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Pakistan wants to fortify bond with Bangladesh: Imran Khan

How to actually fortify bond with Bangladesh using "immense potential". :cheesy: πŸ˜‚ :rofl: Hasina Bibi congratulated you on Pakistan day and her lackey got kicked out of Pakistan for celebrating her father's birthday. :rofl::rofl: Looks like everyone is cheating on Hasina bibi. πŸ˜‚ Good for some people that Bangladesh Bank was civilized enough and did not make much fuss about this.

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I mean we have a nationalistic youth who will probably replace this pro India government in the near future , with the rising Chinese influence India's hopes are gone
Interesting. How youth of BD sees Pakistan? Definitely, when they distant their country from India. It's not only China they need. They need another partner also. No?

And is this even possible that BD will fly away from the cobweb of India?

I only want to understand, can we mend our past? Because I feel it too sensitive. What are the options PK and BD have to make exchanges to strengthen their relationships? Only trade I see. Making films or dramas, don't think so (the culture exchange). So I see these things very thin. So the statement by IK also. It needs strength, a solid push, a kick. Perhaps can be only possible, if both countries join hand for a common adversary - India. The same passion that fuels Muslims of subcon to demand a separate home.
Bhai aapna ghar samhalo.

Look at the terminally shitty economy going on in India, Industry/commerce in shambles, people openly defecating everywhere with no toilets available.

I'd worry about solving those problems first. Basic, basic problems.

Clean air, clean water, a place to poop in peace.

Don't worry about us poor Bangladeshis (which is really no concern of yours) - we will manage.
Hey @Dark1, show some respect now - he call you brother even after you used bad language. Grow up.
Interesting. How youth of BD sees Pakistan? Definitely, when they distant their country from India. It's not only China they need. They need another partner also. No?

And is this even possible that BD will fly away from the cobweb of India?

I only want to understand, can we mend our past? Because I feel it too sensitive. What are the options PK and BD have to make exchanges to strengthen their relationships? Only trade I see. Making films or dramas, don't think so (the culture exchange). So I see these things very thin. So the statement by IK also. It needs strength, a solid push, a kick. Perhaps can be only possible, if both countries join hand for a common adversary - India. The same passion that fuels Muslims of subcon to demand a separate home.

Other than diehard AL supporters here in PDF - everyone in Bangladesh is OK for mending our past with Pakistan. It is not an emotional decision, but a logical one, for our own benefit. Current generation Pakistanis have no part of any perceived wrong done by their elders. In any case, Pakistani civil society has already profusely apologized for these wrongs and continues to do so in their media.

There are many reasons AL supporters (more Indian supporters than Bangladeshi Hindus) and Bangladeshi Hindus themselves support India and oppose mending of relations with Pakistan. Most of these reasons are purely self-serving.

Although AL supporters bring up 1971 again and again, 1971 has nothing to do with trade. Businesspeople from either Bangladesh or Pakistan only see the benefit of trade in cold hard cash. There is nothing emotional in this.

Among the reasons for opposing closer relations with Pakistan the main one is that - AL supporters have created a symbiotic relationship with Indian RAW agents and sub-agents in Bangladesh which Hasina's current govt. actively supports (although less and less these days, it seems).

This is a source of money and power to some Bangladeshi Hindus (they have active quotas in Bangladesh govt. positions far exceeding their numbers as minorities) and to some AL chetonabadi Muslims (people who continually harp on 1971 only for personal benefit). These Muslims happen to be Muslim in name only (MINO) and are probably more Hindu in their culture than Bangladeshi Hindus themselves. You will never even see them visit the mosque on Friday Jumma Prayers and they are too happy to imbibe Kolkata Culture. Half of the year they go hang out in Kolkata because they consider their own selves to be dyed-in-the-wool Indian Hindus. Such Indian sycophancy cannot be the identity of independent minded people in an independent country - or be an honorable trait. I am ashamed we have Bangladeshi people like this in power and in govt.

You cannot hold power in a country like Bangladesh only to benefit another country like India by being a sycophant. These people either need to move to India or be forcibly removed from power. Their zig was up a long time ago. But now it is really time...

Reality nowadays however is that Indian money and influence is at the low ebb because their own house is in shambles and not in order, both militarily and strategically. China's influence is on the increase in Bangladesh because of money and tangible investments. India cannot say the same. Indian led projects take up twice the time to gestate and bear fruit, however few they have been able to win in Bangladesh due to strong-arming tactics and influencing the ministers (RAW sponsored agents) in Hasina's cabinet. There are many examples.

