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Pakistan US Relations After the US attack on PA Soldiers

still doesnt make sense..
just think...Afghanistan has no railways and al
ost no roads....and not much electricity and no oil.
how in the world somebody is going to dig out the minerals and ...even if thry dig it out how they gona sell it?
Afghanistan is a land locked country and the only way out for the minerals was va iran and pakistan...
and USA has never been in good terms with iran and with pakistan her relations have declined not improved....
so this is more than enough evidence that minerals wasnt the plan.
if minerals was the plan...they would have built railways and roads and been.sweet as sugar to pakistan and iran.

Isn't India building a railroad from Chahbahar to Herat?
Isn't India building a railroad from Chahbahar to Herat?

that hasnt even started yet and a 900 km railway line will take years to complete....after whenever it starts.
So from where is the funding for current war coming and why on earth.they are fighting such an expensive war by spending money out of their own pockets.
Now dont tell me that USA are sky angels who.are doing it all so that afghans live in democracy.
whats the financial catch?
minerals thing is just speculation; it wasnt even discovered or announced until late 2010 - 9 years after the campaign began

9/11 was the biggest curse to happen more so for Muslims, than for even America. The invasion itself was a knee-jerk and emotional reaction --the amount of naiivety demonstrated in the beginning was astounding

again, Afghanistan strategically is a very important country......it's the heart of the silk route, and it's in an "unfortunately relevant" region where Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and other countries are located. Regions seen Cold War, Great Game

---------- Post added at 07:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 AM ----------

a giant chess board
minerals thing is just speculation; it wasnt even discovered or announced until late 2010 - 9 years after the campaign began

9/11 was the biggest curse to happen more so for Muslims, than for even America. The invasion itself was a knee-jerk and emotional reaction --the amount of naiivety demonstrated in the beginning was astounding

again, Afghanistan strategically is a very important country......it's the heart of the silk route, and it's in an "unfortunately relevant" region where Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and other countries are located. Regions seen Cold War, Great Game

---------- Post added at 07:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 AM ----------

a giant chess board

USA fought USSR in Afghanistan to stop aggressive expansion of USSR which was rampant at that time and wouldn't have stopped at Afghanistan,and Pakistan was the next target for sure.
That would have been a major blow to capitalists and major gain for Communists,thats why USA fought this "Proxy" war..They never fought it directly..
Compared to that..This Afghan war is even more puzzling as its not Proxy war..USA is directly fighting here..

The Question is ... For what?

If controlling Pakistan and Iran was the purpose,they would have taken a different route and had won Hearts and minds in both countries and had been nice,..
But that hasn't been the case,they haven't even tried to have good relations with any country in the region..Pakistan/USA relation is limited to Aid in return of letting them use Pakistan for the war in Afghanistan.

All this points out that the war in Afghanistan is the most important thing for USA..Not peace in Afghanistan or the region.
The only plausible explanation is plentiful Drug money which they want to take control of and remain in control..
How many drones have bombed Poppy fields? None...
so there you go
no actually cultivation is on the rise and no country in the region is able to stop it....

''general policies'' need to be re-visited. there is a reason why Iranian side sees much less trouble than ours does

when it comes to border enforcement, they do NOT mess around

also you must remember how lucrative the defence sector is in the U.S. Even when there are Pentagon budget cuts, they send some khakis to congress to make the case for additional funding. I dont think any American wants to ''lose'' this war. Problem with them is that they have no definition of what is ''victory'' .....they have no exit strategy. Every day there are confusions.

(Obama, the white house and state department are seeing a period where they have little no control over the activities or ''say'' of their generals, military planners, and ''deep state'' (the term which kamran shafis and those types of guys like to use about our security services). Will this change if he is re-elected? Hard to tell. Surely he doesnt want to be another John F. Kennedy if you catch my drift.
WASHINGTON: Pakistan has agreed to reinstate liaison officers it had withdrawn from its border with Afghanistan following the 26/ 11 mayhem in which Nato forces killed 24 Pakistan soldiers, US officials disclosed on Wednesday amid signs of some thaw in the ties between the two sides.

The Pakistani decision was conveyed in telephonic talks between the top US commander in Afghanistan, Gen John Allen and the Pakistani military supremo Gen Pervez Kayani. However, the Pakistanis did not commit to reopening the US supply route to Afghanistan.

"Although it was cordial, it was a very business like conversation between two generals, and in the end both of us were committed to working that issue," Allen told reporters traveling with defence secretary Leon Panetta, who arrived in Afghanistan for a visit on Tuesday. "I do have a sense of progress."

Pakistan's gradual move to back down from its hardline position came after US lawmakers, responding to growing misgivings from their constituents and the US military, moved closer on Tuesday to freezing $ 700 million in assistance to Islamabad even as the Obama administration tried to keep the aid spigot open and salvage a ******* relationship.

Conferees of the House and Senate agreed to freeze $700 million in aid to Pakistan as part of a broader paring down of a $ 662 billion defense bill. But it was the miniscule cuts to Pakistan, constituting only about 1% of the total US defence outlay for 2012, that raised eyebrows given the overheated situation. US moved quickly to mollify Pakistan, suggesting that the bill was still moving through Congress, and the freeze is not final.

