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Pakistan-Turkey to undertake joint defence productions


We have 30 panters (According to wiki) but no source..... So no confirmation

Yeah those are confirmed pakistan did recieve some.

http://www.defence.pk/forums/land-forces/7194-155mm-panter-howitzer.html <---Link

Old thread on defence.pk

The Otokar Cobra would be benificial to the Pakistan Army. I don't know much about this vehicle so I am summing up it's abilities by it's picture (Correct me, by all means, if I am mistaken). It's high ground clearence makes it very robust on off-road rocky terrain that is found in western half of Pakistan. It's angled v-shaped hull makes it resistant to mines and I.E.Ds, thus protecting the troops inside. This would make for a very valuable patrolling and troop cover-support vehicle.

Correct on all.


Turret and smoke discharger.
Can't do we are part of the (MTCR). We can not import anything over 300km range.

i read somewhere (though it wasn't a reliable source) that Turkey and Pak were going to work together to produce Babur Cruise missiles, whatever happened to that?
Yeah i agree with Jigs and Skywalker, it would be better if Turkey remains in NATO as there would be nothing to gain outside of NATO, at least not as of yet! NATO is what gives Turkey military edge over its regional adversaries, also Turkey has access to latest tech (F-35) under NATO membership.

@Erdogan, Turkish troops in Afghanistan aren't there for combat but for rehabilitation, training of Afghan forces, and AID work.

First, I meant that we should withdraw from NATO when we are self-sufficient, not now.

Secondly, I know that Turkish soldiers are not killing Afghans, but the U.S. and NATO are not there to benefit Afghanistan and Afghan people. I can provide a lot of sources but I don't want to further derail the thread, lol.
Jigs...More military cooperation more technology transfers just as israelis got under table branding their own.

I highly doubt if there is any restriction on self development of Cruise Missiles over 300km. Sooner or later Turkey will have to acquire as it is one smart weapon of 21st century which a Modern Army or Turkey cannot ignore special in a tense region.
Jigs...More military cooperation more technology transfers just as israelis got under table branding their own.

I highly doubt if there is any restriction on self development of Cruise Missiles over 300km. Sooner or later Turkey will have to acquire as it is one smart weapon of 21st century which a Modern Army or Turkey cannot ignore special in a tense region.

No there is no rules against self development only transfer. We still lack in many areas though and it will take time.
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