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Pakistan vs India : A quantitative comparision

If only paper strength was enough to determine outcome of a conflict, USA would be having a state in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq each :hitwall:

Though micro level comparison is almost impossible yet i think the most authentic comparative analysis is of GPF.
" WELL LET ME REMIND you India took EAST PAKISTAN inside 10 days in 1971 AND 93000 PAKISTANI soldiers as prisoners" remmber by deception

buddy it’s all delusional only war you have won was in 1972 that to help with Mukti Bahni and Bengali insurgent’s so get this idea out of mind that you indian took on pakistanis on 10 days I know that we as a nation were still imuature then but now its a different story dont fool yourself
" WELL LET ME REMIND you India took EAST PAKISTAN inside 10 days in 1971 AND 93000 PAKISTANI soldiers as prisoners" remmber by deception

buddy it’s all delusional only war you have won was in 1972 that to help with Mukti Bahni and Bengali insurgent’s so get this idea out of mind that you indian took on pakistanis on 10 days I know that we as a nation were still imuature then but now its a different story dont fool yourself

Thank you for your Expressed Views Sir.

However Some Facts :-

1971 Was Killed in 14 Days not 10.
Pakistan Military Garison in East Pakistan was 100000 and Indian 150,000.
MuktiBahini did help but they were not as well Trained as Taliban.

In Kargil war your Mature Nation Retreated not goona say a word.
PAF didnt even do shot a Mig 21 Bis

Tsun Zu says if you are weak, dont expose your self.
I have not seen less accurate version of History ANYWHERE!

1948: You captured MOST STRATEGIC LANDS of Kashmir? looool I didn't know sparsely populated Gilgit-Baltistan were of more strategic value then densely populated Kashmir Valley (Which your Army tried to capture million of times but failed.) Secured access to Central Asia?! :rofl: Didn't know Pakistan uses Gilgit Baltistan to connect its' dynamic multi-trillion economy to Central Asia through tough Himalayan plains and it denied India of this advantage! loooool!
Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ISLAMABAD, Oct 17 (APP): The proposed road between Gilgit-Baltistan to Tajikistan would open up new avenues of progress and prosperity in the region, besides turning Gilgit as an international city. The estimated Rs. 2 billion Gilgit Tajikistan Road would connect Pakistan to the land-locked Central Asian states, where virgin yet vast natural reserves await access to international markets. Pakistan is the only country through which Central Asian State could do business with the outer world either through Gawadar Port in Balochistan Province or the proposed Gilgit-Tajikistan Road.


and the road connection with central asian states are for india :D which is going to be built in near future

do you even know world's largest frozen fresh water reserve are in the region we hold ;)
he he he sirji looks like you have acute cherry pikkin syndrom no problem sir with deu respects wht your rouges did in 2002 and in mumbai your paying dividends for the same on daily basis by blood of your own people (Target killing in karachee & daily bomb blasts & drone attacks) he he he and the biggest jolt u got was that you were no longer a good boy image to your western masters and now they all are siding with india he he he he :azn:

So your answer in support of your Air Force was this ^^ ??? Have pitty on yourself kid.
Dude today the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan in the Map of the World is itself a BIG PROOF that u people failed miserably to Occupy our country which was yr Biggest n only goal.
when have we wanted to take your country and rule it...:woot:??? we only wanted to split your country so that we do not have to face threats from both sides of the border and by god's grace..we r successful
LOL this a perfect example of brainwashed citizens of india.

prove it that we tried to take kashmir in 1965 first then come back n also prove it u won in 1965 n in 99 for which we still hold the main peaks in the area including the tiger hill.

What? Is PA holding the Tiger Hill? Now, do you understand who is brain washed? lol

Poverty - Pakistan = 30% India = 70%

Per capita = 35% of Pakistanis earn below $2.00 a day, 85% of Indians earn below $2.00

Currency - PKR = stable INR = junk status

Electricity - 80% of houses in pakistan get electricity, even through loadshedding, Only 1/3 houses get electricity in India

I can go on and on

Can you back your claim with some neutral source about Poverty - Pakistan = 30% India = 70%?

Currency - PKR = stable INR = junk status... Lol.. are you serious?
1 US Dollar equals 54.48 Indian Rupee where as 1 US Dollar equals 97.42 Pakistani Rupee...

80% of houses in pakistan get electricity, even through loadshedding, Only 1/3 houses get electricity in India --> Just your assumption? Source?
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Excellent stats this will send shiver to the spines & a panic attack to the hindis but they already know that plus their media has already admitted that Pakistan Armed forces are far more superior than the Indian Armed forces.

Excellent stats this will send shiver to the spines & a panic attack to the Pakistanis but they already know that plus their media has already admitted that Indian Armed forces are far more superior than the Pakistan Armed forces.

this sounds more relevant... lol
Hey Indians you talking about Kashmir " That you are holding it for 6 decades " Let me remind you that we took half part of Kashmir under your nose. and the day is not far when Pakistan Radio would be broad casted from New Delhi InshAllah. Time is near
we are coming for you. Go find some place to hide.

Yes, that day is not so far.. That is just one nice dream away... :P

And, India took 2/3 of the Kashmir from the invading forces by kicking their ***...
RAW was a hatchling back then, barely able to get out of its nest.
It was not RAW that funed Mukti Bahini, it was Indian Army and Indian Army spies in East Pakistan.

If you think RAW funded Mukti Bahini, you are watching too much 007. A Intelligence agencies main job is only to provide intel about other countries to its mother nation, the guns and bombs come from the army only.

Then what happened to some of your Pakistani member's claim that ISI created, mentored, trained and funded Afghanistan Taliban to fight Soviets? Are they going to take those words back? Or, are you going to change your statement?
u would be weaker in memory we never went for help to someone like Russia,
even Russia is still looking at us for joining hands,
we never went to united nations for help when ur army was ready to die without any food and ur own media said that loc was a big loss where was ur bravery?
also 3agencies cia,raw and almusad are finding any evidence to destruct isi but are shameless on their efforts so past was painfull but nation was unfaithfull with country so the result was expected.

You never went to ask help from Russia, but to USA and then to China begging for help. Russia was, is and will still be our allies. And USA was your ally once up on a time and we cannot say they are, at this moment. Can we?
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