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Pakistan vs India : A quantitative comparision

These are all Indian army formations excluding the eastern and southern command.

Northern Command

3rd infantry division
8th mountain division
artillery brigade

19th infantry division
28th mountain division
artillery brigade

10th infantry division
25th infantry division
39th infantry division
armoured brigade
artillery brigade

South-Westren Command

42 artillery division
4th rapid (division)
6th mountain division
33rd armoured division
engineering brigade

16th infantry division
18th rapid (division)
24th rapid (division)
6th armoured brigade
air defence brigade
engirneering brigade

Western command

1st armoured division
14th rapid (division)
22nd infantry division
air defence brigade
engirneering brigade

26th infantry division
29th infantry division
2nd armoured brigade
3rd armoured brigade

7th infantry division
9th infantry division
15th infantry division
23rd armoured brigade
55th mechanised brigade

Infantry divisions: 19
Armoured division: 2
Artillery divisions: 1

Infantry brigade: 1
Armoured brigade: 5
Artillery brigade: 3
Engineering brigade: 3
Air defence brigade: 2

Formations of pakistan army

I Corps
6th Armoured Division
17th Infantry Division
37th Infantry Division
Armoured Brigade
Air Defense Brigade
Artillery Brigade
Infantry Brigade

II Corps
1st Armoured Division
14th Infantry Division
40th Infantry Division
Armoured Brigade
Air Defense Brigade
Artillery Brigade
Infantry Brigade

IV Corps
2nd Artillery Division
10th Infantry Division
11th Infantry Division
Armoured Brigade
Infantry Brigade
Artillery Brigade

XXX Corps
8th Infantry Division
15th Infantry Division
Armoured Brigade
Anti-Tank Brigade
Artillery Brigade

XXXI Corps
26th Mechanised Division
35th Infantry Division
Armoured Brigade
Infantry Brigade

V Corps
16th Infantry Division
18th Infantry Division
25th Mechanised Division
31st Mechanised Brigade
2nd Armoured Brigade
Armoured Brigade
Artillery Brigade

X Corps
12th Infantry Division
19th Infantry Division
23rd Infantry Division
Force Command Northern Areas (5 brigades)
111th Infantry Brigade
8th Armoured Brigade
Artillery Brigade

XI Corps
7th Infantry Division
9th Infantry Division
Armoured Brigade

XII Corps
33rd Infantry Division
41st Infantry Division
Infantry Brigade
Armoured Brigade
Artillery Division

Army Air Defence Command
3rd Air Defence Division
4th Air Defence Division

Infantry division: 20
Armoured division: 2
Artillery division: 2
Air defence division: 2

Infantry brigade: 12
Armoured brigade: 10
Artilley brigade: 6
Air defence brigade: 2
Anti-tank brigade: 1

Conclusion: India does not enjoy a remarkable superiority over pakistan as far as land warfare is concerned. Given this data, India cannot defeat pakistan in a quick campaign. it has the only advantage of greater resources which can be utillised in a long drawn out war.

okay okay.....i agree......but the war will never happen....so its damn waste to think about these stuffs......hope we would stay in peace living happy life......:tup:
The objective was to engage india for enough time. Pakistan successfully did that. The 'strategic' objective of Pakistan was to change india's stance on Kashmir. Guess what? Pakistan Army did just that!!!!

Pakistanis knew that once, their cover is blown, it would be hard to hold these posts. Remember just 2300 or so Pakistani soldiers were engaging almost THREE BRIGADES of your indian army...and they successfully engaged indian brigades for TENS OF DAYS! and inflicted heavy causalities on them.

Pakistan Army didn't only win the war, but it also kept its gains (Such as Strategic Indian posts of Dalu nag, Point 5353, Saddle Ridge etc). These posts give Pakistan Army a huge tactical advantage over Indian Army in Kargil sector etc now. We over-look your supplies to Siachen and NH-1 is under our artillery range...

Remember, Point 5353 is the highest point in that region. We over-look ALL of Indian posts from there. :)

But I know, you are brainwashed by your govt to keep living in illusions. Well so be it. :) I don't mind.
ok you have got 3 peaks..but do you realize how mant peaks you had taken before the war began in may 1999??? you were kicked out from most of them..... so how come pakistan "won" the war???
i think its about the time someone show justice to the thread's title.....................
i'll post about equipments of Indian army and request pakistani members to post about corresponding counterparts of PA

Ashok leyland stallion

India has a very mature and strong automobile field which reflects in IA's logistic capability.


