab before it was divided. :lol: Though now its mostly filled with non-Punjabis :D

Yes most hinduvadi historians believe in Saraswati river, :D otherwise its known by original name for centuries. Anyway calling it Saraswati will be going against Rig Veda where its clearly mentioned it was Himalayas fed river and not monsoon.

You hindus will go against your own holy book to prove your point :partay:
Ofcourse it covers Punjab, even Haryana is historical Punjab before it was divided. :lol: Though now its mostly filled with non-Punjabis :D

Yes most hinduvadi historians believe in Saraswati river, :D otherwise its known by original name for centuries. Anyway calling it Saraswati will be going against Rig Veda where its clearly mentioned it was Himalayas fed river and not monsoon.

You hindus will go against your own holy book to prove your point :partay:

Yes, outskirt of Punjab from former state of Bahawalpur is all about Punjab. :omghaha::omghaha: spare me from jholachap bullcrap, most of the indologist have accepted Ghaggar-Hakra as the Saraswati river. :eek:
Yes, outskirt of Punjab from former state of Bahawalpur is all about Punjab. :omghaha::omghaha: spare me from jholachap bullcrap, most of the indologist have accepted Ghaggar-Hakra as the Saraswati river. :eek:

Only hindutvas accepted it just like Indians spread Indo-European languages is also accepted by them. Lol
This is what am asking him constantly that when in an academic debate you should post authentic and genuine academic and scholarly references and not your self-concocted baseless claims and figures which mainly stems from your hatred of a particular race, ethnicity, nation or community.

The problem with him is his blind hate for the Indians irrespective of their religion or background and that is why he also insults his own Muslim Pakistani Urdu speaking Muhajir country men by calling them names as Bhaiyas only because they are of Indian background though there are various races and biradaris among them but just because they have an Indian background he hates them also.

Feels sorry for him.

But fool doesn't know. He's technically Indian as well.
The paper clearly demonstrated the admixture date was between 1900-4200 years ago between 73 different groups from all over South Asia. Instead of years they explained it in generations. They came up with 1900-4200 years because they counted 1 generation as 29 years. So if we count it by 27 years then admixture date can be few hundred years here and there but not 40.000 years like before it was believed.

Anyway even this study does not make any claims, no study does weather aryans were indigenous to South Asia or not for obvious reasons. This is only about ANI which include every west asian group instead of just aryans. This study debunk yet another hindutva theory of ANI-ASI admixture being 40.000 years old.


Here is the map from where they have taken the samples.


Mr. Nuri Natt

that does not address any of the substantive points I made in the post to you. you've basically added your own words, the paper never 'clearly demonstrated' or conclusively established that as the date of admixture. Have you read the article or just going and copy-posting from the link a map of sampling area (which has nothing to do with any of the points).

right after they gave results of the range of admixture dates in their limited sample population group, they also analyze the results very clearly. either you choose to ignore that or don't know how to read research papers. they state:

"A caveat for these dating analyses is that they assume that the entire admixture occurred instantaneously (or over a small number of generations). However, population mixture can be noninstantaneous, such that the date we obtain from our method may actually be an average of multiple dates spread out over a substantial period."

this means the average could well be derived from dates over ten thousands of years ago, to very recent ones like 1,000 or less years ago. at any rate, the 40,000 years ago is not given as date of admixture, but divergence of West Eurasian and ANI populations. again you are misconstruing everything written, adding bucket loads of assumptions with extra angles, and are giving the researchers more certainty than they themselves explicitly state. no idea why that is.

blond haired blue eyed caucasians invading punjab and giving people of indo-gangetic plains the rigveda is something curiously similar to what colonial era European 'eugenicists' an pseudo-historians used to trumpet. they themselves have thoroughly dis-proven it by later archaeology and modern genetics which rubbishes any sort of instantaneous invasion in one small period of time that gave an entire settled population the basis of their culture and genetic makeup. If Europeans have corrected themselves, why parrot the ignorance of their great grandfathers?

For that one don't even need to provide any source because its common knowledge. :lol: Here is more in detail explation of current day boundary of Rig Veda.

