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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

at least in the start UN was with us and there are resolutions when we tried to solve this issue with dialouge

That by no means is yardstick for isolation. UN consists of countries. And countries were sometime toeing the line (read lip servicing) because of their interests in the region. Not because of Pakistan's policy towards Kashmir. You still haven't answered how did Pakistan get isolated?
the pakistan territory we already control we may lose it for example thar desert and plains of punjab

You probably have done war gaming; please elaborate on that and spread pearls of your wisdom. And also that isolation point... still am wondering on it.
isn't Pakistan isolated? Afghan army and people are attacking our border posts and also not long ago Iran was calling for do more against terrorist from our territory and there were talks of joint force. So yes we are isolated in this regard

What it has to do with Kashmir policy? Do you know the reasoning behind those incidents you are mentioning, was it because of Kashmir?

And these two incidents still won't qualify as isolation. So that point needs still more elaboration. And the second one as well, thar desert and plains of punjab?
same old polices of using jihad as a tool against India for example calling for Jihad against India in Kashmir
On the one hand Our commander in chief was saying in defense day speech
"Only state has the authority to call for Jihad"
and on the other hand were showing pictures of people from Kashmir taking arms against the Indian forces

@waz @HRK Can we fix this ID's flags?
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