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Pakistan will not offer bases to the US military.

You should already know the answer to that after CIA got kicked out of Balochistan.
Actually today's Pakistan US relations are of ZERO TRUST from both sides . Pakistan can't trust US after repeated disappointed attitude towards an ally . Check 1965 , 1971 , 1999 ( kargil war) , Feb 2019
or after 1979-1989 i.e sanctions , after 2011 ( Osama operation , Salala attack , Ramend devos ) or after Aug 2017 ( blocking CSF ) or putting Pakistan in FATF , providing India with latest weapons and on other hand blocking F-16s and engines for Turkish helicopter or Pakistan joining CPEC .
ZERO Trust and Zero Chance of Bases . Just engagement , Trade relations , help in getting out or offering supplying route till there . Time has changed and so is US power and relations with Pakistan .
Bilawal will offer bases in 2023
i think u have an issue in getting something who said anything about complete breakaway with US , we are talking about Bases here , mistrust and US power compared to 2001 or 1989 and China role .
Read again .

Actually today's Pakistan US relations are of ZERO TRUST from both sides . Pakistan can't trust US after repeated disappointed attitude towards an ally . Check 1965 , 1971 , 1999 ( kargil war) , Feb 2019
or after 1979-1989 i.e sanctions , after 2011 ( Osama operation , Salala attack , Ramend devos ) or after Aug 2017 ( blocking CSF ) or putting Pakistan in FATF , providing India with latest weapons and on other hand blocking F-16s and engines for Turkish helicopter or Pakistan joining CPEC .
ZERO Trust and Zero Chance of Bases . Just engagement , Trade relations , help in getting out or offering supplying route till there . Time has changed and so is US power and relations with Pakistan .
Read my first post. USA does not need bases in Pakistan. They require overflight access. Kabul regime will provide them all the basing needed for covert ops. The OP is talking about nothing.
what? lol. what warning. why do people feel the need to saber rattle and try to make concoct BS narratives.

some of you people write some incredibly emotional and insecure jingoistic comments here.

How about you go ahead read up first before making stupid comments like the one above?

China warns the U.S.: "Any Attack on Pakistan Would be Construed as an Attack on China"

China Warns U.S.: 'Any Attack on Pakistan Would Be Construed As an Attack on China'

China: ‘Pakistan is our Israel’
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Biden administration is also seeking some sort of arrangement with India to use air bases. Strategy does not seem to be a coherent one. Announcing withdrawal date before finalizing future logistics arrangement is not a wise idea.

BTW what's Pakistan’s president's stance on giving bases to mutual friends and US forces using those bases ? This tactic was successfully used in past.
Bases aren't really needed though, b/c you can more or less fly sorties out of Qatar, UAE, Oman, etc. The real question is, will Pakistan give airspace access, and if not, what will it do say if Pakistani airspace is used for Afghan operations like the Abbottabad operation?

Abbottabad operation was inside job, both Zardari and General Kayani was onboard with American. Boggyman OBL was dead in 2003 due to kidney failure. Pakistan gave America a face saving.
Pakistan will not offer bases to the US military.
- President of Pakistan Arif Alvi.
Pakistan’s President Arif Alvi sat down with VOA’s Ayesha Tanzeem this week for an exclusive interview
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ISLAMABAD - Pakistan’s President Arif Alvi sat down with VOA’s Ayesha Tanzeem this week for an exclusive interview to discuss the impact on the region of the United States withdrawing its forces from Afghanistan, how Pakistan sees its future relationship with its western neighbor, and whether putting forward a resolution in parliament to expel the French ambassador from the country, over French support for publication of caricatures of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, is dangerous.

The answers have been edited for clarity and brevity.

Q: How do you see the impact on the region and on Pakistan of the United States withdrawing forces from Afghanistan?

A: It’s a very important announcement. The region has been looking forward to some settlement, and the Doha talks came to a culmination with an agreement on the withdrawal of U.S. forces. I think that’s the right direction to go.

The withdrawal also relates to the fact that there should be an agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan on what is going to happen in the future. Pakistan wants stability on its borders because any instability, or any insurrection of any sort, is going to hurt us, it has always done so. Therefore, we are looking forward to a stable and peaceful Afghanistan.

Q: But the intra-Afghan negotiations are not going too well.

A: That is important. Therefore, the efforts of the governments of the United States, Pakistan, China, Russia, and Iran are all important in trying to stabilize and encourage an agreement between the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban.

Q: Pakistan has the key influence since the leadership of the Taliban live here. Why isn’t Pakistan using that influence in this situation?

A: Pakistan is using its influence.

Q: President Biden mentioned Pakistan “especially” as a regional country that needs to do more for Afghanistan. What is he asking Pakistan to do?

A: I’m not aware of what the U.S. specifically wants Pakistan to do. Pakistan’s effort toward peace does not depend on the U.S. asking Pakistan. Our efforts are indigenous in their nature and in their motivation. We want peace in Afghanistan. We all have to do more, including the Afghan and the U.S.

Q: President Biden also mentioned the U.S. reorganizing its counterterrorism capabilities in the region to be able to hit the target from “over the horizon.” He is obviously talking about drone strikes and airstrikes. Pakistan at one time used to provide the U.S. bases to operate from. Has the U.S. asked for something similar?

A: I’m not aware, and I don’t think Pakistan will be in a position to offer that.

