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Pakistan vs The Taliban: Who Will Win?

Please do share, lets make a thread on it..
I got something better than that
the commentary of the soldiers is even better in this video

"Bunda Phaar deoo...!!!" lol

the upload seems to be from some Taliban bleeding heart bastard because he is mourning the ya Rasulallah and Ya Ali recited by the soldiers

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the scum of JUI, Jamat Islami and Nawaz league do

JUI and JI both see Pakistan as Halwa, NS and PML N have to listen to their masters back in S.A, he has huge favor in the kingdom for obvious reasons... And yes your right, they are SCUM!

Dont want to appear like barging into the discussion, but I watched the video. The locals seem to indicate they prefer the Taliban to the army at 12:40 on-wards. Couple seem vehemently anti-army and want them to leave, preferring taliban rule instead.

There is also a PA commander stating its the locals who are fighting them.

There is a grassroots support as well apart from political support I think. In that case isnt negotiating the better option, can't kill your own citizens who support them can Pakistan?
Dont want to appear like barging into the discussion, but I watched the video. The locals seem to indicate they prefer the Taliban to the army at 12:40 on-wards. Couple seem vehemently anti-army and want them to leave, preferring taliban rule instead.

There is also a PA commander stating its the locals who are fighting them.

There is a grassroots support as well apart from political support I think. In that case isnt negotiating the better option, can't kill your own citizens who support them can Pakistan?

I don't have anything on video, but I have worked in SWAT during the time of Mullah Radio and post "liberation", people like that only understand one way of speaking:

"Haan, ya baan!"

Also ask people in SWAT from Saidu Shariff to Barain, who they prefer, the Taliban or the Army...?

DURING the Taliturds reign..... They bought this to SWAT:

(remnants of a girls school near Bahrain, SWAT)

Many people think of Malala when they think of SWATI school girls.... This one was only 6...

* Guess who she would thank?

DURING TALITURD reign in SWAT, barbers were FORBIDDEN from cutting peoples hair and shaving beards... The TALITURDS claimed Usher, a form of religious tax from the people of SWAT for the "JIHAD". CD shops were closed, Cable TV stations shut down, schools shut down, books burned and the only digital broadcast allowed was of "mullah radio".

People were killed on Khooni Chowk "Killer Precinct" daily, for being spies, immoral or anything that didn't suit the TALITURD's twisted narrative of "muslim".

When the army came, they brought back this:

Khooni Chowk, now the center of a bustling marketplace:



ALSO for the first time after Taliban rule... Traders could sell DVDs, books and cut hair... GUESS, who they thanked?



So yeah.... F*** THE TALIBAN...
I don't have anything on video, but I have worked in SWAT during the time of Mullah Radio and post "liberation", people like that only understand one way of speaking:

"Haan, ya baan!"

So yeah.... F*** THE TALIBAN...

while we are talking about our fight against the Taliban, there is a war of disinformation being waged on the web as well

there are videos with Quanic verses & emotional songs (hmm?) in praise and mourning for Taliban...
nothing wrong with that just strage that all music & song is haram according to Taliban & the singer is beheaded... but never mind moving on.

the main issue is misinformation and lies. the footage sometimes used doesnt belong to Pakistan army and Pakistan. for example..

on youtube & Pakistani web forms some Taliban supporters have used the burnt out bodies of Iraqi Falujah attack by Americans to claim that the victims were .............Lal Masjid students of Pakistan army... this claim is religiously believed that the Lal Masjid students were bombarded with white phosphorus (had the maker got hold of Israeli air strikes on Lebanon he would have used that too).

on live leaks I came across a video compilation with the basic theme & claim of Pakistani brutality on "Muslims". although it had some known footage of Pakistanis 3rd degree interrogation & torture of taliban & that alleged Sawat firing squad but also had foreign content and the commentators from west had the sense to point that out by saying that we didnt know Pakistan army was operating in Africa , Middle East & Europe and that there are Africans in Pakistan army. seems like Taliban and their supporters have made a peace with the lies to sell their "Islam" to their audience.

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Don’t’ think many readers understood what I was trying to convey. In my view Taliban will eventually win because they have a large section of sympathizers in our midst. These people are calling themselves by different names to disguise their true objective, more like the enemy 5th column.

For example a group of anti Pakistan elements call themselves ‘Defa’e Pakistan Council’. Real name should be ‘Defa’e Taliban Council’.

