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Pakistan wants to fortify bond with Bangladesh: Imran Khan

Not really. Not that simple at all. They had problems in 71, those same problems exist today if not worse and they’ve no solutions to effectively bypass these.
they can’t divert troops from kashmir, Sikkim or north east...
They’ll have to use troops from nearby bd, mobilization will ring bells in Pakistan and China.
they will have huge issues bypassing rivers even if they do with amphibious vehicles, even the worst ATGMS will pen through their armor and we have good stockpile of top of the line ATGMs that we build in last 15 years.
we will ofc not play conventionally thereby draining their resource and morale while also elongating the conflict
By the time they launch offensive in bd...
China would have launched in India and Pakistan would get itself involved too
China and pak wont want to get involved directly immediatley.

You dont understand . aim is not to occupy BD immedietly.

BJP needs a continuing conflict against a muslim nation that it can show its fans back at home and get votes.

BJP got brutally beaten by china. Pakistan has nukes therefore has to be treated with care. BD is weak and dont Have nukes.

A long running conflict on the border back and forth will suit them fine. They know BD wont invade. They can hit BD and any retaliatory strike by BD will be shown by them as "muslim " aggression. Also weaken a economic rival

BD is low risk war option to use as high PR. Even if BD retaliates hard, it wont endanger eastern command to much as long as they stay in indian territory. The dangers you said for IA is If they advances say 20+ km in BD.

BD is what Modi XI wishes LOC was.

He is trying to create his own version of LOC in the east.

Brilliant polical strategy to win elections. Terrible governance.
There is ZERO value to Pakistan in any sort of so called 'Bond' with BD. It is a waste of time and resources. IK is surely joking?

You are welcome to have an opinion and diversity of opinions is a good thing. However we'd be delighted if you'd enlighten us how "It is a waste of time and resources" to improve trade and military ties with Bangladesh.

I - for one - am interested to know.
Err no

What i meant is survival will force BD to seek closer ties with PAK.

1971 or pre 1971 issues wont matter.

Survival takes precedence over all emotions.
How Pakistan will ensure Bangladesh's ''survival'' when it did not bother to do that when Bangladesh and Pakistan was the same country during 1965 war ? Do you think Pakistan suddenly acquired more responsibility towards Bangladesh compared to when it was East Pakistan? Don't many of you lament that, Pakistan missed a chance to exchange East Pakistan with India for Kashmir? in fact your generals were quite ready for that, they were willing to let Indian army to over-run East Pakistan as a diversion tactic from Kashmir front. That's why they kept East Pakistan totally defenceless while concentrating all their forces in West Pakistan. Do you think, after this history any pragmatic Bangladeshi leadership should trust Pakistan for it's own defence and security need?

Bangladesh will not play second fiddle for Pakistan's hostility with India. Whether Bangladesh develop friendship or enmity with India will be totally decided by it's own geo-political circumstances. Bangladesh-Pakistan relations should not be decided by India factor, similarly Bangladesh-India relation also should not be decided by Pakistan factor. We have no stake in India-Pakistan hostility and want to maintain cordial relation with both countries. If India deliberately do not ruin it's relationship with Bangladesh, then why should we ?
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India will launch the first assult on BD. Softer target (0 risk) and will be excellent for PR to the hinduvta crowd.

Sadly the future for the people of BD is not too bright

Bd is the next Gaza or kashmir...

Modi XI is willingly making awami leagues situation worse.

Make its so bad, that Jamat comes to power. Label BD a terrorist state and invade in the name of law and order.

Presto Modi XI is an instant hero. Brought back a rebel province back to the fold.

BJP really is itching for a war. It needs a soft but muslim target. On paper BD fits the bill
the chances of India fighting with Pakistan and China are higher than fighting BD in isolation unless some ppl want to dream. 3.5 front war unlikely as India has more to lose than to gain from such a conflict.
Listen to what this retired airman has to say

on the topic of ''TOTAL WAR'' remember that after indian parliament attacks India wanted to start a conventional all out war with pakistan but was deterred by the US intervention where the US embassy issued a warning for all US citizens to leave india and EU followed suit. This had some impact on indian economy and forced new dehli to withdraw armored divisions from the border areas.
The US , China or the EU wil not allow wars like 65 and 71 to happen because they will destabilise the Neoliberal Economic Order. It doesn't really matter what ppl on a forum think or have delusions about.
Air Marshal Masood Akhter (R) of PAF makes this point ( at the end of the video)
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How can ''ghost of 71'' will leave Bangladesh when it's landscape is dotted with hundreds of killing field and many monuments and museums dedicated to their memories? Don't you know, all the big educational institutes in Bangladesh contain killing fields and monuments? Can we erase those? Can Bangladeshi people erase the bitter history of 1947-1971? I don't think so. Even if Awami League lost power someday, these things will lives on and hinder any genuine friendship between these two nations. Our civil societies, academician, poets, novelists, singers, university professors, journalists and a big part of educated youth will never forgive an unapologetic, unremorseful denier Pakistan. How can they forget the sheer hatred and savagery of 14th December, 1971 intellectual killing? Whose only aim was to intellectually cripple the would be nation! Can you find any such parallel in the world history?

