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Pakistan wants to fortify bond with Bangladesh: Imran Khan

You are pretty shameless. A pakistani has called you a useless Bangladeshi but you crawl back to get some more.
Are you a Bangladeshi ?

No need to be an Agent Provocateur, especially you seemingly being a bhakt.

People have mouths and they can use them to form opinions however they like.

Doesn't make them right all the time.

And doesn't make me whatever they say either.

I decide who I am, not anyone else.

Have some himmat, some conviction and a backbone - about who you are. Don't let others dictate that.

I am surprised you are realizing this just now - being an adult? :-)

Last 70-year of History between the two. I am sure you can add one and one together. Enough Said.

To ALL members you think there is BOND - please get your heads of sand and get real !! The reason BD SEPARATED IS BECAUSE THERE WAS NEVER ANY BOND !

IK is dreaming just like he dreams about Rayasat-e-Media but the GROUND REALITY IS DIFFERENT ! Let's just not waste people's time and resources, and MOVE ON !

Thanks for your opinion.
No need to be an Agent Provocateur, especially you seemingly being a bhakt.

People have mouths and they can use them to form opinions however they like.

Doesn't make them right all the time.

And doesn't make me whatever they say either.

I decide who I am, not anyone else.

Have some himmat, some conviction and a backbone.

I am surprised you are realizing this just now - being an adult? :-)

Thanks for your opinion.
Some self respect would be nice. You are being rejected so insultingly by the Pakistanis and you keep coming back for more. You are a dhobi ka doggy.
No need to be an Agent Provocateur, especially you seemingly being a bhakt.

People have mouths and they can use them to form opinions however they like.

Doesn't make them right all the time.

And doesn't make me whatever they say either.

I decide who I am, not anyone else.

Have some himmat, some conviction and a backbone - about who you are. Don't let others dictate that.

I am surprised you are realizing this just now - being an adult? :-)
Brother you are asking a buniya about backbone?
They own 51 percent now no?

Nope - 25 Percent. As far as I know. Unless things have changed. 51 percent is controlling interest and that's be huge....

"Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) has signed an agreement to sell a 25 percent stake to a Chinese consortium that includes the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges."

Some self respect would be nice. You are being rejected so insultingly by the Pakistanis and you keep coming back for more. You are a dhobi ka doggy.

Self Respect means knowing who one is and not what others call them.

Now- you called me a name, just so you know. He did not. Unprovoked too I might add. Sheesh....

Brother you are asking a buniya about backbone?

I dispensed him a lesson. Feeling generous today. :-)
13 days = 2 countries. 93k surrender.
50th anniversary celebrations on. Haha.
You can ask them for aid.
be happy kid.... Thats your only victory in a 1000 years....
Self Respect means knowing who one is and not what others call them.

Now- you called me a name, just so you know. He did not. Unprovoked too I might add. Sheesh....

I dispensed him a lesson. Feeling generous today. :-)
Its a saying, dhobi ka doggy , na ghar ka na ghat ka. Applies to you. Trying too hard to ingratiate yourself with the Pakistanis, who want to have nothing to do with you.
Its a saying, dhobi ka doggy , na ghar ka na ghat ka. Applies to you. Trying too hard to ingratiate yourself with the Pakistanis, who want to have nothing to do with you.
well its actually you hindus and your regional religion that cannot grasp it.
be happy kid.... Thats your only victory in a 1000 years....

He is regurgitating bhakt propaganda.

Bangladesh was liberated by Bangladeshis, they did 95% or more of the fighting which was mainly war of attrition.

This was not Bollywood, it was real. As Indian Army found out.

Indian Army was very effective at looting though, they looted as clean for sure....

My elders in the family told me they were so disappointed to see the unkempt, tattered, shabby uniforms of the Indian army and the canvas and rubber shoes in December 1971. All the Indian army did for 13 days, was walk in, sign the document in the maidan with Niazi and use their media to show everyone that they 'won' the war.

Fake showboats....as usual.
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Nope - 25 Percent. As far as I know. Unless things have changed. 51 percent is controlling interest and that's be huge....

"Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) has signed an agreement to sell a 25 percent stake to a Chinese consortium that includes the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges."

They shouldn’t sell more off to Chinese, their stock markets are volatile and people don’t have trust in their market that’s why all the investment in real estate
Its a saying, dhobi ka doggy , na ghar ka na ghat ka. Applies to you. Trying too hard to ingratiate yourself with the Pakistanis, who want to have nothing to do with you.

Bhai aapna ghar samhalo.

Look at the terminally shitty economy going on in India, Industry/commerce in shambles, people openly defecating everywhere with no toilets available.

I'd worry about solving those problems first. Basic, basic problems.

Clean air, clean water, a place to poop in peace.

Don't worry about us poor Bangladeshis (which is really no concern of yours) - we will manage.
You referred about loyalties of Bangladesh, but actually There are none! You can talk about Hasina Wajid and some deep state members tactically placed by India. The sentiment of nation was in favor of India and there is no doubt about it but now ground realities have changed. General public is inclined towards Pakistan and more conscious about their Islamic identity, thanks to CAA in India and death penalties given to Pakistan favoring politicians and growing trust deficit because of more vocal and strengthened right wing in India. Bangladeshi people see and opportunity to grow more if they join Chinese camp, which brings them more close to Pakistan and few deep state members of Bangladesh are also in favor of it which is against the previous pro India approach. It will be clearly visible that for appeasement of public Hasina would visit Pakistan after all she is politician and knows the emerging tilt of the nation.
I expect nothing heartwarming but a pragmatic progress in relations where economic viability would play key role.
No need for PMIK to try...so hard.

If they want friendship, great. If not - move on.

We know where B'desh's loyalties are or to whom.

I see no reason for us to push so hard, especially after they wanted us to publicly apologize for 1971..., earlier this year.

Bangladesh for official Pakistan apology for 1971 genocide

...and @Black_cats - What has this Topic got to do with Bangladesh Defense Forum?

By the way, do you ever comment on anything or do you just post these articles - in order to spread venom?

What..., just because you're hiding your Flags (Origin/Location) - we don't know who you are?!!

@The Eagle @waz
You can't undo the past but you can't stop the inevitable!
They shouldn’t sell more off to Chinese, their stock markets are volatile and people don’t have trust in their market that’s why all the investment in real estate

I think it is just a technical tie up to modernize the bourse.

Plus the Shenzhen and Shangai exchange folks are smart, they're happy with the 25% share for now. They know a winning buy when they see it...
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