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Pakistan was created on the basis of group nationalism and not religion

Since you are such an exponent of Islam may I remind you that Mohajir means

Muhajir or Mohajir (Arabic: مهاجر‎ muhāǧir) is an Arabic word meaning immigrant. The Islamic calendar Hejira starts when Muhammad and his companions left Mecca for Medina in what is known as Hijra. They were called Muhajirun. The Arabic root word for immigration and emigration is Hijrat.

Over centuries, the term has been applied to a number of other Muslim refugee and emigrant groups:

* Muhajir Khwarezm, the Muslim refugees that escaped Genghis Khan's Mongol invasion of Muslim lands in 13th century; they settled in other Muslim lands not touched by the conquerors. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi fled Afghanistan and settled in Anatolia (modern Turkey) to escape the Mongol army

* Muhajir (Albania), Albanians that used to live in Serbia (near Nis and Prokuplje). Approximately 30,000 ethnic Albanians retreated from the captured areas (partly under duress)[citation needed], seeking refuge in Kosovo and Metohia, while tens of thousands of Serbs fled Kosovo and Metohia for Serbia ahead of unleashed bashibozouks, irregular auxiliaries of Ottoman troops. As a consequence, thousands of Albanians settled in Kosovo where they live today.

* Muhajir Crimean, the converted Muslim refugees of Crimean ancestry, Crimean Tatars, that settled in Ottoman Empire after the Russian Empire captured the Crimea from the Muslim Crimean Khanate.

* Muhajir (Caucasus), the Muslim population of Caucasus resettled in Ottoman Empire and Middle East after the Caucasian War

* Muhajir (Turkey), the Muslims of Balkan ancestry that settled in Turkey after the collapse of Ottoman Empire

* Muhajir people, people of Pakistan that were predominantly native Urdu speaking Muslims of British India in 1947

* Palestinian refugees, Arab refugees, mostly Muslim, who migrated from the territory that became Israel, and are now mostly in neighbouring countries

* Afghan refugees, Muslim muhajirs from Afghanistan who escaped the Soviet invasion in 1979 until the 2001 U.S. invasion in which the Taliban government was overthrown. The vast majority of them settled in Pakistan as well as in Iran

* Rohingya refugees, Muslim refugees from Burma in Bangladesh and Pakistan

Therefore, if it is acceptable as 'refugees' for others, why not for Indian Muslims and why take an alien word from an alien country?

To suit the convenience?

It reminds me of a Punjabi phrase to avoid controversy - Ai bhi Wah Wah, Tan bhi Wah Wah!!

Talking about alien words from an alien country, almost all of Pakistan's national anthem is written in Persian. Talking about alien words, hasn't Hindi taken words from English & called them their own?
If there was a country called India in THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT prior to 1947, then why did India get its independence on August 15, 1947? The funny thing I've mentioned before is that Indians think their country's history is thousands of years old, whereas Pakistan's history is only 63 years old. A huge contradiction, coupled with the fact that these Indians want Pakistanis to "embrace their Indian values". How do you justify all that?

Let's see. Megasthenes wrote Indika when he visited the Mauryan capital


Pretty much includes all of the subcontinent. So yes India is a civilizational state ( I can give the examples of the Guptas, Palas and Mughals too)
Talking about alien words from an alien country, almost all of Pakistan's national anthem is written in Persian standards. Talking about alien words, hasn't Hindi taken certain words from English & called them their own?

You are now cowering for cover.

When such a perfect and beautiful word exists in Urdu, why seek an alien word.

A word that is sanctified by Islam!

Or is the alien word having a greater impact than the word sanctified by Islam?

Just to remind you:

Muhajir or Mohajir (Arabic: مهاجر‎ muhāǧir) is an Arabic word meaning immigrant. The Islamic calendar Hejira starts when Muhammad and his companions left Mecca for Medina in what is known as Hijra. They were called Muhajirun. The Arabic root word for immigration and emigration is Hijrat.
T-Faz, I personally don't mind seeing a secular Pakistan, but seeing that the 4 provinces have nothing in common but a strong bond of religion, I think being the "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" would be in the best interest of Pakistan's stability & its very existence. A lot of things changed after 1971. Pakistan had to make sure that no other part of Pakistan would follow Bangladesh's route. One of the reasons we don't see ethnic separatist movements like "secular" India does is because we have the religion that binds us together, something even greater & personal than ethnicity & culture. However, I endorse a moderate Islamic view that we have been seeing till before Zia's time, the kind in which women & minorities are respected, & given full rights & representation in every field of life. Talibanism is a disease that must be rooted out of Pakistan, & appreciate the struggles to eliminating this menace.

