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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

Baiscally pakistan want everyone to choose between India and itself.... interesting.

What pakistan to offer to these countries?
what evidence pakistan is giving to these countries other than lip service?
Which of these countries are willing to actually work with pakistan and go against India?
and final question, what is difference between what pakistan is doing since last one year to now?
It's only foreign policy, Pakistan is not asking them to attack, like our other so called Arab allies want us. But want there support through all diplomatic means. OIC is dead horse, the day Gulfies promise India seat in organization.
Indian totally underestimated Chinese move near and around Siachin area. They better reassess the situation, because Kashmir region is slowly creeping toward limited war.
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If on one hand the US Government wanted to eliminate the Saudi Monarchy and on the other hand Pakistan was protecting them with boots on the ground, the only way for the US to achieve their aim would be to wage a war with Saudi Arabia. That is the resolve of Pakistanis when it comes to protection of Saudi Arabia, and the leadership. Pakistanis would die willingly, by the million, in protection of Saudi Arabia, which Pakistanis also link to the Saudi Monarchy.

NO other nation would be willing to do that, and that is the fact that we need to exploit. There is no point in going out of the way to please Saudi Arabia unless they reciprocate.

It is not the case anymore. KSA is no longer a holy state for us as it once was. Nostalgia for Shah Faisal RAA is gone.

Inherently he is... Imran Khan's past belongs to a more liberal approach towards India... Pakistani left had always had an appeasement and affectionate attachment to India. They saw themselves as Indians living in exile. Imran was of that inclination.

I enjoyed your post. I disagree with this. IK has always been a religious individual, due in large part to his Mother (Allah swt bless her.) He is not only a Sufi, but he is a strict Orthodox Muslim, and he even believes in Khilafat and an Islamic destiny for Pakistan. Remember he shared Dr. Israr's lecture on this topic.

Give me quote from the article and we can discuss...
I would like to refrain from a discussion about your or my opinions... that's just futile and a waste of time

That ID is a troll that just strives to waste people's time. I ignored it earlier.

Meanwhile, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) has denounced what it called ‘irresponsible’ remarks by the foreign minister about brotherly country Saudi Arabia.

N is showing its slavishness to the KSA/UAE interests, while neglecting Pakistan/Kashmir.

Why are we asking to help us ?

Arabs don’t stand for Palestinians who share the same culture, language and religion and we are asking for Kashmir ?

wasting time

They should be expected to help, if not, then they need to be called out for it.

Their Islamic credentials should be questioned openly. I would say that Pakistan should go so far as to say that it does not consider any supporter of Indians in Kashmir as "Muslim" countries. Our scholars will do the same.

It will put domestic pressure on KSA/UAE, and their puppets.

It is much needed. Pakistan has a distinguished place in the Islamic world because we have never betrayed the Islamic cause. We have religious clout over the whole Ummah.

When we speak, people listen.
Bottom line, work hard, make dua, leave the Gulf to it.
There was no real alliance there when the chips were down. Only China and Turkey have historically stood with Pakistan time and time again. Everyone else was a "matlib ka pra".
i am still confused what SMQ want .

OIC is dead horse no matter how many toilet papers passed by them nothing will change on ground in kashmir

no matter how many times arabs or world criticize nothing will changed on ground

for example in worse case arabs and world sanctioned india still india will never let go kashmir (for example)

talks are useless as they were useless in last 73 years no one will go back in kashmir nor india not pakistan . only guns and kashmiris themselves can change ground reality .the kashmir we have we got with guns not with talks .

then why SMQ want to damage ties with KSA ? can KSA do anything for kashmir ? i think there is something else internal story of this episode .
i am still confused what SMQ want .

OIC is dead horse no matter how many toilet papers passed by them nothing will change on ground in kashmir

no matter how many times arabs or world criticize nothing will changed on ground

for example in worse case arabs and world sanctioned india still india will never let go kashmir (for example)

talks are useless as they were useless in last 73 years no one will go back in kashmir nor india not pakistan . only guns and kashmiris themselves can change ground reality .the kashmir we have we got with guns not with talks .

then why SMQ want to damage ties with KSA ? can KSA do anything for kashmir ? i think there is something else internal story of this episode .

OIC won't sanction india economically for their occupation of Kashmir. Maximum that Pakistan can get out of it is if OIC, call-up a meeting, do some lip servicing but that would be it. As you rightly mentioned, it won't change anything on ground. Just for optics...

There indeed is more to it... It seems there is a policy shift, and there is already a bloc in making and Pakistan is just making up a reason under the precontext of OIC's kashmir policy. Something to be noted is China's announcement of investment in Iran, and China giving that 1 bn dollar loan to pay back Saudi Arabia... I see it under the context of GCC-US-India holy alliance. And China-Pakistan-Iran CPEC on the opposing end.
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OIC won't sanction india economically for their occupation of Kashmir; maximum Pakistan can get out of it is if OIC call-up a meeting, do some lip servicing but that would be it. As you rightly mentioned, it won't change anything on ground. Just for optics...

There indeed is more to it... It seems there is a policy shift, and there is already a bloc in making and Pakistan is just making up a reason under the precontext of OIC's kashmir policy. Something to be noted is China's announcement of investment in Iran, and China giving that 1 bn dollar loan to pay back Saudi Arabia... I see it under the context of GCC-US-India holy alliance. And China-Pakistan-Iran CPEC on the opposing end.
yes there must be something else i am concern about . kashmir is part of paksitan not total paksitan that we gamble everything of paksitan for kashmir . we can suicide for kashmir . i think there is some other things backdoor which he talked . or may be he went loose cannon and then realized he commited mistake . we can not say he is pakistani and most of pakistanis talk first and think latter .:enjoy:

also please check he may watching artugral drama these days :lol:
may be he went loose cannon and then realized he commited mistake . we can not say he is pakistani and most of pakistanis talk first and think latter

I doubt that; SMQ though incompetent like others but he thinks before talking. Later, foreign office stood behind his remarks. That was a clear signaling from state...
same old polices of using jihad as a tool against India for example calling for Jihad against India in Kashmir

Kashmir is Pakistan. Period.

Now the means to achieve the outcome is debatable. But that still doesn't prove your sweeping statement. How did Pakistan get isolated because of this policy as you claim so?
I doubt that; SMQ though incompetent like others but he thinks before talking. Later, foreign office stood behind his remarks. That was a clear signaling from state...
and this is not kashmir or OIC issue there is something else behind the doors
And to be honest our decade of darkness on foreign policy under the last two regimes,
Not to contradict you but add that our failure of foreign policy on Kashmir was started with proposal of Gen.(ret) Mushrauf regarding the freezing of Kashmir issue and allowing India to build fencing on LOC which affectively converted it into International border.

The successive two civilian government took further step to delink an internationalized issue from international community and effectively converted it into local dispute and unrest of Indian state
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