Recently Taliban attacked and killed Pak army Jawans when they were praying. The column that was sent to rescue PA soldiers was itself ambushed. Where was the so called Defa'e Pakistan Council then?

No one came out to condemn the attack. However as soon as PA retaliated, Hurrah! There is a Jirga asking for the action against Taliban to stop!

What is the idea? Isn’t it that it is okay for Talban to KILL Pakistanis soldiers but Pak Army should not even fight back? Again the philosophy: “Taliban you kill us but we would only talk”

I repeat that I don’t claim monopoly on patriotism, but would any Taliban lover who pretends to be Pakistani patriot explain to me why I am forbidden to shoot back when Taliban shoot at me?

Conclusion is obvious; Liaqat Baluch, Sami ul Haq etc. are all traitors who care more about Taliban butchers that they do about any other Pakistani. PTI leader Taliban Khan is extremely naïve in his mistaken belief that his pro-Taliban stance will get him votes.

Taliban Khan claimed on TV that he will head the anti-Polio campaign; another poor polio worker has been shot since. What he intends to do? Let the people who shot polio worker unpunished? Obviously PTI & Taliban Khan couldn’t care less about the life of the poor anti Polio worker and his killers wouldn’t even be condemned wholeheartedly.

I repeat

“Taliban you kill us but we would only talk”

When so many Pakistanis; including main stream political parties such as PTI; have soft corner for these most vicious scum of the earth called the Taliban; how can Pak Army defeat them?
Don’t’ think many readers understood what I was trying to convey. In my view Taliban will eventually win because they have a large section of sympathizers in our midst. These people are calling themselves by different names to disguise their true objective, more like the enemy 5th column.

For example a group of anti Pakistan elements call themselves ‘Defa’e Pakistan Council’. Real name should be ‘Defa’e Taliban Council’.

Recently Taliban attacked and killed Pak army Jawans when they were praying. The column that was sent to rescue PA soldiers was itself ambushed. Where was the so called Defa'e Pakistan Council then?

No one came out to condemn the attack. However as soon as PA retaliated, Hurrah! There is a Jirga asking for the action against Taliban to stop!

What is the idea? Isn’t it that it is okay for Talban to KILL Pakistanis soldiers but Pak Army should not even fight back? Again the philosophy: “Taliban you kill us but we would only talk”

I repeat that I don’t claim monopoly on patriotism, but would any Taliban lover who pretends to be Pakistani patriot explain to me why I am forbidden to shoot back when Taliban shoot at me?

Conclusion is obvious; Liaqat Baluch, Sami ul Haq etc. are all traitors who care more about Taliban butchers that they do about any other Pakistani. PTI leader Taliban Khan is extremely naïve in his mistaken belief that his pro-Taliban stance will get him votes.

Taliban Khan claimed on TV that he will head the anti-Polio campaign; another poor polio worker has been shot since. What he intends to do? Let the people who shot polio worker unpunished? Obviously PTI & Taliban Khan couldn’t care less about the life of the poor anti Polio worker and his killers wouldn’t even be condemned wholeheartedly.

I repeat

“Taliban you kill us but we would only talk”

Pray tell me when so many Pakistanis; including main stream political parties such as PTI; have soft corner for these most vicious scum of the earth called the Taliban; how can Pak Army defeat them?

Civilized and democratic nations always bring justice through 'Process', laws and negotiations.
By going all ninja on them will only cause more terror and hatred, do u want that ?
What we got from 10 year fight ? They still hate us, and now they are creating more problems.
The Guy just had to give a "Pavlovian Reaction"; best to ignore that kinda species......
@KRAIT & Popeye

dont be defensive about Kashmir anymore. because let me narrate our Punjab CM Shabaz who says that the Indian Kashmiris came over to Dehli to meet up with a Pakistani Delegation and expressed their regrets and concerns for whatever Pakistanis are suffering due to terrorism. Shabaz continues saying that it was supposed to be the Kashmiris who deserved our sympathies due to the brutal state laws & reprisal of the Indian forces but our own affairs have gone so much down the drain that even Kashmiris feel sorry for us.

if I was an Indian, I would have been celebrating over the death of Kashmir cause due to the actions of LeT, LeJ and TTP & would have invited the Pakistani gullible posters to mention it so that I can demolish their argument because the terrorists in Pakistan have pretty much destroyed the entire Pakistani Kashmir drive. but lets not get too much sidetracked here.

please also request your "MODI-fied" fellow Indians not to hyperventilate over that comment & let it pass for now since I have raised the white flag already. :)

back to the topic. Pakistan vs Taliban...who will win?
under the current situation the way the war is sold by Pakistani state and the way Taliban sold their war to people... the winner is obviously India...

