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Pakistan will buy fighter jets from Jordan, Russia, France


Jan 18, 2009
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Pakistan will buy F16,fighter jets from Jordan,Russia,France[/SIZE]
The secretary elaborated that Pakistan would get the fighter jets from Jordan, besides exploring other options, including Russia and France. http://worldtribunepakistan.com/2016/06/13/pakistan-will-buy-f16-fighter-jets-from-jordan/


ISLAMABAD-Pakistan will now buy F16 fighter jets from Jordan,besides exploring other options, including Russia and France. This was disclosed by Secretary Defence Lt General (Retd) Muhammad Alam Khattak on Monday during a joint sitting of Senate’s Standing Committees on Defence and Foreign Affairs. He said the purchasing of F-16 aircraft from the United States at subsidized rate was now a closed chapter.

Briefing the meeting, co-chaired by Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Defence Mushahid Hussain Sayed and Chairperson Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Nuzhat Sadiq, he said: “Now, we will go for other options to acquire the fighter jets.”

He said he would not go into details of the F-16s issue with the US as the aircraft would be now acquired through a third party.

The secretary elaborated that Pakistan would get the fighter jets from Jordan, besides exploring other options, including Russia and France.

Khattak said Pakistan always resolved the strategic issues strategically and thus it would be able to meet its defence needs.On halt of subsidized sale of F-16 jets to Pakistan, he said the US Congress played a major role in that regard.

PAF doesnt need the gripen.
Lets stick to topic gents and keep the gripen discussion for

Sir What Other Options we have from France??
Purchase of F-16s from US a closed chapter: defence secretary
June 13, 2016

By: Samaa Web Desk
Published in Pakistan

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ISLAMABAD: Secretary Defence Lt General (Retd) Muhammad Alam Khattak Monday informed a joint sitting of Senate’s Standing Committees on Defence and Foreign Affairs that the purchasing of F-16 aircraft from the United States at subsidized rate was now a closed chapter.

Briefing the meeting, co-chaired by Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Defence Mushahid Hussain Sayed and Chairperson Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Nuzhat Sadiq, he said: “Now, we will go for other options to acquire the fighter jets.”

He said he would not go into details of the F-16s issue with the US as the aircraft would be now acquired through a third party.

The secretary elaborated that Pakistan would get the fighter jets from Jordan, besides exploring other options, including Russia and France.

Khattak said Pakistan always resolved the strategic issues strategically and thus it would be able to meet its defence needs.

Earlier in their opening remarks, Mushahid Hussain and Nuzhat Sadiq asked the concerned to get clarification from the government regarding the current status of Pakistan-US relations in the context of what was generally perceived as a drift in its foreign policy and national security.

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz urged the parliamentarians to give comprehensive and solid suggestions to further improve the foreign policy, especially with regard to the US.

Mushahid Hussain called for an effective role of foreign policy institutions like Foreign Office and Defence Committees.

The Adviser said China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was part of Pakistan’s strategic policy to maintain balance of power in the region.

Commenting on the committees’ members queries about the US strategic shift towards India, Sartaj said CPEC was a ‘counter and complimentary’ step of Pakistan.

He rejected the impression that Pakistan was isolated among the comity of nations. “The impression of Pakistan’s international isolation is not correct.”

Sartaj Aziz said Pakistan was following a foreign policy aimed at maintaining its relations with international community without compromising on its vital interests.

During last three years, the Adviser said winning the CPEC project was a big success of Pakistan, besides it became a member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), developed increased bilateral relations with Central Asian as well as European states and Islamic countries.

He said India, seven-times bigger than Pakistan, was playing a frontline role in anti-Islam moves and offering its services against China and Muslims, especially after the 9/11 incident.

Commenting on the Haqqani network, the Adviser said Pakistan had underlined the need for improved Pak-Afghan border management and early repatriation of Afghan refugees to their homeland.

He said Pakistan would soon hire lobbyists in Washington to protect its interests and counter Indian propaganda.

