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Pakistan will not offer bases to the US military.

How can you compare NSA with a president?. Moeed doesn't have the power to take decisions, musharraf had that power and he took the decision. And now Foreign minister has denied it twice one on the National assembly flour, then on news channel, Moeed denied it directly to his US counterpart in Geneva, today fawad Chaudhry denied it and not to forget IKs stance on giving bases to US i.e he's completely against it. How much denial do you want now?

The decision is not yet final. Denial is part of ongoing negotiations.
Denial is part of ongoing negotiations.
True. Why do the Americans insist on dealing with two faced generals who support Taliban and house the infamous Haqqani network. Or is this run with the hares and hunt with the hounds?

Why are they begging for bases from a militar they have maintained for decades of having srewed them over?
The public is against the bases, the government face value stance is against the bases. The Americans have to present an offer which we can't refuse, otherwise if we settle for anything less it would be a slap to the faces 220 million people and a nuclear armed country.
The public is against the bases, the government face value stance is against the bases. The Americans have to present an offer which we can't refuse, otherwise if we settle for anything less it would be a slap to the faces 220 million people and a nuclear armed country.

I am sure a win-win situation situation that works for both sides will be found.
How do you know this? Are you part of the negotiating team? If you are handling such sensitive negotiations why are you jeopardizing it here!

There is nothing sensitive here, just routine international geopolitics.
They will end up giving the American the bases. It's just a matter of time.
There is nothing sensitive here, just routine international geopolitics.
So you are part of the negotiating team then? That’s amazing!
Anyway, I hope you know what you are doing by releasing any info of ongoing negotiations here. If an information has a certain classification, its rules need to be followed however trivial the info may seem to you. I havent worked on secret clearance projects, but I know people who have in the industry and for certain projects they cant even write their experience on their resumes or even mention what they did and who they worked for.
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USA doesn't need bases inside Pakistan. It needs overflight access for USN and regional based assets. Iran and Russia will not provide this. Pakistan should continue to cooperate with USA against al Qaeda types. Lets not repeat the mistakes of the 90's.
Usa need baes in pakistan

Its not logical to operare a drone frm qatar that will fly almost 8 hours before entering afghanistan

Also it means no special ops
They will end up giving the American the bases. It's just a matter of time.
You know how? The usual indian intuition about Pakistan?
Not that it matters what you lot thinks but you are up for a disappointment and would love to imagine the looks on your faces once that happens.
You know how? The usual indian intuition about Pakistan?
Not that it matters what you lot thinks but you are up for a disappointment and would love to imagine the looks on your faces once that happens.
Wanna bet?
Wanna bet?
You are nobody to bet with but will you apologize and quit if you lose?
To make the bet even i will apologize here and also quit my support to pti government? Sounds fair?
One point to note: The 2011 Shamsi airbase debacle happened because drones were spotted in satellite imagery and Pakistan possessed no such drones.

However, presently it will be quite easy for Pakistan to pass off American drones as Pakistani drones considering the plethora of MQ1 look-a-like drones entering service with us.

Another possibility is that we insist on using our own drones for targets that the Americans provide if we agree. This will be a hard sell but an ideal situation for us. Wr DO want to hit the TTP strongholds across the border once America leaves and I suspect that we will.
There is no way this is happening. All the media articles and punditry is just paid for to give off the impression of control and try and put pressure on GoP.

Unfortunately for them Khan has dug in his heels.
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