This has to stop. Indians are at least thirty years behind China in technology. Collaborating with India on technology transfers and industrialization is pointless. We have neither the patience nor time to wait until Indian contractors and technologists clean up their incompetence.

No one is saying we will go to war with India tomorrow, forbid the thought. But strategy and statecraft even in India (Chanakya Kootniti) also dictates that India will always see the benefit of keeping Bangladesh under her thumb. They may not succeed but they will always try. WION and Godi Media propaganda machine is always harping on this day and night, overtly or covertly.

Bangladeshis who can't see this are functionally blind. This is not the future we want, to be simply a convenient market and a 37th state or territory of India. We did not spill all this blood to get independence, only to be a servile entity of Hindutva nutcases. The very thought would get any Bangladeshi's blood boiling.

I talk to a lot of folks in the various Chambers' of commerce in Dhaka, and most would be happy to see a complete trade boycott of India, given the benefit of one-sided trade to India only. However the other alternative is to reduce dependence of trade with India in gradual evolutionary rather than revolutionary manner.

Removing people in the Bangladeshi cabinet who actively support Indian trade would be a good way to do this. Hasina in fact did some of this in the last reshuffle - Tofael Ahmed, a former minister in her cabinet was a known RAW agent.

Given this reality - most intelligent folks in Bangladesh do not see their future intertwined with India, be it military or economic.

India's economy may be in shambles now, but it will improve someday. Even then, Bangladesh will remain a convenient market for Indian goods like it has for the last fifty years. This is not to our interest. Intelligent folks and industrialists in Bangladesh who like having an independent economy in Bangladesh do not think this is what our future should be.

We have seen for the last fifty years how closed Indian economy is and how active their govt. is in imposing tariffed and non-tariff barriers to imports. They tout their market as an open market, but they would rather support their own inefficient Indian producers, who use every dirty trick in the book to halt imports. We don't do that in Bangladesh.

The lazy Indian way to keep an economy afloat is to close or halt imports 100%. That is the Indian playbook, as foreign investors in India know well. India will never prosper through exports like China did.

India is not a good trade partner. Period.

It is better that we trade with other countries such as China, Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey, who believe in more even-handed balanced trade. Our exports to China for example attract zero duty in most categories. FTA with Pakistan will help immensely in reducing trade further with India. I would rather enrich Pakistani brothers in trade than a Hindutva Muslim hater nutcase.

We cannot be dependent on the flakiness of Indian agri-exporters and their govt. as the onion fiasco and potato fiasco of 2020 showed. Can't have our basic agri market dependent on Indian whims. This is Economics 101 and has nothing to do with 1971.

The 800 lb gorilla in the room in Bangladesh (which everyone sees but AL diehards won't acknowledge) is that the future of Bangladesh lies with active entente with the CCP and Chinese govt. where investment flow, rapid industrialization, building of infrastructure and utilization of local economical low-end/skilled labor and value addition (not to forget active benchmarking of Chinese infra and industrialization practices) will bear fruit.

This will help China and Pakistan directly, as exports will increase from both Pakistan and Bangladesh with investors from both countries investing in each other's countries. There are unique strengths in both Bangladesh and Pakistan that investors in both countries can take advantage of. Pakistan and Bangladesh have complementary economies and the cooperation can bear real fruit, for mutual benefit in many, many ways.

We in Bangladesh are already behind Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and even lower rung countries in ASEAN in industrialization. The pace in which Bangladesh is readying its economy, China and Pakistan are obviously the closest reliable and viable partners. Turkey and Indonesia are also very preferred, desirable and close partners because of mutual interest and benefit, having co-dependent economies in many, many ways. India cannot be such a partner, as we have seen.

India, which is a mostly backward, self-sufficient economy - benefits by remaining closed. Whatever faida and gravy they get from Bangladesh by selling us their garbage, it has to stop and be substituted by trade with other countries. They can sell their garbage elsewhere, which are mainly items only saleable to extremely low end economies like those in Africa and some parts of South America.

Indian goods sell in Bangladesh only because certain importers and ad agencies are influenced by Indian industrialists and Govt. We in Bangladesh all know who these people are, these are primarily the people in the Indian Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce (and the head of it, Matlub Ahmed, the importer of Tata products, a RAW sponsored agent). Bangladesh needs a different option than Indian-imposed strong-armed one-sided trade relationship where Bangladeshi industrialists always lose. I don't see this Indian dirty trade strategy in Bangladesh changing.

