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Pakistan won't be given access to Altaf: British officials

All politics aside, the Pakistani government will never ever do the same for it’s citizen (common man).
The Pakistani government already knew that they could little about the case. So they formally are doing everything to please the MQM followers and maintain peace. We all knew the statement coming from UK foreign office is not unusual. He may still be able to get legal assistance from Pakistan but it would more likely to be just a formality as MQM is likely to get better solicitors from UK who are professional in such cases.
Very good call, They are England not any other state plus Pakistan has no right to interfere, lol even if they had no one cares so better don't embarrass them selves at world stage and enjoy Altaf Bhai :D

Why is the government getting it's panties in a twist over Altaf?

He is a British citizen, been there for 20+ years, it's purely a British matter.

Why the fck is our government getting into this?

FFS, this guy doesn't even have a Pakistani NICOP or passport.
Playing safe dear ;)
Great he should stay there! But if he comes on tv in Pakistan...then Pakistan needs to interfere...I mean he has broken British law no telling wen he will break Pakistani law...You know precautionary measures! Plus he was trying to apply for Pakistani passport!!


Why is the government getting it's panties in a twist over Altaf?

He is a British citizen, been there for 20+ years, it's purely a British matter.

Why the fck is our government getting into this?

FFS, this guy doesn't even have a Pakistani NICOP or passport.
dude need your help suicide troll Crackdown on staff abuse! | Page 11
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How much is this Altaf worth? According to your guess.
Basically MQM accepted that the Police recovered 400,000 pounds from his property and also media claimed another 200,000 pounds from another location namely Office. The property he lives is worth about 2.5 million pounds in my opinion (as I checked last time the estimated value of his property/area from zoopla.com couple of months ago and it was averaged around 2.5 million pounds if my memory is correct. I will need to get updated figure on this if I can find the address once again)

He is also alleged to have another property under his name, another 2 properties under his brother's name and few more properties under his close relatives name (7 altogether as claimed by media). But the Met police refused to give briefing over this matter and MQM denied giving information about the total number of properties. So hypothetically speaking if each property is worth only £300,000 that is not much when you see the prices of property in UK, that's 300k x 6 = 1.8 million pounds

So say, that's at least
£2.5 million pounds
£1.8 million pounds for 6 properties
unspecific amount of jewellery
Seized bank accounts
4.9 million pounds for the mentioned figures + assets, bank accounts seized and the true value of each property can raise the figure beyond that. These days the currency rate has lost about 10 rupees per each pound but its still above 82 crore rupees for the mentioned assets. When you will combine the true value of properties and liquid assets, it is likely to go beyond 100 crore rupees in my opinion.
Now no one can say that a punjabi gov didnt try to save a pseudo quad of karachi citizens who doesnt even live in karachi
When you will combine the true value of properties and liquid assets, it is likely to go beyond 100 crore rupees in my opinion.

Are bhai that figure is too low. Local 2-3 time Muncipal Corporators in here have much more than that.

We are talking about king of Karachi.
Are bhai that figure is too low. Local 2-3 time Muncipal Corporators in here have much more than that.

We are talking about king of Karachi.
Yes the figure is too low when you say 5 million pounds can be gathered by local organisations in a course of few years and the MQM being a large organisation/party working from UK since past 20 or so years can easily gather such amount. But the question is, Mr Altaf Hussain is not working and all these assets I have mentioned are personal assets and not assets of any political party. If the bank accounts were not under his name, if the properties were under the name of an organisation, it was understandable.

The last time I remember MQM made an excuse that Altaf Hussain has given the attorney like power of his properties to MQM organisation but the argument was not valid and seems like the police did not buy that argument. Imagine if something happens to Mr Hussain in UK, the children's of Mr Hussain will inherit/stake a claim on these assets and not MQM as an organisation.
4.9 million pounds for the mentioned figures + assets, bank accounts seized and the true value of each property can raise the figure beyond that. These days the currency rate has lost about 10 rupees per each pound but its still above 82 crore rupees for the mentioned assets. When you will combine the true value of properties and liquid assets, it is likely to go beyond 100 crore rupees in my opinion.

let us make it easy for the members

4,900,000.00 GBP = 808,507,438.19 PKR (1 GBP = 165.002 PKR)

808,507,438.19 PKR: that is just 191,492,561.81 Pakistani rupees (British pound 1,160,636.29) short of 1 Billion pakistani rupees ( 1 arab pakistani rupees)
The government already knows that they can't interfere. It's a smoke-screen.... to get sympathies of MQM supporters...... it's actually very wise on PLMN's part to be showing support, as Altaf Bhai's future rests SOLELY in the hands of Scotland Yard / FSA etc etc......

I'd recommend IK of PTI to do the same..... show maximum support today and get maximum mileage out of the scenario, so that tomorrow when MQM breaks, PTI may gather maximum pieces.


Why is the government getting it's panties in a twist over Altaf?

He is a British citizen, been there for 20+ years, it's purely a British matter.

Why the fck is our government getting into this?

FFS, this guy doesn't even have a Pakistani NICOP or passport.
let us make it easy for the members

4,900,000.00 GBP = 808,507,438.19 PKR (1 GBP = 165.002 PKR)

808,507,438.19 PKR: that is just 191,492,561.81 Pakistani rupees (British pound 1,160,636.29) short of 1 Billion pakistani rupees ( 1 arab pakistani rupees)
This is the base price in my opinion. I have only counted the visible assets and priced at the lowest possible. The actual figure should not be below that, however it may easily rise to well beyond billion rupees if the actual value of each property is averaged at not 300,000 pounds but 600,000 or a million pound for example.

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