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Pakistan will push UN to declare Indian Ocean 'nuclear free zone', says Aziz

This the current incident. IN your thread, you are saying as if Pakistan keeps on approaching India for peace and it is always India causing issue...So I am interested in those earlier peace incidents initiated by Pakistan.
Open up history books, Pakistan built a nuclear arsenal due to India declining offers for peace in return for stopping her nuclear weapons program.
There are many more examples, including the one being discussed.
Sir, Cruise Missile have the tendency to loose the target and land in off target. So how would you rate a nuclear attack using Cruise Missile, which could land in its own territory rather the enemy target.
Have the "tendency to lose target"? Care to elaborate more?
Its true that there are more moving parts in case of CMs, however, they have sufficient guidance mechanisms (INS, TERCOM,DSMAC + GPS) in place to keep them on their flight path. As far as a malfunction is concerned, fail-safe systems are an integral part to self-destruct the system in the event of divergence from flight path. Moreover, the nuclear warhead itself is secured with Environment Sensing Devices so it can't even arm itself until the missile arrives close to target.

Second, if you declared your cruise missile as the nuclear delivery platform, do you think that will lower the Nuclear Threshold, and any conventional attack using that cruise missile would be taken as the Nuclear Attack, and the decision for the release of Nuclear attack would be taken. After all the country won't sit back till the nuclear explosion is exploded in its cities, and the moment, the Missile is identified as the Cruise missile, or the MRCBM with its trajectory, the country leadership could order the launch of the Nuclear attack, and off course in a big and large extend and effect.
Definitely it does lower the threshold, and frankly that is its very purpose. No, not at all! In case of Pakistan & India, the flight times are so less that even a ballistic missile launch cannot be reciprocated before it strikes. The decision making process is not rugged yet (definitely not in case of India, as per ex service men). You have to read up on command, control and readiness of nuclear assets.

I believe both Pakistan and India can launch decapitation strikes against each others land-based assets.
Have the "tendency to lose target"? Care to elaborate more?
Its true that there are more moving parts in case of CMs, however, they have sufficient guidance mechanisms (INS, TERCOM,DSMAC + GPS) in place to keep them on their flight path. As far as a malfunction is concerned, fail-safe systems are an integral part to self-destruct the system in the event of divergence from flight path. Moreover, the nuclear warhead itself is secured with Environment Sensing Devices so it can't even arm itself until the missile arrives close to target.

I was referring to the recent case, of the 4 Russian cruise missile fired to the syria, and landed in the IRAN. Several Tomhawk missed its path and landed elsewhere.
I was referring to the recent case, of the 4 Russian cruise missile fired to the syria, and landed in the IRAN. Several Tomhawk missed its path and landed elsewhere.
Yes, that happens with CMs. However as I explained there are fail-safes in position, so there won't be any unintended nuclear explosion.
US/USSR/China/France have nuclear cruise missiles in service, they do lower the nuclear threshold however the decision to retaliate cannot be taken on an impending cruise missile threat. The first step after detection of a cruise missile would be to take it out via AAAs/SAMs/fighter jets, not to launch a retaliatory strike.
Open up history books, Pakistan built a nuclear arsenal due to India declining offers for peace in return for stopping her nuclear weapons program.
There are many more examples, including the one being discussed.
My history books is on the same lines as world history, which do not tell anything of sort which you are claiming. Lahore was responded with kargil, followed by parliament attacks, and mumbai...pathankot, etc etc..
So you need to tell what peace offering you are talking about with facts rather than fictions
What lies have I said?

Fully loaded SSBN visits Karachi ? I mean there is a limit of making clownish statements but you have a habit of it.

And Ever since Yadav arrest, Showing Sartaj aziz pic of holding RAW activities file and claiming it to be a stunt is akin to saying Ajmal kasab was Amar singh kidnapped from Nepal to defame Pakistan. Should I show you Haye bhagwan video of Ajmal Kasab ? I mean atleast I have a common sense unlike you who will go to any length to justify your outright lies and propoganda.
Could you tell the number of successful tests that were done for Babur? I called this system immature ,not non-existent, on basis of number of tests.

If you stop acting butthurt, you would appreciate that whole of naval warfare is based on shooting down salvos of AShCMs ,which are technologically better than INS guided land attack cruise missile. Shooting them down does not require a leap of technology.

Cruise missiles are easier to shoot down than aircraft. They are practically autonomous suicide drones.