Ashok Leyland an Indian vehicle manufacturing company. Over the years products of this company have built a reputation for reliability and ruggedness. It is the leading supplier of logistics vehicles to Indian Army. The Mk.4 Stallion is a further development of the previous Mk.3, further refined for desert type environments. It has a number of improvements and upgraded drivetrain. Currently Indian Army uses over 40 000 Stallion trucks of all variants.
The Stallion Mk.4 has a payload capacity of 5 t, however it can carry up to 7.5 t on hard surface roads. This military truck has an impressive payload/weight ration in it's class.

PA Uses wide variety of trucks of different origins:

Europeans mostly for tank transporters, towing heavy artillery pieces and some small ones in different roles.

Japanese Isuzu & Hino trucks.

UD Nissan trucks.

American old ones, the 2 1/2 tons variant and some others.

Local Pakistan made Yasoob trucks (production stopped after few hundred trucks provided)

Names of the companies whose trucks are being used:



UD Nissan




American trucks of different make, but old designs.

Pakistan made Yasoob trucks.

PA Uses wide variety of trucks of different origins:

Europeans mostly for tank transporters, towing heavy artillery pieces and some small ones in different roles.

Japanese Isuzu & Hino trucks.

UD Nissan trucks.

American old ones, the 2 1/2 tons variant and some others.

Local Pakistan made Yasoob trucks (production stopped after few hundred trucks provided)

Names of the companies whose trucks are being used:



UD Nissan




American trucks of different make, but old designs.

Pakistan made Yasoob trucks.


India too uses a wide range of trucks,almost all being Indian.I believe India enjoys a great advantage in logistic department due to the matured automobile sector

40MM Multiple Grenade Launcher

It Provide High rate of fire and ability to handle ranges beyond the reach of hand grenades and rifle grenades, Can be used in a pinpoint role at range up to 150 meters.

This weapon is very common in INDIAN ARMY.

Calibre 40 mm
Length Butt unfolded 778 mm
Length Butt folded 565 mm
Mass (unloaded) 5.3 kg
Barrel length 300 mm
Maximum rate of fire 3 rounds/sec
Practical rate of fire 18 rounds/min
Minimum range 30 meters
Maximum effective range 375 meters


Pakistan is a nation that can weaponize atleast 30 million people in case of a war, if need be!

So 30 million fighters + 1 million strong! military + 550,000 Paramilitary----> against a full-fledged indian invasion.

not even a chance!!!!!! indian generals know this...PDF indians can have mental-masturbation as much as they want..but indians can't do jack against Pakistan militarily.

Regarding Navy, Well Pakistan has just 1000km coastline...and to purely "defend" that, Pak Navy has more than enough firepower...

Wait till Pakistan Navy gets Babur Cruise Missiles, a squadron of JF-17 Thunders-N equipped with CM-400 AKG, C-802As etc...and any indian threat from the sea would be toasted easily since Pak Navy will just stand and "defend"...

indians don't even have balls to even 'think' to attack Pakistan militarily.... All the hush hush is just for the consumption of backward, gullible indian public....:lol:

THE ONLY country that can think of military operations inside Pakistan is the U.S military. Not even Russia, Germany, France, GB etc would even think of any military war with Pakistan. They just can't. Pakistan is toooooooooo powerful.

U.S military will also engage Pakistan ONLY if it is in their ULTRA-SUPREME INTEREST. Otherwise, they won't even come near to Pakistan.

surprise surprise..hahaha what an lengthy post... i just read first line ...i thought it is waste of time to go further ...
Many Indians still living in past and don't have any idea about new weapon systems and war strategies and Indian army is fooling poor Indians there is no mahaan thing about IA. God forbid if there is a war between us world will forget Halaku Khan and Chengiz Khan because we have seen enough brutalization and punishment from enemy sponsored terrorists and PA just waiting to unleash hell on India.
Its funny how indians mental-masturbate when it comes to military. History only shows that indians have lost, faced humiliation, got plundered, got mass raped, and saw only defeats in all of their military history. Pashtuns, Afghans, Turks, Arabs, Mughals, Persians etc etc defeated indians again and again and again and again. Islamic Military Imperialism destroyed ancient indian civilization---ruled india for thousand years---and then divided india into 3 states with two "Muslim majority" states and one hindu majority lying in the middle with no strategic advantage.

indians feel good about talking how they fought a 7 TIMES smaller nation..but when they faced their EQUALS...indians just got ***** SLAPPED by chinese..indians ran with their tails in their *****...lmao..