So, blaming only Awami League for the frosty relations is not right. Pakistan has to take some responsibility for it's bad past. But given how much Pakistanis are arrogant and boastful and their tendency to ridicule and insult Bangladesh under slightest disagreement, I don't think it is possible anytime soon. So forget about any genuine reconciliation between these two nations. Normal diplomatic and trade relations are enough.
China and pak wont want to get involved directly immediatley.

You dont understand . aim is not to occupy BD immedietly.

BJP needs a continuing conflict against a muslim nation that it can show its fans back at home and get votes.

BJP got brutally beaten by china. Pakistan has nukes therefore has to be treated with care. BD is weak and dont Have nukes.

A long running conflict on the border back and forth will suit them fine. They know BD wont invade. They can hit BD and any retaliatory strike by BD will be shown by them as "muslim " aggression. Also weaken a economic rival

BD is low risk war option to use as high PR. Even if BD retaliates hard, it wont endanger eastern command to much as long as they stay in indian territory. The dangers you said for IA is If they advances say 20+ km in BD.

BD is what Modi XI wishes LOC was.

He is trying to create his own version of LOC in the east.

Brilliant polical strategy to win elections. Terrible governance.
they cant do blitzkreig on a terrain like bangladesh plus the population size of bangladesh... you cant compare it with gaza or kashmir
China and pak wont want to get involved directly immediatley.

You dont understand . aim is not to occupy BD immedietly.

BJP needs a continuing conflict against a muslim nation that it can show its fans back at home and get votes.

BJP got brutally beaten by china. Pakistan has nukes therefore has to be treated with care. BD is weak and dont Have nukes.

A long running conflict on the border back and forth will suit them fine. They know BD wont invade. They can hit BD and any retaliatory strike by BD will be shown by them as "muslim " aggression. Also weaken a economic rival

BD is low risk war option to use as high PR. Even if BD retaliates hard, it wont endanger eastern command to much as long as they stay in indian territory. The dangers you said for IA is If they advances say 20+ km in BD.

BD is what Modi XI wishes LOC was.

He is trying to create his own version of LOC in the east.

Brilliant polical strategy to win elections. Terrible governance.
Terrorism plot won’t stick against bd though like it did with Pakistan.
China is just waiting to take Sikkim...
To win votes they need big ticket fish like Pakistan and China. Doing something with bd risk cutting all the benefits they have rn. Their eastern part of the country can be effectively landlocked and split from em
Could you translate the last line and a half? I have no idea what you have written.

What I said was that money and economy provides the geopolitical importance of a country and its more powerful friends.

If Bangladesh economy is a ripe lucrative low hanging fruit, it will be sold to the highest bidder as far as geopolitics. That highest bidder happens to be China.

India can try to invade either strategically (politics) or economically.

I don't see the former, because fifty years of dhokabaji and one way trade (to the tune of many tens of Billions yearly) has soured Bangladeshis on India and recent sweet talk won't matter. Backstabbing someone for fifty years and all of a sudden calling them "Mitron" is a farce.

Economic hegemony won't matter because India itself has little money and their economy is in shambles, thanks to Modi.

Dhaka Stock Exchange has an agreement with Shanghai Stock Exchange, not Mumbai.

Indians tried to exert control, but they were heavily rebuffed.

We have seen rebuffing moves and stuff like these all during Shringla's tenure as Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh.

Last time Shringla came here as foreign secretary during Covid(he was made foreign secretary as he was a former HC to Bangladesh) , he wasn't given the time of day. We all discussed this at PDF during that time. Remember?

Right now India is being politely told, "Thanks but no Thanks". But Bangladesh foreign policy is "play it safe" right now. When one is polite, people take advantage of it. Case in point, Rohingya debacle from the Mynamarese Tatmadaw and Suu Kyi.

I don't see this China friendly stance changing going forward.

Apparently China is being trusted to solve Rohingya issue, they control the Tatmadaw.

As Bangladesh leans closer to China, Indian LF Radar will get dismantled in the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh will start hosting Chinese subs and destroyers. May not happen tomorrow, or the next five years, but it WILL happen. Indians will not have much to do except sit on their P-8I's and watch.

they cant do blitzkreig on a terrain like bangladesh plus the population size of bangladesh... you cant compare it with gaza or kashmir

We have a saying in Bangladesh.

You can be a snake and try to eat something, but digesting things are another matter.

India has to deal with 170 Million pissed off people. And they will not sit on their butts and suck thumbs.
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I just do not understand why people here are fondly talking about India taking over BD. Has India already decided on this? If not why keep on bickering on a horse that has not born yet, like how many legs it will have?

