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Pakistan using terrorism as state policy: Indian PM


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Pakistan using terrorism as state policy: Indian PM

Updated at: 1108 PST, Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Pakistan using terrorism as state policy: Indian PM NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday once again blamed Pakistan for whipping up war hysteria and using terrorism as state policy.

“ Pakistan was whipping up war hysteria, and that the Mumbai attacks must have had support from some official agencies within Pakistan”, Singh told a security conference in New Delhi

"The terrorist attack in Mumbai in November last year was carried out by the Lashkar-e-Taiba."

Manmohan Singh said foreigners had been targeted in the Mumbai attacks to convey instability in India.

Dr Singh said that most of the terrorists act in connivance with intelligence agencies in neighbouring countries.

While commenting on the challenges faced by India, the Indian Prime Minister said that problems faced by our country are compounded by vulnerable security environment and fragile governments in the neighbouring countries.

He further stressed on the need for a holistic approach to deal with the menace of terrorism.

Underlining the need to review the current security set-up, the Indian Prime Minister called for better co-ordination among various wings of intelligence. A review of the training and equipment for the security forces was also called for, he added.

The PM said infiltration was also taking place from Bangladesh and Nepal though it had not ceased from the Line of Control (LoC).

Manmohan Singh said that India must "implement a policy of zero tolerance" towards terrorism and few countries had suffered from terror attacks in the way that India had.

Stressing that terror should not be conceptualised solely in military terms, the PM stated, “We must ensure the concept of terrorism is delegitimised.”
India use state terrorism as a weapon in so many states inside and out side India use there trained agents for blasts which we arrest every month but if this crazy old man have some shame he should see his former diplomat arrested in Pakistan as spy with out any document in Pakistan now who use terrorism as a Weapon????.
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India use state terrorism as a weapon in so many states inside and out side India use there trained agents for blasts which we arrest every month but if this crazy old man have some shame he should see his former diplomat arrested in Pakistan as spy with out any document in Pakistan now who use terrorism as a Weapon????.

If u have arrested any "Indian" agent then show it to the world like we r doing let see the agent
No!Real terrorist is india.India have to be divided.India occupied real pakistani soils.
If u have arrested any "Indian" agent then show it to the world like we r doing let see the agent

these examples until today live in india bro but need some shame.see kashmera singh ranjeet singh and letest 7 more arrested in pakistan.our gov show already his id name and every thing but you porm media never ever show this news because its there black face.

ISLAMABAD (January 06, 2009): Pakistan on Tuesday asked India to put a stop to the 'blame game' after Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh accused 'some official agencies' of involvement in the deadly Mumbai attacks.

The Indian premier unleashed his strongest accusation yet against Islamabad, one day after New Delhi handed over evidence which it said showed links between the Mumbai gunmen and "elements in Pakistan".

But Information Minister Sherry Rehman, reacting to Singh's remarks, urged the two sides to cooperate in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

"We need to grow out of the blame game mode," she said in a statement.

"Scoring points like this will only move us further away from focusing on the very real and present danger of regional and global terrorism," Rehman added.

"It is our firm resolve to ensure that non-state actors do not use Pakistani soil to launch terrorist attacks anywhere in the world."

Singh said the attacks were "clearly carried out" by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

"There is enough evidence to show that given the sophistication and military precision of the Mumbai attacks, it must have had the support of some official agencies in Pakistan," he said in New Delhi.
there we go. told u that india will do her best to drag in our Army and ISI even though they dont have any evidence to support that. actually manmohan singh said this coz all other measures taken by his gov to subdue pakistan have failed. the only thing this will show to the world is that india is tryin to get herself involved in a blame game. also i dont really get one thing. it was only yesterday india provided evidence to pak. which was seen as a gud sign within pakistan. now instead of lettin pakistan look into the evidence, y has india again started to provoke sentiments on our side of the border. it will only frustrate us pakistanis and will force us to stop cooperating and simply say evidence provided leads to no where. y does india always thinks that giving such statement will help increase pressure on pakistan. y r they so desperate in establishing their authority over this region.
these examples until today live in india bro but need some shame.see kashmera singh ranjeet singh and letest 7 more arrested in pakistan.our gov show already his id name and every thing but you porm media never ever show this news because its there black face.

Go to un who has stopped you ,go to your own Islamic confederations cant u do that.If India can do it so boldly why cant Pakistan?
there we go. told u that india will do her best to drag in our Army and ISI even though they dont have any evidence to support that. actually manmohan singh said this coz all other measures taken by his gov to subdue pakistan have failed. the only thing this will show to the world is that india is tryin to get herself involved in a blame game. also i dont really get one thing. it was only yesterday india provided evidence to pak. which was seen as a gud sign within pakistan. now instead of lettin pakistan look into the evidence, y has india again started to provoke sentiments on our side of the border. it will only frustrate us pakistanis and will force us to stop cooperating and simply say evidence provided leads to no where. y does india always thinks that giving such statement will help increase pressure on pakistan. y r they so desperate in establishing their authority over this region.

When did pakistan cooperate with India? Never!
I dont know why these Hindu Guys Came to this Forum with Muslim Name

Childish Acts

New ID of Muslim Name ...

Go any where

I will sugest Admins abt IP tracker means no IP can use more than 1 ID ...
we go to UN wow for what and why OIC simply when we going to hang them your whole nation crying why we go any were we have Cort's and we have our systems.i will sugess you Indians which money you pay on visits to go cry there if they spent that in national security today you never see that 11 guys hijack Bombay 72 hours.loll
Its very unfortunate that Indian prime minister has to come out with a very irresponsible statement blaming Pakistan state institutions for the Mumbai drama, India needs to get its house in order first for example disbanding RSS extreme Hindu organisation, Shiv Sena and VHP who are terrorising minorities in India.