What the....?

yes.. because the way our state has fraught this war half arsed/ apologetically... it has not only suffered in men and material terms but also in terms of psychologically, war torn areas have mentally accepted the Taliban rule because the state doesnt exist there. so this state as we know it might not exist for long unless there is a dramatic change and turn of events that are significant militarily and politically. and if that doesnt happen, I hate to say that our neighbors like India/ Iran / China would crush the taliban & cook their cheering crowd who have no moral obligation to appease Taliban.

like I said, I wont be alive then to really care about what Indians would be saying on the forum when such day comes. but to avoid that day a credible leadership is needed which cant be dismissed by the public right away due to its tainted past, then only it has the mandate to tell its military to brutally crush the taliban just like the Saudis, Iranians, Turks and Philippines have done to the rebels
@Irfan Baloch I respect your views. When it comes to Kashmir, I know how long term conflict affect population and security forces.

Kashmiri separatist movement was non-violent but due to result of Afghan war, Pakistan thought they can do the same in Kashmir against India. And thanks to them, we lost people and soldiers.

You all cry for Kashmiri Muslims but never talk of Kashmiri Pundits.

I am sick of Pakistan's cry for Kashmir. I want my country to focus on education, employment, food security of the people.

Kashmiri people want the same.

Enough of painting Indian Army as devils in Kashmir when your army is shelling waziristan killing innocent.

And enough of bringing Modi everywhere.

Things are not black and white and you know it. Collateral damage happens, iron fist is used.

Both India and Pakistan have bled a lot but if you want to go for Kashmir then keep on the charade.

But don't play "holier than thou".

One troll tried to derail the thread and seems like he finally achieved his goal.
@Irfan Baloch; it is not so much about being defensive about Kashmir anymore. Kashmir is a long-standing issue between the two contries.
But its the half-assed efforts of a "certain section of the Pakistani Estt", for so many decades to settle that issue by use of arms whether by LIC or Open War that makes me angry.........much more than defensive. To see the sheer waste of resources, esp human resources; for so many years.

And it has not even settled the issue by even one bit; it has simply led to the World pushing the issue into the dark corner of some cupboard somewhere; ironically that is the reality!

And when some "Jacks-in-the-Boxes" find it expedient to connect that to the Maoist insurgency anger then even turns into amusement; to see the "abject ignorance" on display!

And P.S.
All I see; is human beings being wasted, again ironically; born out of that same asininine half-arsed "Policies" that have kept Kashmir smouldering for so long.
But is that something to "Celebrate" ??
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When so many Pakistanis; including main stream political parties such as PTI; have soft corner for these most vicious scum of the earth called the Taliban; how can Pak Army defeat them?

Why dont we amputate the cancerous finger ?? Because if we dont , cancer will spread to other parts of our body too ...

Tribals are not willing to stay with us either ...

Durand Line has lived its life , its time for some "territorial redistribution"
Why not exchange troublesome tribal areas with Wakhan Belt ? (just a thought)
Civilized and democratic nations always bring justice through 'Process', laws and negotiations.
By going all ninja on them will only cause more terror and hatred, do u want that ?
What we got from 10 year fight ? They still hate us, and now they are creating more problems.

Civilised doesn’t mean “You kill, we talk”. It is outright cowardice.

Nations negotiate from strength. No nation should beg for negotiations when the other side refuses to talk. TTP Chief Fazlullah has declared his refusal to talk with GOP clearly.

Begging for negotiations means “Surrender”. Surrender to Taliban may be the hidden agenda of 'Defa'e Taliban Council' but don't think many Pakistan will agree.
Civilised doesn’t mean “You kill, we talk”. It is outright cowardice.

Nations negotiate from strength. No nation should beg for negotiations when the other side refuses to talk.

Begging for negotiations means “Surrender”. Is surrender to Taliban the real agenda?

I think we are 'responding with strength' from 10 years .. quite enough to get 'better results'. But what we actually got? more terrorism, now please give peace a chance.
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