The one thing that unifies all different ethnicities, sects and religions has to be our nation, Pakistan.

Religion has clearly failed in binding us and the civil war with Bangladesh is prime example of this fact.

Similarly, we have been an Islamic Republic for a decades not but even to this this day, ethnic and sectarian divisions have paralysed our country.

The only way forward is to make Pakistan our unifying identity, everything else will be secondary and religion will be a private matter.

Only then will we have the success this nation ought to have.
If there was a country called India in THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT prior to 1947, then why did India get its independence on August 15, 1947? The funny thing I've mentioned before is that Indians think their country's history is thousands of years old, whereas Pakistan's history is only 63 years old. A huge contradiction, coupled with the fact that these Indians want Pakistanis to "embrace their Indian values". How do you justify all that?
Mr. haider you answered your own question , India got indipendence in 1947 which means that india existed as a free land for a long time before it got occupied and then got its indipendence .

Pakistan came in 1947 with the partition because before that , the land of pakistan atleast punjab and sindh was historically belonging to the Indian race , if the people on those lands decided to part their ways with ancient India to form a new country on their new islamic values that does not mean that Ancient India was reborn or anything like that .

India existed much before that and just because a few people abandoned to form their own country does not negate its ancient existence .

when one brother of a joint family leaves it to from a separate family , it does not in any way hamper the originality or the existence of the family which the brother left . They will continue the same way they were before the brother left .
Did not bother much about your rest of your comment because you are speaking out of ignorance and denial.
And Yes Prophet Mohammed PBUH also said : “If anyone sees in his Ameer something that displeases him let him
remain patient, for behold! He who separates himself from the
Sultan (authority of Islam) by even so much as a hand span and
dies thereupon, he has died the death of Jahiliyyah.”

Continue to copy paste text from Hizbut Tahrir's documents, I wont bother with you again.

I already gave you an answer to this before.
I am not sure why people need to justify or discover the reasons for Pakistan's creation.

Whatever they were, they don't matter to Indians now. We are two different countries and two different people now.

Just two neighbors on not so good terms. There is no need for so much hostility and so much baggage.
The one thing that unifies all different ethnicities, sects and religions has to be our nation, Pakistan.

Religion has clearly failed in binding us and the civil war with Bangladesh is prime example of this fact.

Similarly, we have been an Islamic Republic for a decades not but even to this this day, ethnic and sectarian divisions have paralysed our country.

The only way forward is to make Pakistan our unifying identity, everything else will be secondary and religion will be a private matter.

Only then will we have the success this nation ought to have.

I respect your opinion, & I want a secular Pakistan as well. However unfortunately, it is just not feasible in Pakistan in my opinion. Punjabis, Pakhtuns, Sindhis, Balochis, Kashmiris have nothing in common with each other. Afghanistan is trying to "liberate" KPK & FATA to form a greater Pakhtunkhwan. Balochistan wants to reunite with Sistan Balochistan in Iran to form a new country. There had been separatist movements in Sindh in the past. Without religion, Pakistan would be facing 130+ separatist movements that India is facing today, while religion has brought this number down to 5. Most people in KPK & FATA support Pakistan. If Pakistan's national identity was not tied with religion, all these provinces would see no reason to be with Pakistan, & that is a fact. If Pakistan was not an Islamic Republic, most provinces would have followed the example of Bangladesh & formed their own countries. But they didn't. Bangladesh was a separate issue, religion did not break it away from us, Bangladesh could never be part of Pakistan because of the ineptness of the government & the physical distance, & influence of India surrounding it from all directions geographically. Pakistan belongs to everyone: conservatives, moderates, liberals/secular people, anyone. Everyone has an equal say in the matters of Pakistan. No one 'group' can be taken out of Pakistan to satisfy the other 'groups'.
Mr. haider you answered your own question , India got indipendence in 1947 which means that india existed as a free land for a long time before it got occupied and then got its indipendence .

Pakistan came in 1947 with the partition because before that , the land of pakistan atleast punjab and sindh was historically belonging to the Indian race , if the people on those lands decided to part their ways with ancient India to form a new country on their new islamic values that does not mean that Ancient India was reborn or anything like that .

India existed much before that and just because a few people abandoned to form their own country does not negate its ancient existence .

when one brother of a joint family leaves it to from a separate family , it does not in any way hamper the originality or the existence of the family which the brother left . They will continue the same way they were before the brother left .