There is this thing Called wikipedia where there is a complete page on the number of tests done of Babur including the date month year and time. Instead of proofing to us you belong to 90 percent of idiot class of India, why dont you for once try to belong to 10 percent normal class and search foryourself how many successful tests have been done ?
My history books is on the same lines as world history, which do not tell anything of sort which you are claiming. Lahore was responded with kargil, followed by parliament attacks, and mumbai...pathankot, etc etc..
So you need to tell what peace offering you are talking about with facts rather than fictions
Shows what you've been taught. Pity.
A passage from wiki.
Pakistan's weaker conventional weapon military in comparison to India and the Indian nuclear programme that started in 1967 promped Pakistan's clandestine development of nuclear weapons.[39] Although Pakistan began the development of nuclear weapons in 1972, Pakistan responded to India's 1974 nuclear test (see Smiling Buddha) with a number of proposals for a nuclear-weapon-free zone to prevent a nuclear arms race in South Asia.[40] On many different occasions, India rejected the offer.
A neutral source.
In the article as stated:

Pakistan is acutely aware of the risks and responsibilities accompanying nuclear weapons. Pakistan responded to India's 1974 nuclear test with redoubled efforts to keep the region nuclear-free, realizing that a nuclear race in South Asia would have far-reaching consequences. It proposed a nuclear weapons-free zone in South Asia; a joint renunciation of acquisition or manufacture of nuclear weapons; mutual inspection of nuclear facilities; adherence to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards on nuclear facilities; a bilateral nuclear test ban; and a missile-free zone in South Asia.

In June 1991 Pakistan proposed a five-nation conference, which was later expanded to also include all permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, to discuss conventional arms control and confidence-building measures as well as the promotion of nuclear restraint. In 1997, before the U.N. General Assembly, the prime minister of Pakistan proposed mutual and equal restraint by Pakistan and India on the development of nuclear and ballistic missiles. These initiatives not only remained unanswered by India but elicited little support from the international community.

India also accelerated the pace of its missile programs with 16 tests of the Prithvi design and 4 of the Agni, both of them nuclear-capable and targeted at Pakistan's cities. Prithvi missiles were inducted into India's armed forces and deployed against Pakistan, forcing Pakistan to develop an indigenous missile capability, as its zero-missile-zone proposal was rendered redundant. It was the absence of security that finally compelled Pakistan to orient its nuclear program for defense. The country needed an indigenous defense capability. Past sanctions had degraded its conventional capabilities to the point that it was inconceivable to counter an Indian nuclear threat through conventional means.

But it is in both sides' fundamental interest to avert a nuclear arms race. Moving swiftly toward a strategic-restraint regime, with nuclear and conventional stabilization measures, is imperative. With this perspective, Pakistan has resumed its dialogue with India, focusing on peace, security, confidence-building, and the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir issue. Pakistan has formally proposed a framework for discussions that includes measures to prevent a nuclear and ballistic-missile race, risk-reduction mechanisms, the non-induction of anti-ballistic missile and sea-launched ballistic missile systems, and the maintenance of nuclear deterrence at the minimum level. Pakistan has also proposed a mutual and balanced reduction of conventional forces.
Now educate yourself, only you believe that the history you've been taught is in line with reality, I won't blame you for that Indians indeed live in an environment where a speck of reality is life threatening.
@WAJsal check out the resource for my post, found some ancient stuff from the depths of the Internet.
Fully loaded SSBN visits Karachi ? I mean there is a limit of making clownish statements but you have a habit of it.
I used the conditional tense and said "would openly bless any.......".
So you are saying that
you will NOT allow Chinese navy ships and submarines to dock in Pakistan

And whats the problem in that ? Please all the logical reasoning. You got a problem ? Then specify them in articulate them in proper manner.

I used the conditional tense and said "would openly bless any.......".

Shows the amount of IQ level of yours if you think like that.
And whats the problem in that ? Please all the logical reasoning. You got a problem ? Then specify them in articulate them in proper manner.

SO if Chinese ships and submarines can come to Pakistan
what is the RATIONALE of asking for making Indian Ocean a nuclear free zone

This is discrimination and hence it is a Non starter

And who will check all the ships and submarines in the Indian Ocean

Such Nuclear free zones are NOT made by merely one country asking for them

ALL countries have to accept them only then such treaties can come into force

And India would not agree to such silly treaties and agreements

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