After sound & fury, US-Pak relations show signs of thaw - The Times of India
Pak Army pours cold water on Allen’s optimism
By: Sikander Shaheen | Published: December 15, 2011

ISLAMABAD - Showing disinterest in mending fences with “allies”, Pakistan Army’s top brass on Wednesday denied having taken up the Nato supplies blockade issue with the Western military alliance while confirming contacts with its top commander.
The development forecasts that the ice of hostility between Pakistan and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) appears to have stood far from melting, for the time being at least, till the surfacing of Nato investigation findings, scheduled next Friday, into the border attack incident. The probe Pakistan refused to become privy to, was launched following the country’s protest over the killings of its two dozen soldiers when Nato gunship choppers pounded shells at two Pakistani pickets in Mohmand Agency last month.
The Nato chief in Afghanistan General John Allen on Tuesday disclosed having contacted Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani a day earlier while hoping that coordination between both the sides would resume. General Allen told reporters in Kabul, he sensed progress in restoring border coordination with Pakistan in order to move on. He stated that resumption of Nato supplies was not figured in the particular telephonic conversation.
During his ongoing visit to Afghanistan, the US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta also hopes mending ties with Pakistan despite prevailing hostility. Panetta had also talked to Kayani by phone on Tuesday.
Responding to the reports of reconciliation between the two sides, Pakistan Army said in a statement yesterday, “During telephonic conversation between General John Allen and General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on 12 December 2011, the issue of reopening of Nato supply route never came under discussion as has been highlighted in the statements of ISAF commander. It would be appreciated that unnecessary speculation in this regard is avoided.” Even though General Allen had clarified of having not discussed Nato supplies blockade with his Pakistani counterpart, Pakistan military’s clarification, according to official sources, is to be perceived as a gesture to affirm army’s firm stance over reviewing military cooperation with the US while turning down the reconciliation reports.
When contacted, Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Military Spokesperson in Kabul Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson did not comment on recent contact between top officials of Pakistan Army and Nato while suggesting this correspondent to go through the contents of General Allen’s briefing. “Everything is there in the briefing that’s not classified at all. You better read it. The general has answered in detail the reporters’ questions and I don’t need to elaborate on it any further.” Asked to comment on Pakistan Army’s clarification regarding General Allen’s telephonic contact with General Kayani, the spokesperson said, it was not for him to comment on it. “Things are in the process of settling and we hope that the coordination between the two sides would improve. There’s been a pending investigation, efforts for resuming cooperation and all that. It’s not the right time to divulge anything that.... That lets say is classified till anything conclusive comes out and it’s the right time to speak on things.”
According to military sources, General Kayani is likely to meet his commanders in the Corps Commander Conference scheduled sometime this week. The military top brass is likely to cling to its toughened stance on future strategic engagements with the US. The decisions taken in political moots, diplomatic meet-ups and military briefings sound unanimous to transpire that Pakistan’s power centres have a smooth sailing for reviewing engagement terms with the US. While Pakistan wants the US and Nato apology for last month’s attack which it terms as unprovoked and pre-planned, along with written assurances not to repeat this kind of event again, deadlock persists as the US and its Western military alliance refuse to render any apology before the completion of pending probe.
Pak Army pours cold water on Allen’s optimism | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Time to side with India to cut off ISI: US Senator

WASHINGTON: Contending that US relationship with Pakistan had reached a dead end, an American lawmaker has said there was a sense among Congressmen that time had come to "side" with India to "cut off the ISI".

Senator Mark Kirk said at a discussion forum by prestigious Washington-based think tank, Foreign Policy Initiative, that a US-India tie-up was ISI's "horror story" but time had come for it to evolve.

"You know, Yogi Bear said when you reach a fork in the road, take it. I think we hit the fork in the road in August and September between the United States and Pakistan. We saw a large truck bomb assembled, lit off next to a US base, 77 US casualties," Kirk said.

In recent times US' ties with Pakistan, a key ally in the region, have plunged to an all-time low following a series of incidents over the year, including the killing of two people by a CIA contractor, the Abbottabad raid, and finally the NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

"My sense of the Senate and probably the House is we're ready to take that fork in the road. We're ready to side with India, to cut off the ISI," the Illinois Senator said.

"It appears to me the Pakistani horror story of us siding with India should now evolve. Pakistan has decided we're leaving. Pakistan has decided that they can cripple the civilian government," he said.

The United States, he said, needs a stable party in the region who has a status quo pro-civilian anti-terror interest, which is India.

"And in many ways, this is the ISI horror story, but I would say they picked this, and we should now arrange that fate for them," he said in response to a question.

Kirk urged General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to play what he called "hard ball" with Pakistan.

"Get in with the Indian Intelligence Service, the Indian Chief of Staff, bring Indian, not just economic but military assistance on line, and build some long relationships so that in the mid-presidential term next time, the 2014 time frame, you have a steady partner with new money coming on the table that can send an important signal to Afghanistan," Kirk said.

Appearing on the same discussion forum, Congressman Adam Kinzinger, noted that in many cases, actors react more favourably when you are willing to use the stick as a way to get your will done.

"I think as a nation, we have to begin exploring more of those options. How to be a little more difficult, how to be a little harder, how to hold the Pakistanis a little more accountable," he said.

Time to side with India to cut off ISI: US Senator - The Economic Times
Already this happened past four or five years against Pakistan. No surprised. Some of these senators are just expressing out their frustrations and angry. :disagree:

ToI sources, sigh!
No wonder RAW individually is such a failed paper agency-
What CIA could not do alone- it will try doing it with RAW-

Shows the caliber and metal of ISI-


Now eat your words and stop blaming RAW for anything in Baluchistan or any where else in pakistan.

Because we all know RAW individually is a failed paper agency :agree:



Awesome news! :tup:

I just hope peace loving puppet MMS don't turn down this offer.

Now eat your words and stop blaming RAW for anything in Baluchistan or any where else in pakistan.

Because we all know RAW individually is a failed paper agency :agree:



Awesome news! :tup:

I just hope peace loving puppet MMS don't turn down this offer.

i never blamed RAW for any thing- never could have- i pretty much know how "failed" it is-
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