But you still seem to forget that the brother is still "biologically" part of that family, whether he leaves it or not. Indians cannot claim that India's history is thousands of years old, whereas Pakistan's is 63 years only. The "family" that the brother left equals the "Indian Subcontinent" in this case, & the existence of the family is no more once the brother left in 1947. One member of this family "India" cannot claim to have full & sole ownership of the family "The Indian Subcontinent".
I respect your opinion, & I want a secular Pakistan as well. However unfortunately, it is just not feasible in Pakistan in my opinion. Punjabis, Pakhtuns, Sindhis, Balochis, Kashmiris have nothing in common with each other. Afghanistan is trying to "liberate" KPK & FATA to form a greater Pakhtunkhwan. Balochistan wants to reunite with Sistan Balochistan in Iran to form a new country. There had been separatist movements in Sindh in the past. Without religion, Pakistan would be facing 130+ separatist movements that India is facing today, while religion has brought this number down to 5. Most people in KPK & FATA support Pakistan. If Pakistan's national identity was not tied with religion, all these provinces would see no reason to be with Pakistan, & that is a fact. Bangladesh was a separate issue, religion did not break it away from us, Bangladesh could never be part of Pakistan because of the ineptness of the government & the physical distance, & influence of India surrounding it from all direction geographically. Pakistan belongs to everyone: conservatives, moderates, liberals/secular people, anyone. Everyone has an equal say in the matters of Pakistan. No one 'group' can be taken out of Pakistan to satisfy the other 'groups'.

And why is that?

Are the people in Afghanistan and Sistan Balochistan not Muslims?

There are 57 Islamic countries in the world already. If Islam was the only factor behind Pakistan, there is no reason for them to not go to any other Islamic country?
And why is that?

Are the people in Afghanistan and Sistan Balochistan not Muslims?

There are 57 Islamic countries in the world already. If Islam was the only factor behind Pakistan, there is no reason for them to not go to any other Islamic country?

This has already been answered by me. Please read Post # 289, & then get back to me.
And why is that?

Are the people in Afghanistan and Sistan Balochistan not Muslims?

There are 57 Islamic countries in the world already. If Islam was the only factor behind Pakistan, there is no reason for them to not go to any other Islamic country?

Actually that's probably the reason why the maximum proponents for an Islamic Caliphate are Pakistanis (ironically the country was never under one for an extended period). You won't find many Turks, Iranians asking for it. IMHO Putting Islam as a binding force removes nationalism, people will see themselves as Muslims first and Pakistanis later
Can you get me one quote where Allama Iqbal mentioned Pakistan? It will be well worth you time if you read his 1930 Allahbad speech because this is what you were referring to. He was talking about Muslim majority states within India which at that time in British India did not exist or those that existed were barely in the majority.
Read the speech and its clarification by none other than Allama Iqbal himself.
Allahabad Address - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chaudry Rehmat Ali is the only person who proposed the name Pakistan and separatism in early 1930s. Even Jinnah did not want it.

I wasn’t expecting this kind of question from someone like you; If Allama Iqbal didn’t want the formation of Muslim majority state in North West of British India then who wanted. Iqbal was the one who persuaded Jinnah to come back from England and change his Indian nationalism thinking. He was the one who gave hope to Muslim through his poems that soon there would be a state in North West which would lead the Muslim world.

You can call Pakistan an accident or whatever you want if it relieves your Hindu psyche, but to me there would be no Pakistan without Allama Iqbal, he was the real founder of Pakistan.

This one of many of his quotes on Pakistan (from statement on pan-Islamism in 1933)
“Muslims should unequivocally declare that they regard themselves a nation separate from other nation in India and they like to live as such. They desire to exist as a separate cultural entity”

If islam was only reason for pakistan independence then 20 pakistan should have been created because muslims were scattered all over india and not in just one specific geographic region.

Allama iqbal had stated many times people of North West India were different from rest of Indians and they should be separated based on their common history, geography, culture, language, race, defence, religion, and economics. He did not ask for independence of Bengali Muslims or Hyderabad Muslim since according to him they are Indians,

Chaudhry Rehmat Ali wanted 7 independent muslim countries called commonwealth of pak nations to be created all over india but Jinnah did'nt support him

Sir Syed Ahmed also indirectly asked for separation muslim and hindu nation
Thanks for putting your time in thinking and responding unlike some other members.

