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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

I totally disagree... Pakistan is not the saviors of the Saudi Monarchy.. Massaging the Pakistani ego won't help Pakistan!! the United States has the power to retain or destroy the Monarchy.. I'm on on mobile otherwise would share my thoughts.. but soon
dude...I was born & raised in that country as many of us here are. everyone knows how deeply entrenched pakistani military & intelligence personnel are in saudi Arabian military & law enforcement. but your free to believe what you wish.
I think so too..
But Americans are the ultimate saviors of the Saudi Monarchy. Not Pakistan..
However.. I believe if push REALLY comes to a shove then the vast majority of the Islamic world population would root for Pakistan.. because it's the karma.. Pakistan has intrinsically always rooted for the Islamic world unless severe geostrategic restrictions like in some regions constrained Pakistan...
But I don't ever want to test my hypothesis!

Power and money have corrupted their way of thinking and for them our forces can be replaced like they did and hired Sudanese and the rest to fight in Yemen, that's another thing they failed miserably. We are not the only players safeguarding the monarchy their are much more stronger influences are at play in Saudi so we mustn't think ourselves indispensable. Our ways are going to part with the GCC as they are in US camp and due to the new shifts and new alliances and start of a new cold war like scenario. I won't be surprised that our boots are gradually filled by Indians their, unless Biden gets elected and he doesn't pursue anti China policies with such a vigour like Trump. I wish if this rupture have to happen can be delayed by few years so phase ll of CPEC can absorb any remittance losses if we are heading in that direction.
West is on the prowl like the colonial era and one can see the French fake petition to be taken over by them by locals in Lebanon , Cyprus protection agreement and also sticking fingers in Libya. These Dumb countries failed to realised West is bank corrupt due to corona and they are looking opportunities to enrich themselves with others wealth. Same applies to GCC to save their own skins they are sitting in US/West lap and we are just a foot soldiers there.
Yes brother, but many Arab scholars now in KSA and else where shrug it of, at calling it a Persian Hadith. They’re now twisting Hadith as they mistranslating the Quran.
What is the definition of Arab in this though? Arab people could just mean Yemen and Saudi arab.
Here is the Hadith brother. Clear as day.

Sahih Muslim
Book 41, Number 7035:
Umm Sharik reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The people would run away from the Dajjal seeking shelter in the mountains. She said: Where would be the Arabs then in that day? He said: They would be small in number.
Lets not focus on such Hadiath as guidelines - Rather as possible milestones but it should not dictate our focus on scientific research and more importantly becoming better human beings per the seerat of Huzoor... to humanity.
His example is not Rehmat ul Muslimeen but Aalameen.. unless we keep that example as guidelines; Arab or Ajam will be in ruin.
One sentence will explain Saudi reluctance. US is no more dependent upon Saudi oil, therefore KSA is wooing India which will continue to have growth in oil consumption over the next decade.

It is all about economic gains and losses. And to be honest our decade of darkness on foreign policy under the last two regimes, whether a miss step or a deliberate move cost us dearly on Kashmir.
A while ago I comdemned Saudis and got shat on by PDF. How the turntables! I comdemn them for attempting to change the Quran, making a joke out of Islam, trying to enslave us, all while not giving us any support at all. Remember Saudi Arabia =/= Islam. Just because they have the Kaaba doesn't mean they're some saints just like Isfake who controls Al-Aqsa.
Religious fundos here are embarrassingly cute.

Mr. Qureshi has failed to highlight any such instance where it would appear Saudi Arabia has a divergent politics over Kashmir than Pakistan.

Meanwhile Mr. Niazi cannot thank a dysfunctional UNSC members enough.

Hypocritical enlightened moderation sucks !!
Also Nimatullah Shah Wali's predictions too. I have listened to a few of them from videos, quite telling.

are you advocating foreign policy based on end of the world theories of a nuclear armed nation?

are you a fundamentalist zionist by any chance or a rogue mason?
i am one of those who do not belive in predictions rather follow
The beautiful verse of the holy Quran, Chapter 53 Surah Najm verse 39: ” Laisa lil insana illa ma sa’a” There is nothing for man except what he strives for.
if we wanna rise we have to struggle and we must need to hold our grounds
Did they build that temple on twitter or on ground?

They built it further away from Saudi Arabia and much nearer to Pakistan.

Just like when it was destroyed in the 90s when the nation was carefree and corrupt to the core.

If Pakistan does not want to fight someone else's war, why do you expect anything else from others?

Awein sasta Qureshi should provide a parliamentary briefing for his statement.
They built it further away from Saudi Arabia and much nearer to Pakistan.

Just like when it was destroyed in the 90s when the nation was carefree and corrupt to the core.

I am not talking about Babri Masjid. But this


If Pakistan does not want to fight someone else's war, why do you expect anything else from others?

The problem is Pakistan has been fighting everyone's war for peanuts.

I am tired of those Beirut watsapp statuses .......... I think the call log of calls made by Lebanese during our terrorist struck decade must be very lengthy ..... it was almost everyday.

Awein sasta Qureshi should provide a parliamentary briefing for his statement.

I am with FM on this, despite my political differences I wholeheartedly support him

Blood and honor of innocent oppressed is more worthy than diplomatic niceties. A full scale Saudi spring should be planned and started.
I disagree. We get money from them, even now their deposits in SBP have helped us keep our necks above water. Lip service like other allies of ours do is easy, I'm not naming any country in particular here. The Saudis help us and our bottom line every chance they get. I think we should consider the bigger picture a little more before knowingly offending an old ally like Saudi.

This arrangement has worked in the past since Pakistan's and Saudi interests did not significantly clash in the past. However, recently those interests have diverged.

1. The China-USA issue: Pakistan is drifting more towards China while the Saudi remain beholden to the USA.

2. The CPEC One Belt initiative: Pakistan is fully invested in this which now incorporates Iran. This will not sit well with the Saudis.

3. The new Saudi King to be MBS ... and his reforms are geared towards a Israel-Zionist and liberalisation versus the more conservative Islamic union approach of the past. This is counter to the Turkish-Iran-Malaysian approach... Pakistan has aligned itself to this versus the Saudi Israeli one.

4. The new Arab states of Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan erc. have move away from Muslim issues since they view political Islam as a failed ideology... They are therefore indifferent to suffering of the Kashmiris, Palestinians, Rohingya etc. As such they are fine with Modi and the Extremist Hindutvaism .... As they now are more interested in $$$ (markets)
Here is the Hadith brother. Clear as day.

Sahih Muslim
Book 41, Number 7035:
Umm Sharik reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The people would run away from the Dajjal seeking shelter in the mountains. She said: Where would be the Arabs then in that day? He said: They would be small in number.

Could mean the Arabs will be small in numbers just in that geological area and not necessarily as a global population number??
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