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Pakistan will remain in FATF grey list

I think pakistan will stay on this list indefinitely, even after going beyond what is required by this body. It is a political move, that will keep pakistan under pressure until pakistan capitulates on other strategic and regional concessions sought by the great powers.
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Pakistan to remain on FATF's 'grey list' till June

February 25, 2021

Some 'serious deficiencies' remain and so Pakistan will continue to remain 'under increased monitoring', says FATF

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) announced on Thursday that Pakistan will remain on its "grey list" till June, when the next plenary meeting will take place.

FATF President Dr Marcus Pleyer, while making the announcement at the end of a four-day plenary meeting, said that the global financial watchdog has found Pakistan has completed 24 of 27 points pertaining to terror financing.

Pleyer said while considerable progress has been made, some "serious deficiencies" remain and so Pakistan will continue to remain "under increased monitoring".

More to follow.

Source -->
Comes with caveat, strings attached...has it damaged Iran extensively, the Black list.

Earlier US has come up with Pressler amendment against Pak, banning the mil/arms sales, that resulted in Pakistan going indigenous and going in China bloc, JF-17 dev. was due to this, missile other localization too.

So this grey list means Pakistan going further away from US and moving towards the new bloc of China-Russia-Turkey-Iran(some more nations).

What doesn't kills you makes you strong. :-)
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  • French lobbying
  • Indian lobbying
Pakistan please keep your mouth shut from now on!
Not how it works. Political leaders calculus depends largely on domestic politics and what they can gain there, even at the cost of the country's interests. There is no dearth of that behaviour in India either.
  • French lobbying
  • Indian lobbying
Pakistan please keep your mouth shut from now on!

Yeah French would have fallen in love with Pakistan and Macron would have given rishta of his baji to Shiekh Rasheed if Pakistan wouldn't have objected to their racist islamophobic BS

The desi white skin worshipers are so naïve :)

PS: Nothing surprising. Everyone knows that FATF is a political tool and has nothing to do with financial regulation and terrorism. Only Pakistanis are stupid enough to take it seriously
Let's be honest to ourselves, we have some compliance to do and ensure that our monitoring of compliant point is intact. If that happens, Pakistan will get out of grey list by the end of 2021. To the people who wanted us blacklisted should know that there is no chance of blacklist now.
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