Secretary Foreign Affairs Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry apprised the body that Pakistan had categorically asked the United States to make its objectives clear as whether it wanted dialogue or war to achieve peace in Afghanistan.

He said the US representatives had been told that US drone strike killing Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour was a hasty move.

He said the US was oblivious of Pakistan’s security concerns, adding that ending drone strikes were on priority of the government’s agenda.

He said there could be no compromise with the United States on certain issues.

He said the United States had exhausted 16 years in war in Afghanistan and it was better if even six months were given to establish peace.

Aizaz Chaudhry mentioned that according to passport details, Mullah Mansour was travelling from Iran and the record of Iranian city Taftan in that regard was available as well.

However, he said Pakistan was investigating the veracity of the passport of Mullah Mansour, focusing on the fact as to why the document remained unburnt inside the charred car following the drone strike.

He said Pakistan had hosted the Afghan refugees for 30 years and called upon India and Iran being the “new friends of Afghanistan” to come forward to share that burden.

On halt of subsidized sale of F-16 jets to Pakistan, he said the US Congress played a major role in that regard.

He said the foreign policy of Pakistan was moving in the right direction and was formulated keeping in view the best national interests.

Relations of Pakistan and the United States were not always on same frequency and there were ups and downs, he said, adding Pakistan was trying to improve its ties with the US. –APP


@Arsalan @waz Is this enough or you need more proof about Pakistan seriously considering Russian and European Fighter Jets.

France??which jet.... Rafale or M2K or Mirage 3/5 or mirage F1??
Rafale can come
The secretary elaborated that Pakistan would get the fighter jets from Jordan, besides exploring other options, including Russia and France.

Nothing but talk from the fella. France? What and how? India is in a huge deal with the French. Russia, myself and many other posters have outlined why this is not the case.
The only realistic option is from Jordan.
Nothing but talk from the fella. France? What and how? India is in a huge deal with the French. Russia, myself and many other posters have outlined why this is not the case.
The only realistic option is from Jordan.
Russia and France are both realistic even Euro Fighter from Italy is realistic option and one of them would come sooner or later
Lol why you often post just for the sake of wishful thinking.
Your Defence Sectary gave this statement that they are looking at options of Fighter Jets from Russia and France. He gave this statement in senate so please it's not me it's your Government and Armed Forces who are saying this.
Russia and France are both realistic even Euro Fighter from Italy is realistic option and one of them would come sooner or later
you cannot fund the F-16 , why dreaming big.

BTW what is airframe/ engine life left in those?
Your Defence Sectary gave this statement that they are looking at options of Fighter Jets from Russia and France. He gave this statement in senate so please it's not me it's your Government and Armed Forces who are saying this.

We have been hearing this crap for quite sometime now and there hasn't been any single development w.r.t acquisitions of any new platform. So stop believing in them. The most we can do is to buy second hand F16s from Jordan or Turkey and later get them upgraded. Chinese planes J10s are a possibility but PAF has clearly rejected them.

you cannot fund the F-16 , why dreaming big.

Exactly. By now he should have understood it.
We have been hearing this crap for quite sometime now and there hasn't been any single development w.r.t acquisitions of any new platform. So stop believing in them. The most we can do is to buy second hand F16s from Jordan or Turkey and later get them upgraded. Chinese planes J10s are a possibility but PAF has clearly rejected them.

Exactly. By now he should have understood it.
Developments are taking place and you would hear something soon
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is considering a Jordanian offer to buy sixteen used F-16 jets in lieu of the eight advanced fighters it could not buy from the United States because of a financing row, but officials fear Washington could still throw a spanner in the works.

The case for the purchase of F-16s from the US is closed, “we are now going for a third party transfer of F-16s and have an offer from Jordan”, Defence Secretary retired Lt Gen Alam Khattak told a joint sitting of the Senate committees on defence and foreign affairs, which had been asked by Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani to review the current state of Pak-US ties and suggest the way forward.