Regarding Pakistan, indians again shown their military incompetence, and lack of capability. This is how indian wars went against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan).

1948 war

In 1948 , Pakistanis got THE MOST strategically important lands in Kashmir. Pakistan captured population centers of Gilgit , Skardu etc and secured access to central Asia...Cutting India off from Central Asian route..and hence containing poor indians in useless gigantic plains .... Where India would've got entire Kashmir due to Hindu treachery ...it only got some parts..and that too which are strategically of very less importance...and made even less important due to Indo-Pak water-accords ..

1965 war

In 1965 , Pakistan defeated Indian attack on Lahore city and forced indians to retreat , captured strategically important Indian towns like Khem Kharan , captured strategically important Indian supply-lines like Muna Bao railway station , PAF just badly blasted the a$$ of five times larger IAF , and all this eventually forced India to face the humiliation of signing an agreement of stalemate with SEVEN TIMES smaller nation-that was badly outgunned and outnumbered during the war... Your OWN media back then called it as "giving a walkover to Pakistan." :lol:

Kargil Conflict

In 1999 Kargil war , just 5000 Pakistani troops+fighters got 30,000 indian soldiers with their pants down .... We slaughtered the f*ck outa your poor troops...At the end of the war , Pakistan captured strategically important Indian heights such as point 5353 , Dalu Nag , Saddle Ridge etc etc..We STILL hold these Indian territories ... We over-look NH-1 and Indian supplies to Siachen...

So in every war against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan) , Indian forces have faced humiliation from SEVEN TIMES smaller nation..When indians faced their EQUALS...they were a$$-raped by Chinese But Pakistanis faced SEVEN TIMES larger nation and stood their ground pretty...

180 million Pakistanis contained 1200 million indians ...

1971 war was a civil war so it is useless to even talk about it...

can you send me those books where you read all this ...hahaha so much funny article..
.Kartik BLT

Kartik is an armoured vehicle-launched bridge (AVLB) designed and developed by CVRDE and Research and Development Establishment, Pune. It is a second generation Indian Bridge Layer Tank (BLT), first introduced in 1989.

The bridge is folded for carriage and scissored out for usage and is deployed and recovered from the front of the vehicle. The 20 metres (66 ft) long 'KARTIK' 60 Military Load Class (MLC) bridge is 4 m wide thus one of the widest tank bridges in the world.The bridge can accommodate two-lanes traffic of jeeps and one lane traffic of 3 tonners, t-72s and BMPs. It is compact for transportation and fits in a space of 10.5 m length, 3.5 m width and 3.96 m height. To keep it light, RDE-40 Al alloy along with innovative geometry have been used . The use of high pressure hydraulic drives and actuators instead of electro-chemical drives give advantage of reduced weight. The high pressure hydraulic system gives the muscle power to lift the bridge in the folded climbing gradients or descending slopes.
The basic vehicle is powered by indigenously manufactured 6-cylinder, opposed piston, vertical in line, water cooled, two stroke CI engine with uni-flow scavenging coupled to a semiautomatic transmission with 6 forward and 2 reverse speed . suspension is provided by trailing arm type torsion bar with all road wheel stations the vehicle also has secondary torsion bars and double acting telescope shock absorbers in the two front and rear stations. Low ground pressure, adequate power-to-weight ratio improved suspension and final drive result in good mobility of the vehicle

Air Defense Machine Gun is provided for effective ground and anti aircraft role. Blt crew has been provided with their personal weapons for self protection.


