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Pakistan-Turkey to undertake joint defence productions

Germans were also self Sufficient durring WW-II and had a strong Defence Industry during that Time. In the this changed not the result, I think you know what happend in 1945 ?

Not even France or Great Britain which have a more stronger Defence Industry than Turkey and more modern Millitary equippment are Capable to win a war against US !

And Germany,Italy,Spain. All those countries also have a better military industry and operate a overall higher tech level then we do. We have a long way to go before we can reach just those 3.
Why do we need to withdraw out of NATO and be Anti-West ? Last time i checked that isn't something nations do that ends up helping them.
Withdrawing from NATO means being anti-West now? That means all nations that are not members are enemies of the West? Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, as a matter of fact almost the entire world is "anti-West" because they'aren't members. Please...
Withdrawing from NATO means being anti-West now? That means all non-NATO members are "anti western bigots"? Please..

You didnt understand what i said. Why do we need to leave NATO. Dont you think it would give the impression of being anti-west. Didn't you call them a terror organization ?
And Germany,Italy,Spain. All those countries also have a better military industry and operate a overall higher tech level then we do. We have a long way to go before we can reach just those 3.

Yes, I'm fully agree with you. Before Turkey should leave NATO, it must strengthen it's indigenous Defence Industry and should help important Allies like Pakistan and Turkic States to Built up their Arms Industry. Western Countries Cooperate togheter in Arms Production, this saves Money and allow to go for forth and fifth Generation Fighters. Turkey alone do not have expertise, Know - How and the Financial Ressorces to develop a fifth Generation Fighter.

In long Term Turkey should also Built an Pact like NATO which Include Central Asian Turkic States and Pakistan !

You need to understand we are in no position to leave NATO or will we be in the near future and that goes for most of the "west" organizations that give us loans and keep us integrated into the worlds markets.
Yes, I'm fully agree with you. Before Turkey should leave NATO, it must strengthen it's indigenous Defence Industry and should help important Allies like Pakistan and Turkic States to Built up their Arms Industry. Western Countries Cooperate togheter in Arms Production, this saves Money and allow to go for forth and fifth Generation Fighters. Turkey alone do not have expertise, Know - How and the Financial Ressorces to develop a fifth Generation Fighter.

In long Term Turkey should also Built an Pact like NATO which Include Central Asian Turkic States and Pakistan !

We can have both. We are lacking in every area. We also need to stop retiring stuff when its close to falling apart. Keep our inventory updated. Also downsize our forces. It is stupid to have 500,000 soldiers when we dont even have the capablity to mobilize and move them or equip them to the level western nations do. We have so much obselete equipment in service right now it is sad. M48 are still being used! We have 33-37 year old french corvettes still in service. Air force also needs considerable work.
Being under NATO membership Turkey enjoys many leverages.
Transfer of technologies, Access to many defense technologies and the list is long enough. What Turkey has today is due to the membership of NATO. Turkey must not leave NATO but alternatively Turkey must achieve certain objectives in technological field and later on create its own NATO like Block with friendly nations and strengthen them enough before it is ready to switch over, but switch over is not necessary.
It is not in Turkey's national interest to leave Nato.

Also, if it joined the EU, it's industry will benefit massively.
It is not in Turkey's national interest to leave Nato.

Also, if it joined the EU, it's industry will benefit massively.

We don't need to go in EU ! This will not bring anything good for our Country, now Greece and Ireland face the Threat of Bankcruptcy. If we are in EU we must help some of these States.

I'd rather prefer to built a Union with States that have strong Cultural and historic Ties with Turkey, for example Central Asian Turkic States, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
We need more cooperation with pakistan in military industry. We also need should work with the chinese on more ballistic missile tech. I think Pakistan needs to make a serious move towards turkish products and joint developments. Also i think we need to replace lots of stuff right now (direct buying). Not wait till we can develop it. For example M48s and M60s are pointless they hold no threat to any capable nation. Order all of the Leopard2A4s left in German stocks till the Altays come in. Also get some ESSMs on our OHPs! And upgrade our older MEKO(track I) class frigates. We should also upgrade all our 209s currently in service (besides the old ones being retired for the 214s)

It is not exceptable that Greece is now ahead of us in their submarine procurements.
Spending 19 billion on defense is not enough to make a jump up to the major players. We should look to increase to at least 25 billion.
Yeah i agree with Jigs and Skywalker, it would be better if Turkey remains in NATO as there would be nothing to gain outside of NATO, at least not as of yet! NATO is what gives Turkey military edge over its regional adversaries, also Turkey has access to latest tech (F-35) under NATO membership.

@Erdogan, Turkish troops in Afghanistan aren't there for combat but for rehabilitation, training of Afghan forces, and AID work.
why the hell are we gonna get out of Nato?Where is this come from?

Also we can benefit so much if we join EU but we mustnt compromise our rights in Mediterranean Sea...
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