The fiasco over procurement of F-16s, which started with Congress blocking the funding of the sale from the US government’s Foreign Military Financing Programme, brought into focus the underlying strains in Washington-Islamabad ties because of Pakistan’s alleged inadequate action against the Taliban, Haqqani network and Lashkar-i-Taiba and concerns over the scope and pace of development of its missile and nuclear programme.

Editorial: US pressure once again

Pakistani officials contend that the reasons for which US Congress withheld the financing were non-negotiable. However, the episode has forced the government to rethink its strategy of not having lobbyists in Washington and a couple of lobbying firms are expected to be hired shortly for the country’s image correction and improving relations with Congress.

Secretary Khattak conceded that the used Block-30 F-16s being offered by Jordan were not of the same quality and standard as the Block-52 that were originally intended to be bought from the US.

The Jordanian aircraft, which were manufactured in 1988/90 and upgraded in 2001/02, may have to be upgraded again to meet Pakistan Air Force’s current demands. But Pakistan, after losing the opportunity to buy new jets from the US, may immediately need them to replace the Block-15 F-16s currently in PAF’s inventory, which are due to be retired in the next couple of years.

Pakistan had earlier in 2014 bought around a dozen F-16s from Jordan, which has been modernising its fleet.

The defence secretary observed that for the state-of-the-art fifth generation fighters Russian and French markets would have to be explored.

Another defence ministry official Rear Admiral Mukhtar Khan, however, said the US had so far not objected to the deal with Jordan, but under the current environment getting American approval for the sale, a mandatory requirement, would not be easy to manage.

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz told the meeting that the government was right in not accepting the US conditions. “If the conditions affect national interest, it is better not to accept them. It was an issue of choices,” he contended while deliberating on the reasons that led to the cancellation of the F-16 deal with the US.

The Haqqani network, he said, was not a simple issue and could have caused a blowback. Moreover, he noted, the matter was linked to the border management, which the Afghan government had been resisting.

Mr Aziz further said the US had been conveyed that Pakistan would respond to the increasing imbalance in the region because of the Indo-US defence cooperation through maintaining its strategic deterrence.

He said the move for appointment of a lobbyist had been started and short-listing of prospective firms was being done.

The government has so far remained averse to hiring the lobbyist. The military, in view of the intended defence procurements including the F-16s, had last year advised the government to hire a lobbying firm, but the proposal was shot down ostensibly because of apprehensions that the lobbyist may be used by the military for its own promotion.

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry in his testimony said that there could be no compromise on the nuclear programme and blamed the US for causing a setback to Afghan reconciliation efforts by acting in haste and eliminating Afghan Taliban chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour in a drone attack.

A number of members of the committees differed with the government explanation on not acting against the Haqqani network and Taliban.

Farhatullah Babar of the PPP said the meeting should be an occasion of introspection rather than bravado.

He regretted that after the killing of Mullah Mansour jihad was again flaunted as an instrument of policy with the Difa-i-Pakistan Council, a conglomerate of radical groups, being allowed to hold rallies.

He worried that isolation would be Pakistan’s destiny unless a course correction was undertaken.

Javed Abbasi, retired Brig John Kenneth Williams, Karim Khawaja and retired Lt Gen Salahuddin Tirmizi too expressed their concerns.

Chairman of the Defence Committee Mushahid Hussain Sayed, who co-chaired the meeting with Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee Nuzhat Sadiq, said that a strategic shift in the US policy towards the region was visible.

He believed that US actions like the killing of Mullah Mansour depicted confusion in its policy on Afghanistan.

He stressed the need for institutionally strengthening the Foreign Office so that institutional decision-making by the National Security Committee, the Defence Committee of the Cabinet and the Defence Council be promoted instead of a reactive ad hoc approach which drifts from crisis to crisis.

Published in Dawn, June 14th, 2016
Block 15 retiring soon. Pakistan may not go for Jordanian aircraft. But interesting Pakistan started a serious search for 5th generation. Plus , Mod merge the thread and ruined the whole topic.

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