How is it possible for Pakistan to coperate with India if the Indian ministers are coming out on a daily basis with beligerent statements this kind of attitude by the Indian government will not help in its investigations. If India thinks they can pressure Pakistan into submission with these kind of tactics sorry it will take them nowhere just a dead end.
When did Pakistan cooperate with India? Never!

why we cooperate is India a friendly nation? what they make good for us in last 60 years?????.and is India until now after all these rain of BS think we cooperate them they are really fools.

we give 4 guys to saudia in last year even no body has news abut it we give many to us uk or chaina because they have righ to take them.but india already lose that right soon after bombay killings.
India: Pakistanis 'must have' backed Mumbai attack.

NEW DELHI – India's prime minister said Tuesday that Pakistani authorities "must have had" a hand in the Mumbai siege, a remark dismissed by Pakistan as propaganda that could undermine efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh repeated India's allegations that the November attacks were was carried out by the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. But in his most forceful speech on the subject, Singh stopped just short of accusing Islamabad of directly aiding the gunmen.

"There is enough evidence to show that, given the sophistication and military precision of the attack, it must have had the support of some official agencies in Pakistan," the Indian leader said, while criticizing what he called Islamabad's reluctance to crack down on militants operating in their territory.

Singh's comments seemed aimed at keeping tensions between the bitter rivals at a slow burn and reflected widespread belief that multiple power centers run Pakistan.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari meanwhile called for recognition of his country's efforts to crack down on extremists.

"We expect our friends to have the same understanding, to rise above these stateless actors who are trying to create a problem in the region," Zardari told reporters Tuesday in Afghanistan, where he was making his first official visit since being sworn in.

Pakistan's foreign ministry also dismissed Singh's comments as "a propaganda offensive" designed "to whip up tensions" in the region.

They "not only ratchet up tensions, but occlude facts and destroy all prospects of serious and objective investigations into the Mumbai attacks," the ministry said in a statement.

Singh did not name any Pakistani officials, but New Delhi has accused Pakistan's military-controlled spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, of being involved in attacks against India in recent years. Pakistan's civilian government is relatively new and weak, while the ISI is thought to have a high degree of independence.

One Indian analyst said Singh's speech was intended for several audiences: the Indian electorate, who will be heading to the polls in the coming months and have in the past supported confrontations with Pakistan; leaders in Islamabad, who India thinks should crack down on the terror network it says operates across the border; and the international community, which New Delhi hopes will help pressure Pakistan into action.

"The idea is to make it more than an Indo-Pak issue," said Mahesh Rangarajan, a prominent political expert in New Delhi.

But the comments were viewed in an opposite light across the border.

"It is a cost effective strategy to isolate Pakistan," said Rasul Bakhsh Rais, a professor of political science at Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Tuesday's verbal sparring came a day after India handed Pakistan evidence that New Delhi said proved the attacks were plotted in Pakistan. The dossier included details from the interrogation of the lone surviving gunman, recovered weapons, and intercepted communications with the suspected handlers back in Pakistan.

The investigation into the attack, which left 164 dead, showed the 10 gunmen could not have been working on their own, Singh said.

"We cannot choose our neighbors," Singh said before a meeting with Indian security officials. "Some countries like Pakistan have in the past encouraged and given sanctuary to terrorists and other forces who are antagonistic to India."

Calls for war in India have been largely muted, with even conservative opposition politicians, who endorse a hard line toward Pakistan, adopting a fairly conciliatory approach.

While Pakistan's own rhetoric has been fairly quiet in recent days, it has also moved some of its soldiers toward the Indian border and away from the Afghan border, where Islamabad is battling militants.

Predominantly Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan have fought three wars against each other since they gained independence in 1947.

On Tuesday, Singh was highly critical of how Pakistan has handled the investigations into recent attacks, indicating Pakistan has been unwilling — or perhaps unable — to crack down on terrorists operating on its soil.

"The more fragile a government, the more it tends to act in an irresponsible fashion," he said.

India: Pakistanis 'must have' backed Mumbai attack - Yahoo! News

6 Jan 2009

NEW DELHI: Home minister P Chidambaram’s statement warning Pakistan that it will have to pay heavily if a 26/11-type of terror attack was repeated
came under fire from the BJP here on Monday, with the principal Opposition party viewing it as yet another sign of India loosening its grip over the neighbouring country.

The BJP, which had backed the post-26/11 reflexes of the Manmohan Singh government, has of late become quite critical of the moves being made by the government to rein in Pakistan. The government, it feels, was not doing enough.

“It seems that the warning rhetoric of the UPA government against Pakistan has converted into a bail-out plan for the neighbouring country,’’ BJP spokesman Prakash Javadekar told newspersons here on Monday afternoon, “Mr Chidamabaram’s statement that Pakistan will have to pay enormously if such a strike is repeated is a testimony to this bail-out plan.’’

The Centre launched an offensive in coercive diplomacy immediately after 26/11. The BJP, Mr Javadekar pointed out, supported this move in the national interest. “But Pakistan has been in a continuous denial mode. It seems that, of late, the Manmohan Singh government is now warning Pakistan for the future, in a way condoning the present act,’’ the BJP spokesman alleged, and asked the government to come clean as to the actions to be taken in the light of the 26/11 assault and in the face of Pakistan’s denial.

The BJP spokesman also debunked Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s ‘helplessness’ in extraditing the terror suspects to India on the plea that there was no extradition treaty between the two countries. “The argument is nor acceptable,’’ he said.
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