Indian politicians know the meaning of international borders that it is never to cross at a whim.

The thread is all about the bond of friendship between BD and Pakistan.
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If the relations between Pakistan and Bangladesh turn into a common perspective on a strategic level... As an ordinary Muslim on another side of the world, this was the question that arose in my mind when I read this news.

Sometimes the goal is not to finish, but to put another brick on top of a brick. One day conditions arise, someone appears, and completes that structure...
I just do not understand why people here are fondly talking about India taking over BD. Did India already decide on this? If not why keep on bickering on a horse that has not born yet, like how many legs it will have?
It's almost like some ppl are trying to will this into existence. They don't understand international Law and the unwritten rules of the global economy.
You are welcome to have an opinion and diversity of opinions is a good thing. However we'd be delighted if you'd enlighten us how "It is a waste of time and resources" to improve trade and military ties with Bangladesh.

I - for one - am interested to know.

Last 70-year of History between the two. I am sure you can add one and one together. Enough Said.

To ALL members you think there is BOND - please get your heads of sand and get real !! The reason BD SEPARATED IS BECAUSE THERE WAS NEVER ANY BOND !

IK is dreaming just like he dreams about Rayasat-e-Media but the GROUND REALITY IS DIFFERENT ! Let's just not waste people's time and resources, and MOVE ON !
Could you translate the last line and a half? I have no idea what you have written.
last line means .
if you have money you will have your way
Pakistan wants to fortify bond with Bangladesh: Imran Khan

Prothom Alo English Desk
Published: 26 Mar 2021, 11:23

Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan

Pakistani prime minister Imran KhanReuters File Photo

Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan Friday extended felicitations to Bangladesh on the 50th anniversary of the country’s independence, saying Pakistan would like to fortify its existing bonds with Bangladesh, reports BSS.

“We would like to fortify our existing bonds with brotherly Bangladesh and build new ones for our succeeding generations, as we believe the destinies of our two peoples are intertwined,” he said in a written message to prime minister Sheikh Hasina.

The message read out by charge d’ Affairs of Pakistan high commission in Dhaka Kashif Jameel was screened at the concluding ceremony of the 10-day special programme at the national parade ground marking the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the golden jubilee of the country’s independence.

Imran Khan

President M Abdul Hamid addressed the function as the chief guest while Indian prime minister Narendra Modi addressed it as the guest of honor with prime minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.

Imran said the centenary events to commemorate Bangladesh’s Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman are reflective of the deep affection and esteem.

Noting that Pakistan deeply values its fraternal ties with Bangladesh, which are based on shared history, common faith and convergent interests in promoting lasting peace and security as well as sustainable prosperity in our region and beyond, he said, “On this occasion, let us renew our resolve to jointly work for better future for our peoples and even closer ties between our two countries”.

Inviting his Bangladeshi counterpart to visit Pakistan, Imran said, “To take our deepening relationship forward, I also extend a cordial invitation to your excellency to visit Pakistan at the earliest convenience. I am confident that this would open a new chapter in our fraternal relations”.

He conveyed his best wishes to Sheikh Hasina and wished her long life, health and happiness and the continued peace, progress and prosperity of the brotherly Bangladeshi people.

“Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration,” Imran said.

imran is right . he should have good relationship with bangladesh .
You are welcome to have an opinion and diversity of opinions is a good thing. However we'd be delighted if you'd enlighten us how "It is a waste of time and resources" to improve trade and military ties with Bangladesh.

I - for one - am interested to know.
You are pretty shameless. A pakistani has called you a useless Bangladeshi but you crawl back to get some more.
Are you a Bangladeshi ?
What I said was that money and economy provides the geopolitical importance of a country and its more powerful friends.

If Bangladesh economy is a ripe lucrative low hanging fruit, it will be sold to the highest bidder as far as geopolitics. That highest bidder happens to be China.

India can try to invade either strategically (politics) or economically.

I don't see the former, because fifty years of dhokabaji and one way trade (to the tune of many tens of Billions yearly) has soured Bangladeshis on India and recent sweet talk won't matter. Backstabbing someone for fifty years and all of a sudden calling them "Mitron" is a farce.

Economic hegemony won't matter because India itself has little money and their economy is in shambles, thanks to Modi.

Dhaka Stock Exchange has an agreement with Shanghai Stock Exchange, not Mumbai.

Indians tried to exert control, but they were heavily rebuffed.

We have seen rebuffing moves and stuff like these all during Shringla's tenure as Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh.

Last time Shringla came here during Covid, he wasn't given the time of day.

Right now India is being politely told, "Thanks but no Thanks".

I don't see this changing going forward.

We have a saying in Bangladesh.

You can be a snake and try to eat something, but digesting things are another matter.

India has to deal with 170 Million pissed off people. And they will not sit on their butts and suck thumbs.
exactly my point! India cant handle it in long terms.
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