"As bemused Sanskrit scholars have long pointed out, the Rig Veda is about Punjab, principally; its vision also encompasses what is now eastern Afghanistan and north-west Pakistan. Sindh and peninsular India are unknown. Disconcerting as it is to pious Hindus, the Rig Veda has its heartland in Pakistan" Empires of Indus by Alice Albania. "

"There are rare mentions of rivers to the east. the Yamuna is invoked a handful of times; the Ganges no more then twice at the most; and the Saraswati, a fabled eastern river that dried up around 1000 BCE, is only praised in later layers of the text." Empire of Indus, Alice Albania

not sure if you ever check your so-called sources, but after reading up on alice albania, her background is a graduate in english literature and travel writer. her book is called Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River

i've tried searching the entire book for the above quotes, in almost every combination of strings and individual words, yet could find no page or passage which even remotely resembles what you have "quoted". this also explains why you have not given page numbers as reference. You can find the book and search its entirety here-

Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River - Alice Albinia - Google Books

the search function on the left side will produce small snippets from the entire book, whether you can preview that page or not. but no such results come up.

either you have quoted it from some other blog type website who invented it as a pure lie for some agenda, or...

hope you get the point and own up to this like an honest individual. else there is no point having a debate with such a person.
Mr. Nuri Natt

that does not address any of the substantive points I made in the post to you. you've basically added your own words, the paper never 'clearly demonstrated' or conclusively established that as the date of admixture. Have you read the article or just going and copy-posting from the link a map of sampling area (which has nothing to do with any of the points).

right after they gave results of the range of admixture dates in their limited sample population group, they also analyze the results very clearly. either you choose to ignore that or don't know how to read research papers. they state:

"A caveat for these dating analyses is that they assume that the entire admixture occurred instantaneously (or over a small number of generations). However, population mixture can be noninstantaneous, such that the date we obtain from our method may actually be an average of multiple dates spread out over a substantial period."

this means the average could well be derived from dates over ten thousands of years ago, to very recent ones like 1,000 or less years ago. at any rate, the 40,000 years ago is not given as date of admixture, but divergence of West Eurasian and ANI populations. again you are misconstruing everything written, adding bucket loads of assumptions with extra angles, and are giving the researchers more certainty than they themselves explicitly state. no idea why that is.

blond haired blue eyed caucasians invading punjab and giving people of indo-gangetic plains the rigveda is something curiously similar to what colonial era European 'eugenicists' an pseudo-historians used to trumpet. they themselves have thoroughly dis-proven it by later archaeology and modern genetics which rubbishes any sort of instantaneous invasion in one small period of time that gave an entire settled population the basis of their culture and genetic makeup. If Europeans have corrected themselves, why parrot the ignorance of their great grandfathers?

not sure if you ever check your so-called sources, but after reading up on alice albania, her background is a graduate in english literature and travel writer. her book is called Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River

i've tried searching the entire book for the above quotes, in almost every combination of strings and individual words, yet could find no page or passage which even remotely resembles what you have "quoted". this also explains why you have not given page numbers as reference. You can find the book and search its entirety here-

Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River - Alice Albinia - Google Books

the search function on the left side will produce small snippets from the entire book, whether you can preview that page or not. but no such results come up.

either you have quoted it from some other blog type website who invented it as a pure lie for some agenda, or...

hope you get the point and own up to this like an honest individual. else there is no point having a debate with such a person.

First of all i had that book in physical form. You have to buy it digitally otherwise it may not show up, the chapter was Indras Beverage if i remember correctly. Anyway she has more credential then any of us here, she has read Rig Veda which is the main reason she decided to travel along Indus to wrote book because its main river in RV. And most importantly she wrote in from neutral point of view instead of hindutva or Nazi aryan.

Anyway just tried and you can read it even without buying. Go here and select chapter Indras Beverage.

Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River - Alice Albinia - Google Libros

Also main haplogroup responsible for Indo-European language spread is R1a1a found out from Europe to South Asia. The reason no one believes it originated in India is because of one don't find ASI in Europeans. There is no way original Indo-Europeans ANI-ASI lived alongside for 30.000 years without mixing with each other. And lets face it 100% ANI mean pure caucasian with many blue eyed and blond hair people in them. Nothing racist to accept that fact, people with inferiority complex find it hard and instead come up with OIT.

