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Pakistan working on Nuclear Submarine ?

These days with super computer modelling based on past test data we might be able to get away with conducting more tests (Although I have my doubts, I personally feel we need to do a few more in the future) but we need Japanese technology for our civilian program and run like the wind if we did any more tests. Also it sets a bad example. This is why Pakistan and India should get closer because until we do the rest will always double deal us in this way.
TBH almost most nuke test are done in supercomputers. thats how PAK also did back in 80's. No nation on earth can assemble and then go onto to blast a weapon on a weeks notice, that goes on to prove that teste were conducted on computers long before actual tests took place to reinforce and show the world that they have become nuke power.

Its more of a symbolic event to declare the stance by conducting tests and also to further validate the data.

I guess we are drifting away from real topic here
Is Pakistan going to be conducting more tests to obtain this? :rolleyes:

May be if india does it.

indians don't have that capability so we don't have to demonstrate it as well.
This is the portion I am most interested in.

@Arsalan @Rashid Mahmood ....................

Not a single chance Agosta can fire without French permission . We are heavily dependent on french for submarine maintenance and cant modify tubes without their permission. This is one of the several reasons Sea launched Babur hasnt been officially declared. The first step in SLCM is to launch it from the pontoon, not from the Sub itself. So things will remain ambiguous until chinese subs came.
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TBH almost most nuke test are done in supercomputers. thats how PAK also did back in 80's. No nation on earth can assemble and then go onto to blast a weapon on a weeks notice, that goes on to prove that teste were conducted on computers long before actual tests took place to reinforce and show the world that they have become nuke power.

Its more of a symbolic event to declare the stance by conducting tests and also to further validate the data.

I guess we are drifting away from real topic here

I know Pakistan conducted cold tests prior to doing the real one (you guys had the bomb back in the 80's we knew this too) Anyway I won't talk more about this.

May be if india does it.

indians don't have that capability so we don't have to demonstrate it as well.

Bhaijan please you go first :enjoy:

Pakistan does not have the capacity nor money to invest on such ambitious project. BOGUS news


To suggest such would amount to folly as previous track record of your normal Non Nuke submarines shows us otherwise The way your subs kept on blowing up like fire crackers


Remember 2012 announcement on PTV that in 5 year time Pakistan will get a nuclear Sub. There was a hugh thread on PDF on this as well. Spread that hugh investment on a timescale of 10-12 years just as what we did with our Nuclear program and voila, we will have a nuke sub

Game Theory suggests that nuclear subs are the next logical step for Pak to reach the Nash equilibrium vis-a-vis India in this regard - only to push the stakes to the next level. Pak has never failed to surprise with defense procurements to leave the Ehl-i Iman to say Elhamdulillah, SubhanAllah etc. - powerful enough to tilt the Mizan el-Ekber toward Jennet ..

I like your usage of Turkish words which are commonly used in Urdu as well :enjoy:

Remember 2012 announcement on PTV that in 5 year time Pakistan will get a nuclear Sub. There was a hugh thread on PDF on this as well. Spread that hugh investment on a timescale of 10-12 years just as what we did with our Nuclear program and voila, we will have a nuke sub

I like your usage of Turkish words which are commonly used in Urdu as well :enjoy:
Sir nuke progrm was entirely different matter. it was complete life and death matter.

When you say nuke sub what do you exactly refer to, nuke-armed or nuke powered ?
WE need so many other things as well, the problem is who will do that. We are NOT doing anything about that right now. Also i assure you that you can forget about the decade timeline sir, we will be managing the conventional submarines (6 to 8 from China) in time frame. Wont have more then a year or two to spare if any!

Pakistan's been at it since 2011!!!! I'd expect one sub with to start sea-trials by 2018!! The 6-8 Chinese subs come under a different project and funding all together.
Sir nuke progrm was entirely different matter. it was complete life and death matter.

When you say nuke sub what do you exactly refer to, nuke-armed or nuke powered ?

Both. SLCM is not a guarante for second strike. We need SLBM which requires a nuke powered subs. We've been hearing about a minitaruized nuke reactor for sub since 2006. Perhaps @Arsalan can shed light on this matter as well

There is no smoke without a fire. So if we decide to go for nuke sub, 10-12 year timeperiod will be resonable because we are not starting from scratch, foundations are being laid for this thing since 2006
Pakistan's been at it since 2011!!!! I'd expect one sub with to start sea-trials by 2018!! The 6-8 Chinese subs come under a different project and funding all together.

That is very unlikely that you will see a indigenous Pakistan submarine in 2 years, leasing one however is a option.
Pakistan's been at it since 2011!!!! I'd expect one sub with to start sea-trials by 2018!! The 6-8 Chinese subs come under a different project and funding all together.

2018 is interesting time ? Ameer ul momineen will surely include this thing in his achievements ;)
Both. SLCM is not a guarante for second strike. We need SLBM which requires a nuke powered subs. We've been hearing about a minitaruized nuke reactor for sub since 2006. Perhaps @Arsalan can shed light on this matter as well

There is no smoke without a fire. So if we decide to go for nuke sub, 10-12 year timeperiod will be resonable because we are not starting from scratch, foundations has been laying for this thing since 2006

So do you think we have the industrial capability to make reactors ? or we are going to obtain from China ?

Making a functional reactors is daunting task let alone miniaturizing them

I would rather have AIP powered submarines armed with Nuke
There is no smoke without a fire. So if we decide to go for nuke sub, 10-12 year timeperiod will be resonable because we are not starting from scratch, foundations has been laying for this thing since 2006
Just exactly how much is the navy budget and going from the mentioned timeline, how much has been spent aggregately ?

So do you think we have the industrial capability to make reactors ? or we are going to obtain from China ?

Making a functional reactors is daunting task let alone miniaturizing them

I would rather have AIP powered submarines armed with Nuke

As expected china will be heavily involved. Industrial capacity will be upgraded accordingly by chinese or through semi black market purchaes or purchases disguised as for civilian use If and when we go down the route of building a nuke sub. We are building Plutonium reactors officially since last 12-14 years by ourself (though with chinese assistance). So making functional reactors milestone has been achieved but at the expense of time. Minituarization would be more or less the same. No matter if it take 15 years, it will be done somehow

Look at the holistic picture, With growing IN surveillance capabilities, Aircraft carriers and sophisticated Anti Air denial assets i.e Barak 8, Sub sonic SLCM will be at a higher risk of being intercepted before it reaches its target.

Just as Shaheen 3 was made keeping Andoman and Nicobar islands, SLBM along with nuke subs would be made keeping the andoman and nicobar island in mind
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