the image is of BLT-T72,another indian product
Many Indians still living in past and don't have any idea about new weapon systems and war strategies and Indian army is fooling poor Indians there is no mahaan thing about IA. God forbid if there is a war between us world will forget Halaku Khan and Chengiz Khan because we have seen enough brutalization and punishment from enemy sponsored terrorists and PA just waiting to unleash hell on India.

hahahaha :woot: so much fascinated posts...hahaha... you live on lala land for sure.... dreaming that pakistan might have secret weapons blah blah..hahaha
India has neither. PAF's first shot capability and ability to achieve mission kills gives it the edge. While as far as Navy is concerned, few would contest that Pakistan has the advantage of strategic orientation.

strategic orientation - what would that be, care to expand further?
HAL Lancer


The Lancer Helicopter is a light attack helicopter developed by HAL as a cost-effective airmobile area weapon system. The basic structure of the Lancer is derived from the reliable and proven Cheetah helicopter.

The Lancer is optimized for anti-insurgency operations, close air support, suppression of enemy fire, attack on vehicular convoys, destruction of enemy machine gun positions and anti-armour applications.

The Lancer carries two jettisonable combination gun-cum-rocket pods, one each on the right and left side, on suspension points located on the armament pylon. A gun sight is provided for accurate aiming and firing by the pilot. Each pad carries one 12.7 mm gun and three 70 mm rockets.

When it comes to a at army aviation India clearly enjoys great advantage due to the comparitively mature local aviation industries.
DRDO Nishant


The DRDO Nishant is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) developed by India's ADE (Aeronautical Development Establishment) a branch of DRDO for the Indian Armed Forces. The Nishant UAV is primarily tasked with intelligence gathering over enemy territory and also for reconnaissance, training, surveillance, target designation, artillery fire correction, damage assessment, ELINT and SIGINT. The UAV has an endurance of 4 h 30 min. Nishant has completed development phase and user trials.
The 380 kg (840 lb) Nishant UAV requires rail-launching from a hydro-pneumatic launcher and recovered by a Parachute System. Launches at a velocity of 45 m/s are carried out in 0.6 second with 100 kW power and subsequent launches can be carried out in intervals of 20 minutes. The Mobile Hydro-Pneumatic Launcher (MHPL) system mounted on a Tatra truck weighs 14,000 kg (31,000 lb) and boasts of a life cycle of 1000 launches before requiring overhaul. Nishant is one of the few UAVs in the world in its weight-class capable of being catapult-launched and recovered by using parachute, thus eliminating the need for a runway as in case of conventional take-off and landing with wheels.
India too uses a wide range of trucks,almost all being Indian.I believe India enjoys a great advantage in logistic department due to the matured automobile sector

40MM Multiple Grenade Launcher

It Provide High rate of fire and ability to handle ranges beyond the reach of hand grenades and rifle grenades, Can be used in a pinpoint role at range up to 150 meters.

This weapon is very common in INDIAN ARMY.

Calibre 40 mm
Length Butt unfolded 778 mm
Length Butt folded 565 mm
Mass (unloaded) 5.3 kg
Barrel length 300 mm
Maximum rate of fire 3 rounds/sec
Practical rate of fire 18 rounds/min
Minimum range 30 meters
Maximum effective range 375 meters



March 12, 2012: Six years after it was introduced, the Chinese QLB-06 35mm semi-automatic grenade launcher is being seen more frequently in the hands of the troops. It weighs 9.1 kg (20 pounds) empty and is 1046mm (41 inches) long. A drum magazine can hold 4-6 rounds, giving the weapon a maximum weight of 9.6 kg (27 pounds). It's semi-automatic, and effective up to 1,000 meters.

The QLB-06 is but the latest of a growing number of similar weapons. All these portable grenade launchers have an interesting past. While the U.S. developed a 40mm grenade, launched from single shot (resembling a shotgun), hand held weapon, as well as a heavier, vehicle mounted, machine-gun type weapon, China developed something unique in its line of 35mm grenade launcher weapons. The earlier QLB-87 has a magazine system could hold 6, 9 or 12 35mm rounds. It weighs 12 kg (26.5 pounds). It looks, and is used like, a light machine-gun. This weapon has not been used in combat yet, and Western armies have stayed away from this design because it's easier to mount automatic 40mm machine-guns (weighing over a 50 kg/110 pounds) on armored vehicles or light trucks. The Chinese, however, have more light (few vehicles) infantry. So for them, the W87 makes a lot of sense. But apparently Chinese troops, and weapons developers, thought better of the QLB-87 and came up with the lighter QLB-06.