Relationship with Pakistan has to improve also, because Bangladesh needs a military hedge against India. Pakistani practices are still followed in all branch of Bangladesh armed forces. Most of our senior armed forces leadership were trained in PAF College Sargodha and PMA Kakul, who are slowly retiring. To this day, we have not bought any Indian arms, except minor transportation items.

Military cooperation with India will always be a huge strategic mistake - we don't want to be another Sikkim/Bhutan and Bangladesh' military future lies intertwined with Pakistan as a separate front against India (which China also believes to be true).

Military cooperation with India is a non-starter, especially when Bangladesh is firmly in the China camp. Everyone knows this.
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Other than diehard AL supporters here in PDF - everyone in Bangladesh is OK for mending our past with Pakistan. It is not an emotional decision, but a logical one, for our own benefit. Current generation Pakistanis have no part of any perceived wrong done by their elders. In any case, Pakistani civil society has already profusely apologized for these wrongs and continues to do so in their media.

There are many reasons AL supporters (more Indian supporters than Bangladeshi Hindus) and Bangladeshi Hindus themselves support India and oppose mending of relations with Pakistan. Most of these reasons are purely self-serving.

Although AL supporters bring up 1971 again and again, 1971 has nothing to do with trade. Businesspeople from either Bangladesh or Pakistan only see the benefit of trade in cold hard cash. There is nothing emotional in this.

Among the reasons for opposing closer relations with Pakistan the main one is that - AL supporters have created a symbiotic relationship with Indian RAW agents and sub-agents in Bangladesh which Hasina's current govt. actively supports (although less and less these days, it seems).

This is a source of money and power to some Bangladeshi Hindus (they have active quotas in Bangladesh govt. positions far exceeding their numbers as minorities) and to some AL chetonabadi Muslims (people who continually harp on 1971 only for personal benefit). These Muslims happen to be Muslim in name only (MINO) and are probably more Hindu in their culture than Bangladeshi Hindus themselves. You will never even see them visit the mosque on Friday Jumma Prayers and they are too happy to imbibe Kolkata Culture. Half of the year they go hang out in Kolkata because they consider their own selves to be dyed-in-the-wool Indian Hindus. Such Indian sycophancy cannot be the identity of independent minded people in an independent country - or be an honorable trait. I am ashamed we have Bangladeshi people like this in power and in govt.

You cannot hold power in a country like Bangladesh only to benefit another country like India by being a sycophant. These people either need to move to India or be forcibly removed from power. Their zig was up a long time ago. But now it is really time...

Reality nowadays however is that Indian money and influence is at the low ebb because their own house is in shambles and not in order, both militarily and strategically. China's influence is on the increase in Bangladesh because of money and tangible investments. India cannot say the same. Indian led projects take up twice the time to gestate and bear fruit, however few they have been able to win in Bangladesh due to strong-arming tactics and influencing the ministers (RAW sponsored agents) in Hasina's cabinet. There are many examples.

This has to stop. Indians are at least thirty years behind China in technology. Collaborating with India on technology transfers and industrialization is pointless. We have neither the patience nor time to wait until Indian contractors and technologists clean up their incompetence.

No one is saying we will go to war with India tomorrow, forbid the thought. But strategy and statecraft even in India (Chanakya Kootniti) also dictates that India will always see the benefit of keeping Bangladesh under her thumb. They may not succeed but they will always try. WION and Godi Media propaganda machine is always harping on this day and night, overtly or covertly.

Bangladeshis who can't see this are functionally blind. This is not the future we want, to be simply a convenient market and a 37th state or territory of India. We did not spill all this blood to get independence, only to be a servile entity of Hindutva nutcases. The very thought would get any Bangladeshi's blood boiling.

I talk to a lot of folks in the various Chambers' of commerce in Dhaka, and most would be happy to see a complete trade boycott of India, given the benefit of one-sided trade to India only. However the other alternative is to reduce dependence of trade with India in gradual evolutionary rather than revolutionary manner.

Removing people in the Bangladeshi cabinet who actively support Indian trade would be a good way to do this. Hasina in fact did some of this in the last reshuffle - Tofael Ahmed, a former minister in her cabinet was a known RAW agent.

Given this reality - most intelligent folks in Bangladesh do not see their future intertwined with India, be it military or economic.

India's economy may be in shambles now, but it will improve someday. Even then, Bangladesh will remain a convenient market for Indian goods like it has for the last fifty years. This is not to our interest. Intelligent folks and industrialists in Bangladesh who like having an independent economy in Bangladesh do not think this is what our future should be.

