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Pakistan vs India: WC Semifinal - March 30

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Ya keep believing that until they too turn against you, like your previous pets and start blowing up your market places.

Those who have turned against us we are successfully eliminating them and those who are against you we have successfully helped them and will do so in future too.
I know I know

This thinking make your good image in this world

You make category of terrorism good terrorism and bad terrorism

Thts why now a days Pakistan called safe heaven for terrorist
Pakistan is safe haevens for the freedom fighters and Soilders of Allah(SWT) against the Kafirs hindu zionist and crusaders of west.
Pakistan is safe haevens for the freedom fighters and Soilders of Allah(SWT) against the Kafirs hindu zionist and crusaders of west.

Ohh so thts good terrorism

And what about TTP ???
So you think you have more in common with a malaysian or Chinese muslim than with your own countrymen of different religion?

Yes you are right because religon is your way of living and peoples even adjust their culture according to their religon so when a chinese become muslim he will stop eating pork why? He will stop drinking wine? he will avoid pre-martial affairs etc ec he will prefer to give his daugher or sister to pakistani muslim than non muslim chinese

so basically he shape his culture according to his religon..i have seen in uk that many indian muslims prefer that their house mates are from any muslim countries so that its easy for them to share same foods as obviously you cannot stop hindu house mate to not eat pork if he love eating it and same is true for hindu and sikh that they prefer to live within their community..it dont really mean that you hate each others

My forefathers were hindu Rajpout who were converted into islam and we still have many hindu Rajpout in india who did not converted into islam now if national identity was stronger than religous indetity..i would have feeling more closer to hindu Rajpout than my pakistani fellows but no its not the case..I feel more closer to muslim than hindu rajpout :)
We will win and we we'll prevail over India.coz we have to save the honour of poonam pandey by winning over india.
Those who have turned against us we are successfully eliminating them and those who are against you we have successfully helped them and will do so in future too.

common dude where you come from???
we dont believe in helping any outfits against anyone. you are too young for this debate.
leave it. Plz
I am not saying this to really annoy anyone - but do they pray like this before every match? If Yousuf Youhana, when he was Christian or Kaneria, a Hindu were part of the team - wouldn't they feel - "We are not part of the team" - if the rest of the team prayed, and they were not included? I've never seen the Indian team pray in public - come to think of it, I have never seen any other cricket team pray in public.

It's O.K. A Muslim need to pay visit to his master all the time. :)

We gonna do the job and send you packing bye bye :wave:
this thread is rolling now, see you, Bye
Look at Afridi he is sher.

Dhoni really looks meek mouse

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Those who have turned against us we are successfully eliminating them and those who are against you we have successfully helped them and will do so in future too.

Ya but those terrorists groups, who you previously trained against us are now against you too and now prefer killing you instead eg Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Muhammad or the so called Punjabi Taliban.
Afridi acting big tough guy but Dhoni is quiet like mouse who will get the cheese in the end :azn:
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