While also take in to account ANI not mean just Aryan but any west asian group.
First of all i had that book in physical form. You have to buy it digitally otherwise it may not show up, the chapter was Indras Beverage if i remember correctly. Anyway she has more credential then any of us here, she has read Rig Veda which is the main reason she decided to travel along Indus to wrote book because its main river in RV. And most importantly she wrote in from neutral point of view instead of hindutva or Nazi aryan.

Anyway just tried and you can read it even without buying. Go here and select chapter Indras Beverage.

Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River - Alice Albinia - Google Libros

Also main haplogroup responsible for Indo-European language spread is R1a1a found out from Europe to South Asia. The reason no one believes it originated in India is because of one don't find ASI in Europeans. There is no way original Indo-Europeans ANI-ASI lived alongside for 30.000 years without mixing with each other. And lets face it 100% ANI mean pure caucasian with many blue eyed and blond hair people in them. Nothing racist to accept that fact, people with inferiority complex find it hard and instead come up with OIT.

While also take in to account ANI not mean just Aryan but any west asian group.

Again your presenting as evidence a travelogue of some Western backpack writer on a sight seeing visit to India and Pakistan. Now tell honestly will this be accepted as academic evidence and proof even in a 3rd class University in Cambodia? Again proved that your intention is not academic debate but blind hate in which you do not even spare your own Muhajir countrymen.

Moreover you also lied shamelessly when you declared the Indus Valley Civilization people as Central Asians when there's 100% scholarly and academic consensus that IVC people were a 100% pure Dravidian and aboriginal people. Shame on you.
Again your presenting as evidence a travelogue of some Western backpack writer on a sight seeing visit to India and Pakistan. Now tell honestly will this be accepted as academic evidence and proof even in a 3rd class University in Cambodia? Again proved that your intention is not academic debate but blind hate in which you do not even spare your own Muhajir countrymen.

Moreover you also lied shamelessly when you declared the Indus Valley Civilization people as Central Asians when there's 100% scholarly and academic consensus that IVC people were a 100% pure Dravidian and aboriginal people. Shame on you.

As i said before Afghanistan universities are indeed ahead but they are yet to study anything, so we have to depend on Harvard. And punjabi hater like you should at least have some sense. When i called him bhiaya i was not insulting Pakistanis but him, so what if few biharis are in Pakistan? Bhaiya is insult now? Well he also called me names so i responded back. Don't blow this like typical punjabi hater trash you are. Your anti-punjab agenda is getting old.

Again world historians don't believe in any of bs you posted about dravidians/aborginals being IVC people. The evidence is just not her book, many people have presented academic sources in this forum to debunk OIT. Even real Indian historians themselves don't believe in it a part from Hindutvas.

And researchers have found IVC buried bodies and from initial testing it was clear they belonged caucasian race not aborginal.

Current day South Asians can merely be decendent of those aryans but not original ones.
As i said before Afghanistan universities are indeed ahead but they are yet to study anything, so we have to depend on Harvard. And punjabi hater like you should at least have some sense. When i called him bhiaya i was not insulting Pakistanis but him, so what if few biharis are in Pakistan? Bhaiya is insult now? Well he also called me names so i responded back. Don't blow this like typical punjabi hater trash you are. Your anti-punjab agenda is getting old.

Again world historians don't believe in any of bs you posted about dravidians/aborginals being IVC people. The evidence is just not her book, many people have presented academic sources in this forum to debunk OIT. Even real Indian historians themselves don't believe in it a part from Hindutvas.

And researchers have found IVC buried bodies and from initial testing it was clear they belonged caucasian race not aborginal.

Current day South Asians can merely be decendent of those aryans but not original ones.

Well I was referring to your failed attempt to prove Vedic Aryans homeland as Pakistani Punjab on the basis of the book of that backpacker/tourist Alice Albinia. Again as I said it's just your wet dream and nothing to do with reality unless you provide references which shows academic consensus.
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