Automatic grenade launchers, firing low speed 30-40mm shells, became popular in the 1960s when the usefulness of the American single shot M79 40mm grenade launcher was noted. Many troops today want the M79 back. But back then, Russia and the United States proceeded to develop automatic grenade launchers. This was actually the second generation, as the Russians originally developed such weapons in the 1930s. By 1939 the Russian Navy was testing a 40.8mm weapon, and the army followed a year later. The 21 ounce shells were based on the Djakonow rifle grenade and were fired at 129 meters (400 feet) per second (about 40 percent the speed of a pistol bullet) for a maximum range of 1,200 meters. The weapon weighed 24 kg (53 pounds) and was used in the 1940 Winter War with Finland. For political reasons (the weapons designer fell out of favor), the weapon was withdrawn from service before the Germans invaded in 1941 and was forgotten. This sort of thing happens a lot in military history.

In 1965, the U.S. developed and put into service the M18 40mm automatic grenade launcher. This weapon used the same 40mm round as the M79. The 8.6 kg (19 pound) M18 used a hand crank to load rounds (from a belt). Work on this weapon actually began in 1962, but it took the popularity of the M79 in Vietnam to spur production. Some 1,200 M18s were built through 1968, and it was a popular weapon on U.S. Navy river patrol boats, where ambushes were frequently encountered. Starting in 1966, the M18 was replaced by the heavier M19 that was truly automatic, but weighed 34 kg (75 pounds). This was also developed by the U.S. Navy. Russia followed in 1974 with the AGS17, a 30mm grenade launcher weighing the same as the M19, but firing a 285 gram (ten ounce) shell instead of the 458 gr (16 ounce) 40mm shell used in American weapons.

The U.S. and other nations have since come out with lightweight grenade launchers that fit under the assault launcher. But the appeal of a dedicated grenade launcher for a "grenadier" has always been popular. One skilled grenadier with a weapon like the QLB-06 can be very effective.

Weapons: China's 35mm Little Wonder[/QUOTE]



Milkor grenade launcher.


Automatic grenade launcher 40mm by a local company.


UBL systems by POF.

HAL Lancer


The Lancer Helicopter is a light attack helicopter developed by HAL as a cost-effective airmobile area weapon system. The basic structure of the Lancer is derived from the reliable and proven Cheetah helicopter.

The Lancer is optimized for anti-insurgency operations, close air support, suppression of enemy fire, attack on vehicular convoys, destruction of enemy machine gun positions and anti-armour applications.

The Lancer carries two jettisonable combination gun-cum-rocket pods, one each on the right and left side, on suspension points located on the armament pylon. A gun sight is provided for accurate aiming and firing by the pilot. Each pad carries one 12.7 mm gun and three 70 mm rockets.

When it comes to a at army aviation India clearly enjoys great advantage due to the comparitively mature local aviation industries.

We also have these in service.

DRDO Nishant


The DRDO Nishant is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) developed by India's ADE (Aeronautical Development Establishment) a branch of DRDO for the Indian Armed Forces. The Nishant UAV is primarily tasked with intelligence gathering over enemy territory and also for reconnaissance, training, surveillance, target designation, artillery fire correction, damage assessment, ELINT and SIGINT. The UAV has an endurance of 4 h 30 min. Nishant has completed development phase and user trials.
The 380 kg (840 lb) Nishant UAV requires rail-launching from a hydro-pneumatic launcher and recovered by a Parachute System. Launches at a velocity of 45 m/s are carried out in 0.6 second with 100 kW power and subsequent launches can be carried out in intervals of 20 minutes. The Mobile Hydro-Pneumatic Launcher (MHPL) system mounted on a Tatra truck weighs 14,000 kg (31,000 lb) and boasts of a life cycle of 1000 launches before requiring overhaul. Nishant is one of the few UAVs in the world in its weight-class capable of being catapult-launched and recovered by using parachute, thus eliminating the need for a runway as in case of conventional take-off and landing with wheels.

We have several dozen type of UAVs tht we also export to america and EU:

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