We have seen for the last fifty years how closed Indian economy is and how active their govt. is in imposing tariffed and non-tariff barriers to imports. They tout their market as an open market, but they would rather support their own inefficient Indian producers, who use every dirty trick in the book to halt imports. We don't do that in Bangladesh.

The lazy Indian way to keep an economy afloat is to close or halt imports 100%. That is the Indian playbook, as foreign investors in India know well. India will never prosper through exports like China did.

India is not a good trade partner. Period.

It is better that we trade with other countries such as China, Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey, who believe in more even-handed balanced trade. Our exports to China for example attract zero duty in most categories. FTA with Pakistan will help immensely in reducing trade further with India. I would rather enrich Pakistani brothers in trade than a Hindutva Muslim hater nutcase.

We cannot be dependent on the flakiness of Indian agri-exporters and their govt. as the onion fiasco and potato fiasco of 2020 showed. Can't have our basic agri market dependent on Indian whims. This is Economics 101 and has nothing to do with 1971.

The 800 lb gorilla in the room in Bangladesh (which everyone sees but AL diehards won't acknowledge) is that the future of Bangladesh lies with active entente with the CCP and Chinese govt. where investment flow, rapid industrialization, building of infrastructure and utilization of local economical low-end/skilled labor and value addition (not to forget active benchmarking of Chinese infra and industrialization practices) will bear fruit.

This will help China and Pakistan directly, as exports will increase from both Pakistan and Bangladesh with investors from both countries investing in each other's countries. There are unique strengths in both Bangladesh and Pakistan that investors in both countries can take advantage of. Pakistan and Bangladesh have complementary economies and the cooperation can bear real fruit, for mutual benefit in many, many ways.

We in Bangladesh are already behind Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and even lower rung countries in ASEAN in industrialization. The pace in which Bangladesh is readying its economy, China and Pakistan are obviously the closest reliable and viable partners. Turkey and Indonesia are also very preferred, desirable and close partners because of mutual interest and benefit, having co-dependent economies in many, many ways. India cannot be such a partner, as we have seen.

India, which is a mostly backward, self-sufficient economy - benefits by remaining closed. Whatever faida and gravy they get from Bangladesh by selling us their garbage, it has to stop and be substituted by trade with other countries. They can sell their garbage elsewhere, which are mainly items only saleable to extremely low end economies like those in Africa and some parts of South America.

Indian goods sell in Bangladesh only because certain importers and ad agencies are influenced by Indian industrialists and Govt. We in Bangladesh all know who these people are, these are primarily the people in the Indian Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce (and the head of it, Matlub Ahmed, the importer of Tata products, a RAW sponsored agent). Bangladesh needs a different option than Indian-imposed strong-armed one-sided trade relationship where Bangladeshi industrialists always lose. I don't see this Indian dirty trade strategy in Bangladesh changing.

Relationship with Pakistan has to improve also, because Bangladesh needs a military hedge against India. Pakistani practices are still followed in all branch of Bangladesh armed forces. Most of our senior armed forces leadership were trained in PAF College Sargodha and PMA Kakul, who are slowly retiring. To this day, we have not bought any Indian arms, except minor transportation items.

Military cooperation with India will always be a huge strategic mistake - we don't want to be another Sikkim/Bhutan and Bangladesh' military future lies intertwined with Pakistan as a separate front against India (which China also believes to be true).

Military cooperation with India is a non-starter, especially when Bangladesh is firmly in the China camp. Everyone knows this.
Thank you so much for such a crisp and articulated response. Looking forward to like-minded people to think about cooperation in education, trade, and if possible military matters. Would be a new era.
Thank you so much for such a crisp and articulated response. Looking forward to like-minded people to think about cooperation in education, trade, and if possible military matters. Would be a new era.

Thanks brother.

I think people on both sides. especially those who are empowered should consider all factors with a cool logic and weigh benefits, long term ones.

Hyperbole and emotional topics are the last thing ones should weigh on relations with another country, especially applicable to our relationship.

There are strategic factors that depend on the improvement and strengthening our trade relationship - those cannot be ignored by either of our countries, minor temporary irritants and issues can be worked out (like the Bangladesh Bank thing posted above).

Trust and Rome - neither was built in a day, it will take time.
Thank you so much for such a crisp and articulated response. Looking forward to like-minded people to think about cooperation in education, trade, and if possible military matters. Would be a new era.

We can work with Pakistan to make sure Indian influence doesn't bully us lol , Bangladesh really needs to start developing and we can't afford Indian government meddling with us. Hopefully we replace this current old hag with someone who loves Bangladesh and one who can also ally with Pakistan to contain Indian influence.
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