No, the murderer of Taseer was a zealot. Mumtaz Qadri wasn't a "religious" person by any stretch of the imagination, he had a girlfriend & had love affairs before marriage with a girl in Karachi. He was a crazed fanatic. The most powerful & respected Barelvi scholars amongst all Muslims such as Dr Tahir ul-Qadri and Ghamidi have publicly condemned his murder.

That is an excellent point. So Qadri was a zealot, can we apply the same logic to other zealots and extremists that "claim" to be Deobandi? Espicially since the same Deoband school has condemened their actions wether it be Taliban or suicide bombings. Lets not have double standards.

Can you name me some groups of militant Shia & Barelvi groups in Pakistan? It's not good to hold out a whole community responsible for the actions of a zealot. Uneducated zealots will support murderers like Qadri, who kill innocent people in the name of "protecting the Prophet(S)'s honor." Extreme religious fervor is completely against the ideology of Islam, & most Barelvis still maintain this principle. Don't take an isolated incident & make it something it's not. You seem to be forgetting that since the inception of Pakistan; Shias, Ismailis, Parsis, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Ahmedis & other non-Muslims have lived very peacefully alongside the majority Barelvi Muslims since 1947. Some Barelvis are fanatics in their love of the Prophet(S), but they are not representative of the Barelvi ideology found in Pakistan. So most of your post is pure generalization based on one/a few incidents.

Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan and Tehrik-e-Jafria that have a shia base of support and Sunni Thereek that has a Barelvi base.

Personally, I have not balmed Barelvi school of thought or Shias for violence. I have time and again said that blaming a school of thought for terrorism and suicide bombings as such is actually wrong as these school of thoughts across the board do not supporting killing of innocent people muslim or non-muslim. Its only a militant polical religous ideology that radicalises a particular group espicially when the establishment supports the radicalising for its nefarious purposes.

There has been no involvement ever proven of the alleged hand of the Pakistani government or intelligence in Afghanistan. Don't go by speculation posted by western journalists in their articles, no official of any high stature from Pakistan or anywhere in the world has said the Pakistani government supports the Taliban in any way. Every official has said Pakistan has done a lot against the Taliban, & it needs to do more. There is absolutely no proof indicting Pakistan in supporting the Taliban, besides speculations in reports by some journalists.

I am talking about since the 80s and 90s, not just now. And I think the idea that most think about Afghan Taliban good and Pakistani Taliban bad is symptomatic of a problem that affects even policy establishment in Pakistan.

The Kashmir movement only became militant in the 1990's, because of all the violence perpetrated by the Indian forces. Kashmir does not belong to India, it is disputed territory.

The indigenous Kashmir movement was secular in character. There was no Jihad and Islam when the JKLF was fighting agains teh army. It was mainly Pakistani based groups like LeT, Hizb e.t.c that moved the secular sepratist agenda to an Islamic Jihad one and the calls for Ghazwa Hind

Let's leave assumptions out of this, if I can recall correctly, there has been no fatwa declared because Kashmiris are genuinely fighting for their freedom, while the Indian Army has been committing terrorism against them since 1947, & it was only in the past 20 years that the movement became militant. India should stop committing terrorism before asking others to stop fighting for survival, calling it "terrorism".
Not sure what you mean assumptions. Please check out these links.

Deoband fatwa ruffles feathers of Kashmiri separatists This includes Grand Mufti of Kashmir as well.

Here is Maududi's son saying that his father had opposed the declaration of Jihad in Kashmir
There Can be No Jihad in Kashmir

And also what former AJK PM said about the so called Jihad in Kashmir. Not an Islamic scholar ofcourse but a view of a pro-Pakistan Kashmiri on the Pakistani side of the LoC
Jihad in Kashmir is terrorism, says Sardar Qayyum

You find me one person from the Ahle-Hadees, Barelvi, Deobandi ulema that explicitly says the Kashmiris are committing terrorism against the Indian Army. Yes, they say terrorism is to be condemned, and that is what all Muslims believe. So the Indian Army should stop it.

You are confuding the groups like LeT, Hizb and other as local Kashmiris. Most of these are Punjabis or Kashmiris on the Pakistani side infiltrating into India. They avoid face to face combat with Army and instead attack informers, their families, policemen and their families, political party workers like NC workers and even pro-independant Kashmiris like Mirwariz Umar Farooq's father and Sajjad Lone's father.

No one is against the legitmate aspirations of the Kashmiri people and their fight against HR violations. Muslims and Deoband in particular and Indians in general highlight and keep in focus the HR violations in Kashmir valley much more than what is done even in Pakistan because they are more targeted and accurate.