Q: Has the U.S. asked for any additional intelligence presence? Or a larger footprint post-withdrawal?

A: I’m not aware of that. We should be careful that Pakistan doesn’t become a base for U.S. actions in Afghanistan. Pakistan wants to play a peaceful role.

Q: What role does Pakistan want to play in Afghanistan?

A: Pakistan wants to help rebuild Afghanistan. Pakistan is in the best position to do so. We harbored 3.5 million refugees. Pakistan can play a big role in actual physical construction, in providing know-how, and in lifting the education and health sectors.

Q: What if intra-Afghan negotiations fail?

A: Pakistan would not like the talks to fail. We think there is a good chance of success, although we believe India has played a negative role. It has never accepted the Doha talks. It has never encouraged the Doha talks. We suspect that role will continue.

Q: Your foreign minister recently said in a joint press conference with the Russian foreign minister that Russia can help India play a positive role in Afghanistan. How can Russia do that?

A: Whoever is in discussion with India can encourage India to not remain negative.

Q: What about Iran? How do you see its role? Is Pakistan coordinating with Iran on Afghanistan?

A: Pakistan has always had good relations with Iran. During the COVID crisis, Afghan refugees were returning from Iran to both Afghanistan and Pakistan. There were consultations between the three on that. The role of Iran will always remain, especially as the Shi’ite in Afghanistan look to Iran in a broader context.

Q: Pakistan is doing backdoor negotiations with India. The UAE ambassador said he is facilitating.

A: He mentioned the fact that there may have been some consultations to arrive at a cease-fire on our borders.

Q: Under pressure from an Islamist party, the government is presenting a resolution in parliament to expel the French ambassador to Pakistan (in retaliation for France defending the right to publish caricatures of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad).

A: I think that the international ramifications of the issue are because of Islamophobia. I think we suffer from things that are said abroad and done abroad. Anything you say questioning the Holocaust is illegal in Europe. We want the same treatment. We have to reflect what our people think. Our people are very hurt.

Q: So, if the parliament approves this resolution, Pakistan will throw out the French ambassador?

A: I’m not making any comment on that because the debate will be going on, and let the parliament either approve or disapprove the resolution.

Q: Isn’t it a very dangerous thing to do, given Pakistan’s history of violence over perceived blasphemy? Any parliamentarian who opposes the motion puts his or her life at risk. And if the motion is approved, Pakistan risks its relations with the world.

A: I think the parliament is free. I think the parliamentarians are bold. I don’t think they will be risking their lives in discussing something that is essential to us.
Beside Exit Pakistan isnt much relevant, heck when US was solely dependent on Pakistan for Road access, even thn Pakistan got smacked now that time is long gone, Military and Politicans are in uncle sams pocket they will do what they want to do when they want to do.
Thats the sad reality, no one is actually standing up for Pakistani interest its more about money from top brass. While Soliders and common man risk life for nothing.
We have fought enough wars for them and damaged our economy and social fabric and what we got out of all this. Block F 16, Block helicopters, even block engines for Turkish helicopters, block aid, block coalition support fund, sanctions and humiliation and then US goes and embraces India. What are we taken for muppets and now we are pushed into another slow rate inferno no thanks. We have invested in border fencing now FC job is to guard it resolutely let Afghans get their peace in their own ways we are out of all this tamasha. Our only interactions with US should be education, trade, science and technology and investments like rest of the world community.

Pakistan should immediately invite Russia and China to develop Afghanistan. Use Pak routes to establish a strong economic corridor with Afghanistan and beyond.

The US can't offer half of what China and Russia can provide regionally. The US is a spoiler and an Indian lackey.

Bilawal will offer bases in 2023

Bilawal won't be in power.
I donot trust Pakistanis! Pakistani Govt or its Army offered and lets its bases used earlier by Americans & NATO forces, and kept on lying big time to Pakistani nation of 220 million like Shamsi Airbase, Sargodha, and F16 bases in Sindh.

Alas the truth got out, and shame of Pakistan Army, and its Govt as always was its destiny!
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When people who are hoisting US colors in their profiles say stuff like the following, it's not convincing anymore and doesn't carry any weight

- Pak still needs US
- Pak can't break away from US
- Pak should keep it's goodwill in US whatever is left of it

Maybe it's the same case as that of muslims in India.
US is Pakistan's number 1 ally, though Pakistan doesn't realize it for some reason.
As a Pakistani I would warmly welcome a permanent US military base in Pakistan.

Putting all our eggs in the Chinese basket is a disaster. China is not our ally, China is exploiting us, they want to become our slaver.

There should be a permanent US military base in Afghanistan. I think the Taliban are reasonable people and will be amicable to the idea. The US actually realized that Taliban are more dependable than the laughing stock that is in Kabul.

Increasingly we are seeing that Russia's neighborhood is going up in flames. Russia couldn't defend Armenia against Azerbaijan. Now Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are fighting each other. Russia is losing the plot in Ukraine. Russia can't manage a full withdrawal from Syria because they know Assad won't last without the Russian crutch.
Russia is extremely upset India has turned away from them and has joined the US.
Abbottabad operation was inside job, both Zardari and General Kayani was onboard with American. Boggyman OBL was dead in 2003 due to kidney failure. Pakistan gave America a face saving.

If you believe this BS, I have a bridge to sell you. 🤣🤣🤣
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