Pakistan used to be involved in Kashmir, it is not involved in Kashmir anymore. Kashmir is not India's land, it it disputed land that Pakistan considers it's own, and Pakistan will do everything to help Kashmiris fight terrorism from the Indian occupied forces. Zakir Naik said Pakistan should never have been created because the 2-nation theory was unjustified, & people like him are Indian sellouts. It was these people that spoke against the very existence of Pakistan. Anyways, these guys are no experts in politics, they have no right to talk about things they have no clue about. They are not taking any religious stand, they have no knowledge on these issues, so it's better they keep quiet on issues that are not their expertise, & things they have no clue about. It is their personal opinion without any religious context in it, deprived of any sense of reality from the situation. Btw, Kashmir is not a covert war, it has been pretty obvious since 1947 what the Indian Army has done in Kashmir, & what it continues to do today with its 800,000 Army personnel there. That case is specific about a covert war, & there was Pakistani involvement in Kashmir in the past, it isn't involved there anymore.
The large number of Kashmir "Jihad" gatherings that have started in the past two years actually indicate the opposite. The Establishment is trying its best to funnel the extremists into Kashmir. They still think they can control TTP and the likes by potraying India as the evil one and hoodwink them to fight the Indian army rather than implement their Taliban agenda in Pakistan.

A covert war is one that is fought without declaring a full scale war. And this is what Pakistan is doing. Remember the Kargil War, there was no declaration of war then either. In any case, if Pakistan wants to get Kashmir through war, please do so, but dont' call it Jihad. That is my main point.

These people clearly have no expertise in politics, yet want to speak about these things. People like Zakir Naik are in no position to comment on these issues. They are clearly sell-outs that do not explicitly condemn Hindutva terrorism, or the terrorism of the Indian state against their own people. They do not wish well for Muslims, especially since most of the "ideological funding" for the Indian Mujahideen & groups like SIMI in the past came from these Ulemas, & it was only recently that they started condemning these attacks, for their own survival in India, not because of any good for Indian Muslims.

There you go on a tangent again. The Jamiat Ulema -i- Hind explicitly said that religion has nothing to do with terrorism and that they will not use the term Hindu terrorism when describing terrorism committed by Hindu extremists. But that doesn't mean they have taken it up and condemened it.

And "ideological funding" to SIMI? Do you know what was SIMI core goal. Do you know the differnece between a school of thought like Deobanid/Barelvi/Salafi and a political religious ideology like political Islam or Zionism or Hindutva?

Political religious ideology groups include mainly the Jamaat Islami in the subcontinent. And under Qazi Hussain Ahmed it has become a militant political religious organisation used as a tool by intelligence establishment in Pakistan.

SIMI has a political religious ideology that is roundly rejected by almost every school of thought including Deoband. SIMI used to denounce religious leaders in India and would link up with Jamaat ISlami Pakistan and play speeches of Qazi Hussain Ahmed and other so called Jihadi group leaders in their meetings. The Babri Masjid demolition and its aftermath helped in radicalising young muslims and it recevied support from radicalised young muslims from Bombay and later Gujarat after the riots and not because of some theological basis. Most of these memebrs were just hardly practicing muslims but joined this group because of the circumstances of that point in time.

And the ISI ever ready to take advantage to whip up instability in India even at the cost of muslims there readily provided support to the breakaway factions who wanted to indulge in bomb attacks and violence hoping to create cycles of violence between the two communities. There are unfortunately some Pakistanis on this very forum that look forward to such an eventuality with glee and are probably disappointed it has not happened yet.

But thanks to the Indian Muslim scholars, SIMI has been unable to garner support and its activities has resulted in dwindiling support later on. So much so that Safdar Nagori has contemplated of leaving SIMI himself. Read the whole article
Jihad does not sell anymore: SIMI chief - Mumbai - DNA
MUMBAI: Jihadis are making little headway in garnering support for their cause among Muslims in the Indian mainstream. And the chief of the rump Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), Safdar Nagouri, is so disheartened by the lack of response that he recently startled police interrogators by telling them he had become disillusioned with the concept of jihad. He added that since the latter part of 2007 he had even been thinking of deserting SIMI.

So bottom line, stop blaming school of thoughts for terrorism in Pakistan and focus on the root cause of militant political religious ideology particularly by groups like LeT, Hizb, Taliban of all varieties. Even Jamaat Islami was not as militant during Maududi's time as it was under Qazi Hussain Ahmed where it acted as another channel for personnel and funds for Afghan and later Kashmir war for the intelligence establishment.
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